Pomoc oko co.cc

Započeo [MX] MineCraft Kruno1407 SoaD Macaskill.cpp, Oktobar 07, 2010, 07:48:13 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Ovako ljudovi :D   Zanima mene kako da ja uredim stranicu co.cc

Ja udjem na stranicu i kaze mi ovo

Your website is up and running!

Website lockerzrpg.co.cc has been successfully installed on server.
Please delete file "default.php" from public_html folder and upload your website by using FTP or web based File Manager.

- Your account information can be found on http://members.000webhost.com/
- If you need help, please check our forums and and FAQ List.
- Please review our Terms Of Service to see what is not allowed to upload.

If you are going to violate our TOS, please read this text until it's not too late!
Do not waste your time with 000webhost.com, if you are going to upload any illegal website here! All content is manually reviewed by humans, so if we will detect anything illegal, your account will be terminated. So don't waste your time in promoting your scams, hacking websites, or anything else malicious - your account will be terminated in 5 minutes after we will receive first abuse report or anything abusive will be detected by our staff. We also report all illegal activity to the local and international authorities.

Below you can see your current files in public_html folder.
Last Modified
default.phpdefault.php 8KB Oct 05 2010 07:47:27 AM

Cuo sam da treba neki program samo neznam koji mislim da je FileZilla

Ali sta ja trebam ucitat kad ga pokrenem i kako da ju uredim!  To me zanima

Hvala unaprijed za dobre odgovore :D

Moras ubacit smf ako zelis forum. Odes u cpanel(ako imaju) i upas.