[POMOC]Ne radi skripta

Započeo Belajac, Septembar 08, 2012, 11:48:53 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[01:18:28] Server Plugins
[01:18:28] --------------
[01:18:28]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[01:18:28]   Failed (plugins/sscanf.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[01:18:28]  Loading plugin: streamer.so
[01:18:28]   Failed (plugins/streamer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[01:18:28]  Loading plugin: MapAndreas.so
[01:18:28]   Failed (plugins/MapAndreas.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[01:18:28]  Loaded 0 plugins.

[01:18:28] Filterscripts
[01:18:28] ---------------
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'Trunk.amx'...
[01:18:28]  Trunk System FilterScript v.1.2 by JaST
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'balon.amx'...
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'gCamera.amx'...
[01:18:28]  =======================================
[01:18:28]  |                                     |
[01:18:28]  |        YSI version 1.04.0000        |
[01:18:28]  |        By Alex "Y_Less" Cole        |
[01:18:28]  |                                     |
[01:18:28]  =======================================
[01:18:28] ====================================
[01:18:28] |            gCamera V1.0          |
[01:18:28] |            �Gamer931215          |
[01:18:28] ====================================
[01:18:28] Initializing...
[01:18:28] gCamera has succesfully loaded 0 camera(s).
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'Hat_systemBlack_Glass.amx'...
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'kaciga.amx'...
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'Pablo_rWheel.amx'...
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'ex_BombSystem.amx'...
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'ACBS.amx'...
[01:18:28]  AntiCheat by: Maki187 (Marko_Dimitrijevic)
[01:18:28]  AntiCheat v0.8
[01:18:28]  Balkan Rising - www.balkan-rising.info
[01:18:28]  -------------[REKLAMA]------------
[01:18:28]  Bestbalkandj.com - www.bestbalkandj.com
[01:18:28]  Serbian Warez - www.serbian-warez.in.rs
[01:18:28] --------------------------------------

[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'eksplozija.amx'...
[01:18:28]   iVE: Vehicle Explosion Physics Loaded! -iPLEOMAX
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'FireworkV2.0.amx'...
[01:18:28] Notime's Firework
[01:18:28] --------------------------------------

[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'bomb.amx'...
[01:18:28] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[01:18:28]   .:[ - Bombing Script by Seif - ]:.
[01:18:28] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'antispam.amx'...
[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'bunnyhop.amx'...
[01:18:28]  RP Bunny Hop Stop By Josh Beverly
[01:18:28] --------------------------------------

[01:18:28]   Loading filterscript 'garaza.amx'...
[01:18:28]   Loaded 14 filterscripts.

[01:18:28] Script[gamemodes/CLRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[01:18:28] Number of vehicle models: 0
[01:18:31] [NotimeBot]: FireWorkInfo has succesfully loaded

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e, (C)2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[11:30:18] Server Plugins
[11:30:18] --------------
[11:30:18]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[11:30:18]   Failed (plugins/sscanf.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[11:30:18]  Loading plugin: streamer.so
[11:30:18]   Failed (plugins/streamer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[11:30:18]  Loading plugin: MapAndreas.so
[11:30:18]   Failed (plugins/MapAndreas.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[11:30:18]  Loaded 0 plugins.

