Odgovori za LS-RP

Započeo [IF] mariomako, Jun 07, 2010, 22:41:39 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

zz, jel neznam dobro engleski a i nebiva me mnogo o RP dajte mi tacne odgovore na ove prasanje
http://cp.ls-rp.com/index.php?page=register za da bi se registrirao znam da se uvjek mjenjaju prasanja ali ipak ce mi iskoritistti pomoc pls

Pa lol prvo valjda mos i znas.. btw. rjecnik.net..

Ostalo ovako je moje:

How does your character come to Los Santos and why?
It is a long story. I was born in San Fierro and I lived there as long as my father did not have to go in Las Venturas for a job, so we( my mother and I) had also to go with him. Shortly after we arrived in Las Venturas, my father was killed by mafia, then me and my mother had to move back to San Fierro because we were persecuted by mafia and its employees. Shortly thereafter, my mother died of a short and severe illness and I did not have where to go. I moved to a foster family. I fall out with them and went to live in Los Santos.

How are you planning to roleplay this character?
I am planning to live like a normal citizen (civil), find a job, a wife, found a family of four, do not get involved in some sort of mafia operations, and live happily with my family until my death.

Do you have any previous experience in roleplaying? If so, where?
Yes, I was playing recently at Genius Gaming server. I am RP player already two years.

What is our policy on robbing and scamming?
Robbing and scamming are allowed up to 5G's in rob,and 50G's in scam
Its not allowed to rob player under lvl 3. OOC Scamming and Robbing is not allowed, only IC is allowed.

Explain the following expressions and give examples: Death Matching, Revenge Killing, Metagaming, Powergaming
Killing or attacking other players without RP reason. It is unacceptable when you obtain the weapon, you come to the idlewood and shoot at everyone, it will lead to a ban.

Murder or attempted murder of an individual or group who killes you. When you die you "lose" memory.

MetaGaming is using of OOC information for IC benefit. You say somebody's name on the IC chat, but you don't know that person, you heard/saw his name over the OOC.

Power Gaming- the forcing of role-play upon another person.
An example of power gaming: *(/me) resist, then *(/me) breaks free, when being dragged by two or more people. You cannot break away from two people dragging you at the same time
An example of forcing role-play would be *(/me) knocks him out. This is considered power gaming, because you can't knock someone out with one punch.
Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.

1.Out Of Character.
2.OOC Chat.
3.No, you are not allowed to have multiple accounts.
4.Using OOC knowledge IC.    
5.By finding out in a roleplay manner.
6.Doing things that aren't realistic (Use an object you dont have)
7.It stands for Role Play.
8.You can kill cops but you do need a good roleplay reason.
9.Absolutely not! Spawnraping and deathmatching are bannable.

Evo to su ti odgovori...Ako je nesto krivo pitaj... ;)

Mysterious roleplay

* mariomako brise ovu temu
Poslednja Izmena: Jun 10, 2010, 14:25:12 POSLE PODNE od mariomako

1. pitanje - 2 odgovor
2. pitanje - 1 odgovor
3. pitanje - 3 odgovor
4. pitanje - Ne znam prijevod xD
5. pitanje - 2 odgovor
6. pitanje - 1 odgovor
7. pitanje - 1 odgovor
8. pitanje - 2 odgovor
9. pitanje - 3 odgovor

Nadam se da sam pomogao :)

ma lock da se ne spama, imaju odgovori ovde i gotovo

Ma bio sam lockao pa je neko unlockao....evo opet

Poslednja Izmena: Jun 10, 2010, 14:38:02 POSLE PODNE od <- Tequila ->

[MAP]Mall Caffe Bar
[MAP]Predsjednikova kuća

Respect: Correlli, Momak, Zic, Nik, Blood, Neno, joxy, Hawks, Soprano ...