[Pomoc] u vezi Veh system

Započeo yabb3, Maj 01, 2013, 16:16:20 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Skipta koju koristim: Ravens GM

Definisao sam Faction vozila tacan broj je 340
new car = 340;

339 je poslednji auto u GM i dodao sam za jedan vise,medjutim kupim automobil trenutno u statsu nemam nista

slika 1: http://i39.tinypic.com/30979ja.png - ovde je stats bez automobila
slika 2: http://i44.tinypic.com/qxkoj6.png - ovde sam kupio svoj automobil
slika 3: http://i43.tinypic.com/x3ihiu.png - ovde se automobil nalazi u statsu sve lepo kaze
slika 4: http://i44.tinypic.com/dz81m1.png - ovde ja ulazim u svoj lepi automobil i sve je uredu
slika 5: http://i41.tinypic.com/2efnihj.png - NAKON /gmx restarta nista nije kako treba ulazim u isti auto pise owner: prazno
slika 5: http://i42.tinypic.com/r74nz9.png - ovde u statsu kaze da je moj auto neki Dumper koji je u stvari saleVehicle i ja nisam njegov vlasnik

Ako neko zna u cemu sam pogresio neka mi molim vas objasni

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Over 50 reputation.

Jel zna neko?  :'(

forum.sa-mp.com info:
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Over 50 reputation.


Moras da napravis da kad igrac kupi vozilo cuva se u njegovom fajlu,inace nista.

mislis da stavim da se podatci vozila stavljaju na njegov acc?
Kako to da izvedem?

forum.sa-mp.com info:
Over 1000 posts.
Over 50 reputation.


Daj mi komandu ili dialog kojim kupujes vozilo  ,da pogledam varijable.

        else if(strcmp(x_nr,"buy",true) == 0)
            new car = 340;
            new model = GetVehicleModel(idcar);
                if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] < 5)
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You need to be level 5 to buy a vehicle!");
                    return 1;
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] == 9999 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] == 9999 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3] == 9999) { }
    else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"* You already own Three cars!");
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= GetVehiclePrice(idcar))
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] == 1)
for(new h = 340; h < sizeof(CarInfo); h++)
if(CarInfo[h][cOwned] == 0)
car = h;
h = 9999;
format(string, sizeof(string),"LARP/Vehicles/%d.ini",car)

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] == 9999) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] = car; }
else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] == 9999) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] = car; }
else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3] == 9999) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3] = car; }
else { return 1; }
CarInfo[car][cOwned] = 1;
strmid(CarInfo[car][cOwner], sendername, 0, strlen(sendername), 999);
if(IsModelAPlane(idcar) || IsModelAHeli(idcar))
CarInfo[car][cLocationx] = 1432.6451;
CarInfo[car][cLocationy] = 1378.7216;
CarInfo[car][cLocationz] = 11.5507;
CarInfo[car][cAngle] = 359.2072;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, "Your Aircraft has been deliveried to Las Venturas Airport, you can get it there!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, "Your vehicle is unlocked so you can pay someone to deliver it to your new spawn point!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NICERED, "REMEMBER: Leaving your car in the deliver point can get your car SOLD by an administration without refund!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~p~Congratulations~n~~w~Don't forget to pickup your car at the ~b~Las Venturas Airport!", 5000, 3);
else if(IsModelABoat(idcar))
    CarInfo[car][cLocationx] = -1568.9614;
CarInfo[car][cLocationy] = 169.0118;
CarInfo[car][cLocationz] = -0.6016;
CarInfo[car][cAngle] = 208.7506;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, "Your Boat has been deliveried to San Fierro Docks, you can get it there!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, "Your vehicle is unlocked so you can pay someone to deliver it to your new spawn point!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NICERED, "REMEMBER: Leaving your car in the deliver point can get your car SOLD by an administration without refund!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~p~Congratulations~n~~w~Don't forget to pickup your car at the ~b~San Fierro Docks!", 5000, 3);
                                CarInfo[car][cLocationx] = -1589.2644;
CarInfo[car][cLocationy] = 106.9119;
CarInfo[car][cLocationz] = 3.5495;
CarInfo[car][cAngle] = 317.1649;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, "Your vehicle has been deliveried to San Fierro Docks, you can get it there!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW2, "Your vehicle is unlocked so you can pay someone to deliver it to your new spawn point!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_NICERED, "REMEMBER: Leaving your car in the deliver point can get your car SOLD by an administration without refund!");
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~p~Congratulations~n~~w~Don't forget to pickup your car at the ~b~San Fierro Docks!", 5000, 3);
CarInfo[car][cModel] = model;
CarInfo[car][cVirWorld] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cPaintjob] = 999;

CarInfo[car][cColorOne] = 1;
CarInfo[car][cColorTwo] = 1;

