[MAP] Judo Teren

Započeo |BU| Dictator, Novembar 04, 2012, 17:17:23 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Napravio: Mr. Richard
Vreme: 1h
Slike: http://imgur.com/a/pOcCw#0

Balkan Underground Leader The Red Brigade

Odlicno totalno kao i u stvarnom zivotu od mene cista 10-ka

heheh Hvala  :)

Balkan Underground Leader The Red Brigade

ahahah to lucio

10/10  :D
Balkan Underground Ex. Head Administrator
Balkan Underground Ex. Elite Moderator

© Stefan_Misurovic, 2010. - 2014.

Hvala brate  :-* :-* <33

Balkan Underground Leader The Red Brigade

Hvala  :) :D

Balkan Underground Leader The Red Brigade

Hvala momci :)

Balkan Underground Leader The Red Brigade

Predobro Luka inace on je u RL judista:D

Napoli-Best team in the world.

Napoli-Best fans in the world.

hahah da da :D

Balkan Underground Leader The Red Brigade

Super :D 9/10
Follow me na Instagram @sixmatic