[POMOC] Ne mogu se konektovati na kucni server

Započeo gruevski, Jul 19, 2015, 19:44:18 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Detaljan opis problema: Radio sam novi sistem u modu i sve je ok nema errora ali upalim samp-server.exe i konektam se na server i nece da se konekta pis retrying.....
Skripta koju koristim: UP edit
Neke slike/video/kod za lakse dobivanje pomoci (npr.slika server.cfg, server log ili slično): ako treba recite
"... As bad as you may think i am,
as far as you think i am willing to go
to protect that which i hold most dear,
you can't possibly fathom how deep
that well of mine truly goes."

Jesi li prije ulazio na taj server, ako nisi mogao onda probaj updatovati samp server verziju na 0.3.7. ako već nije.

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Ulazio do danas ujutro , Srv je 0.3.7
"... As bad as you may think i am,
as far as you think i am willing to go
to protect that which i hold most dear,
you can't possibly fathom how deep
that well of mine truly goes."

"... As bad as you may think i am,
as far as you think i am willing to go
to protect that which i hold most dear,
you can't possibly fathom how deep
that well of mine truly goes."

Stavi samp-server.exe od 0.3.7 samp windows verzije u folder od moda umesto starog samp-server.exe pa probaj .

vec je od 0.3.7 ali resio sam
"... As bad as you may think i am,
as far as you think i am willing to go
to protect that which i hold most dear,
you can't possibly fathom how deep
that well of mine truly goes."