CarInfo[car][cComponent0] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent1] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent2] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent3] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent4] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent5] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent6] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent7] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent8] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent9] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent10] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent11] = 0;
CarInfo[car][cComponent12] = 0;
    CarInfo[car][cComponent13] = 0;
ownedcar[car] = CreateVehicle(CarInfo[car][cModel],CarInfo[car][cLocationx],CarInfo[car][cLocationy],CarInfo[car][cLocationz],90.0,1,1,30000);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Congratulations on your new purchase!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Type /vehiclehelp to view the vehicle manual!");
gEngine[playerid] = 0;
engineOn[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)] = false;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Remember to set the new Security Code of the Car (/v setcode)!");
new pass[24];
format(pass, sizeof(pass),"%d%d%d",random(9),random(9),random(9));
CarInfo[car][cCode] = strval(pass);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "* For security reasons, a Driving License is needed to buy a car!");
return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "  You don't have enough cash with you ! ");
    return 1;

forum.sa-mp.com info:
Over 1000 posts.
Over 50 reputation.

Jel mi moze neko pomoci u opste ne razumem zasto nakon restarta radi a dok ne restartujem sve je ok posle restarta nista nije u redu,i opet isto tako obrisem iz server fajlova kupljeno auto,izbrisem iz stats auto i kupim ga i sve normalno dok ne restartujem opet

forum.sa-mp.com info:
Over 1000 posts.
Over 50 reputation.


Mislim da bi to ovako trebalo da ide na ravensu.
Ispod publica onplayerregister dodaj:
format(var, 64, "Car=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey]);fwrite(hFile, var);
format(var, 64, "Car2=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2]);fwrite(hFile, var);
format(var, 64, "Car3=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3]);fwrite(hFile, var);

Ispod publica OnPlayerUpdateCustom
format(var, 64, "Car=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey]);fwrite(hFile, var);
format(var, 64, "Car2=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2]);fwrite(hFile, var);
format(var, 64, "Car3=%d\n",PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3]);fwrite(hFile, var);

Ispod onplayerlogin
        if( strcmp( key , "Car" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey] = strval( val ); }
        if( strcmp( key , "Car2" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] = strval( val ); }
        if( strcmp( key , "Car3" , true ) == 0 ) { val = ini_GetValue( Data ); PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey3] = strval( val ); }

Poslednja Izmena: Maj 02, 2013, 06:12:12 PRE PODNE od Joe_Most

nesto slicno vec postoji a i nemam OnPlayerUpdateCustom

forum.sa-mp.com info:
Over 1000 posts.
Over 50 reputation.


Citat: Joe_Most poslato Maj 02, 2013, 15:35:11 POSLE PODNE
Daj mi komandu /update

if (strcmp(cmd, "/update", true) == 0)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,19990,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Select which thing do you want to reload","1\tUser file\n2\tVehicle File\n3\tHouse File\n3\tBizz File\n4\tSBizz File","Select","Cancel");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"* You're not authorised to use this command!");
    return 1;
return 1;

Ja nisam siguran da li je do cuvanja server fajlova jer kao da se pomesaju idovi na primer imao sam zadnji auto 339 taj dumper koji je na prodaju i onda nakon restarta ako ima 10 kupljenih auta svih deset su taj zadnji dumper ali sa drugim idovima a u server files stoji lepo id auta i ko je vlasnik ja mislim nikako mi nije jasno zasto se to dogadja

forum.sa-mp.com info:
Over 1000 posts.
Over 50 reputation.

Evo na primer sada sam stavio pod
new car = 340;
sam stavio 1
I sada kad kupim auto krene od ID 1 i to bude na primer Army kamion ali kada gmx ono ga zameni i kupljeni auto je u redu,ali nije mi jasno zasto kada stavim na poslednji auto u GM a to je 339 i stavio sam 1 vise i sve bude ok dok ne restartujem nikako mi nije jasno zasto sad kada stavim na 1 radi ali zamenjuje Org aute a ovako kako bi trebalo biti nece  :'(
Poslednja Izmena: Maj 03, 2013, 01:16:19 PRE PODNE od Niko_Crawford

forum.sa-mp.com info:
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Over 50 reputation.

Znaci niko ne zna u cemo bi mogao biti problem?

forum.sa-mp.com info:
Over 1000 posts.
Over 50 reputation.

Niko ne zna da pomogne,moze lock onda

forum.sa-mp.com info:
Over 1000 posts.
Over 50 reputation.

Platicu nekom iz Srbije 1000 dinara samo da mi resi ovo.
Probao sam i da izbrisem sva org vozila i ostavim po jedan i definisem 18 + 1 = 19 auta samo jedan sales car ostavim i sve znaci kupim prvi id19 kupim drugi id20 kupim treci isto id 20 i pise da je state,ja odjem i v park i on na moje ime nemam ideju zasto je ovo tako,ako zeli neko da mi pomogne ili ako problem nije resiv da me kontaktira ako neko moze da mi ubaci bilo kakav drugi car system jer cu poludeti :D

forum.sa-mp.com info:
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