[11:30:18] Filterscripts
[11:30:18] ---------------
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'Trunk.amx'...
[11:30:18]  Trunk System FilterScript v.1.2 by JaST
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'balon.amx'...
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'gCamera.amx'...
[11:30:18]  =======================================
[11:30:18]  |                                     |
[11:30:18]  |        YSI version 1.04.0000        |
[11:30:18]  |        By Alex "Y_Less" Cole        |
[11:30:18]  |                                     |
[11:30:18]  =======================================
[11:30:18] ====================================
[11:30:18] |            gCamera V1.0          |
[11:30:18] |            �Gamer931215          |
[11:30:18] ====================================
[11:30:18] Initializing...
[11:30:18] gCamera has succesfully loaded 0 camera(s).
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'Hat_systemBlack_Glass.amx'...
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'kaciga.amx'...
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'Pablo_rWheel.amx'...
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'ex_BombSystem.amx'...
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'ACBS.amx'...
[11:30:18]  AntiCheat by: Maki187 (Marko_Dimitrijevic)
[11:30:18]  AntiCheat v0.8
[11:30:18]  Balkan Rising - www.balkan-rising.info
[11:30:18]  -------------[REKLAMA]------------
[11:30:18]  Bestbalkandj.com - www.bestbalkandj.com
[11:30:18]  Serbian Warez - www.serbian-warez.in.rs
[11:30:18] --------------------------------------

[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'eksplozija.amx'...
[11:30:18]   iVE: Vehicle Explosion Physics Loaded! -iPLEOMAX
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'FireworkV2.0.amx'...
[11:30:18] Notime's Firework
[11:30:18] --------------------------------------

[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'bomb.amx'...
[11:30:18] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[11:30:18]   .:[ - Bombing Script by Seif - ]:.
[11:30:18] <|-----------------------------------------|>
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'antispam.amx'...
[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'bunnyhop.amx'...
[11:30:18]  RP Bunny Hop Stop By Josh Beverly
[11:30:18] --------------------------------------

[11:30:18]   Loading filterscript 'garaza.amx'...
[11:30:18]   Loaded 14 filterscripts.

[11:30:18] Script[gamemodes/CLRP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[11:30:18] Number of vehicle models: 0
[11:30:21] [NotimeBot]: FireWorkInfo has succesfully loaded

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password 123
maxplayers 100
port 7777
hostname Test
gamemode0 CLRP 1
filterscripts Trunk balon gCamera Hat_systemBlack_Glass kaciga Pablo_rWheel ex_BombSystem ACBS eksplozija FireworkV2.0 bomb antispam bunnyhop garaza 
plugins sscanf.so streamer.so MapAndreas.so
announce 0
query 1
weburl www.fuckoff.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 100
stream_rate 800
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]

Kao sto vidite nece da ucita gamemod CLRP, i ako se CLRP nalazi u fascikli gamemodes.
Plugins isto ne rade i ako sam stavio na kraju .so

Ne prebacio sam gamemod na gamepanel.
I kada pokrenem server, ne radi CLRP, i onda sam pogleadao u server_log.txt
Poslednja Izmena: Septembar 08, 2012, 12:14:21 POSLE PODNE od Belajac

imas datoteke u pluginsima?
Å ta treba pisati vamo?

Da ali samo .dll, jer kada upload .so ne pojavljuje se nista a pise da je uspesno upload.
Moram to resiti sa hosting firmom.
Znaci ako uspem da sredim plugins radi ce i CLRP.
A sta sve trabam imati ja imam samo streamer i sscanf.
Poslednja Izmena: Septembar 08, 2012, 12:20:11 POSLE PODNE od Belajac

eto nabaci samo .so i stavi ih u plugins i radit ce te..  si uploado preko FileZille?
Å ta treba pisati vamo?

Ne oni imaju WEB FTP, tamo sam upload.
Sto jer ovde ima vise prostora.

ide brze preko filezille i mos vise datoteka od jednom slat..  probaj skinit te pluginse .so pa samo ubacit
Å ta treba pisati vamo?

jer ima neki tutorial kako se radi preko tog FileZilla.

Hvala, pokusao sam i nece da mi se poveze.
Poslednja Izmena: Septembar 08, 2012, 12:35:37 POSLE PODNE od Belajac

si dobro unio podatke s gp ?
Å ta treba pisati vamo?

Uspeo sam, hvala vam puno, resio sam jos neke probleme sa FileZilla sto nisam mogao u GamePanel.
Poslednja Izmena: Septembar 08, 2012, 14:07:51 POSLE PODNE od Belajac