[MAP|GM|REL] Snow GM (HiQuality Edition) [By Leopard]

Započeo admin, Maj 22, 2009, 20:40:15 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 4 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Leopard asked me to post it for him since he is banned, so i did it as a friend!

Hi, my name is Leopard (which some of you will remember), and i'm about to release my gamemode.
This gamemode have i created from an empty script. I have spended more than 2-3 weeks on this script.

    - Snow falling
    - Snow ballin' (just wanted to add that :P)
    - Snow on the ground
    - A pickup to enter disco
    - A small kart race (little bugged)
    - Cool intro video
    - Real-life walk (not finished)
    - Working cannon
    - Fun things (tp pipes, bicycle ramp etc)

The script is 1050 lines. It outputs about ~47 kilobyte. The idea is just to get
people in the server and have fun, go racing and stuff like that.

The reasons why i release this is;

    - I've been banned in SA-MP Forum (don't ask me why and useless posts like "you deserve it" and other stuff)
    - Also in SA-MP IRC channel
    - I've simply lost interest for SA:MP.
    - GTA IV is coming out on the PC.

Download links
GM Source.
Already compiled source.
Real-life wanking script.
Ladder include.
Fighting styles source
NCF include.
All In One Package.

It has been a GREAT year, this i'll remember loooong time into the future... but it's time to move on.
Also a note for the K4L clan: If you are playing San Andreas: PM ThePro. If you are playing GTA IV: PM me on SA:MP Mapping forums.

a BIG thanks to the following people
- Kaisersouse
- Kye, the SA-MP Team
- Yaheli
- watkijkje (my uber hoster)
- Y_Less (256)
- ThePro, for being my uber friend, i will love you forever
- PeaToN
- Fallout, for also being my friend
- R@f
- Luxeon
- Pixels
- Seif (thanks for seif_walk btw)
- R0li
- iMatt (you're accepted by me)
- bmw_m3
- Antironix
- Rafay
- Darkimmortal (PawnSCiTE!)
- And finally, Zezombia.
All heart goes to you guys, and all that i've learned from and being with.

P.S. Not anything dramatic.

Test Server
HostName: Leopard's 0.2X Server - Snow
Players:  ... / 40
Ping:     ...
Mode:     Snowing
Map:      Snow

Ovo nije nest, pada ono od Hydre, mapa je mala,.. Ali svaka cast na trudu, samo onaj top mi je zakon..  ;)


Fora,al to mi nekak vise za misiju nekakvu,sta ja znam,jer bas nema neku radnju

moze li ko stavit sliku da vidim nebih sad stavljo taj mod da jos nes smrdam

moze mi neko dati download all in one posto nesto nerade meni ovi


Refreshao si topic star preko godinu dana... Grudvanje, race, top... ZAKON!
EDIT: Nerade linkovi :D
Poslednja Izmena: Mart 10, 2010, 13:06:48 POSLE PODNE od Nepoznati


Normalno da nerade kad je tema starija od godine . Nemojte previse trazit xD

E znate zasto bi ovo meni sluzilo. To bi meni sluzilo za bozic jos bi Mappao Borove kraj burga tako nekako :)
Valac je postovao sva pravila a ovo je dokaz za to, jer u svakom potpisu je ovo stavljao. Puno pozdrava valcu. Mozda je ljut na mene ali za mene je najbolji igrac kojeg sam upoznao sto igra sampa.
Pokazao mi je sve. Napravio je sve sto je potrebno za server.
A jedno od potreba je removao sa YT-a jer se naljutio na mene.
Bio je moj najaktivniji igrac. Najbolji admin i gamemaster.
Nije trazio ni lidera ni admina ni gamemastera.
Nije trazio nista on je mogao igrati kao civil.
A vas pola hocete biti admini 1338 1337.
Probajte biti kao on molim vass.
VALAC NADAM SE DA CES SE VRATIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SVI TE VOLIMO !!!!

Citat: Dwayn poslato Decembar 04, 2011, 09:36:08 PRE PODNE
Extra je :P

ti nisi normalan...

em nijedan link neradi
pa nisi ni mogo testat mod a bezveze spam-as

em si refresho topic star vise od godinu dana -.-
Respect: $--L84S--$, ναηιâ,,"â,,"α , BloodMaster , LuxZillo, Don_Sergio, ExtremePower, Gotti747, Gagi_


hehe LoL
ovo je 2 god staro
Dobro jos je now ali stari moj nesmijes ovo raditi da pises u starije teme pa ih onda opet "otvaras" tj refresh-as