San Andreas Forest Rangers

Započeo ...Neno..., Decembar 09, 2012, 09:50:52 PRE PODNE

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Corne (sa oficijalnog samp foruma):
CitatSan Andreas Forest Rangers used to be a faction on Red County RP, which is a server based in all towns of San Andreas but mainly in the Red County section. Anyway, this year i decided to remake the video i posted last year because i didnt put everything in that video back then. Anyway, its one of the transports of Christmas Trees we used to do and sell them afterwards for some dollars. It used to be a great piece of our roleplay at christmas time, but we also used to close all the dirt roads and help Elite Trucking with keeping the roads snow-free using dozers. It were good times and i might make some more videos soon.
San Andreas Forest Rangers je koriscena kao organizacija(frakcija) na Red County RP,server koji je baziran na sve gradove San Andreasa,ali uglavnom u Red County.Kako god,ove godine sam odlucio da uredim video koji sam postavio prosle godine zato sto nisam stavio sve u taj video.U svakom slucaju,ovo je transport Bozicnih drvaca koja su se kasnije prodavala.Ovo je bio odlican RP za vrijeme bozica,ali smo takodje koristili da se ceste zatvore i da se pomogne Elite Trucking ca odrzavanjem cesti koristeci dozere.To je bilo dobro vrijeme i mozda cu napraviti jos videa.

Pss, ovo ja nogama uradim... salim se, ne bas xD
Ovo je odlicno brate :D

Very Nice:)

Napoli-Best team in the world.

Napoli-Best fans in the world.

Odlicna stvar, kada bi imali volje mogli bi i mi sa balkan sampa nesto slicno napraviti :D