
Započeo Icoosk, Maj 14, 2012, 12:51:20 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Skripta koju koristim: FS: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=197755
Detaljan opis problema: Sve sam postavio kako treba ali mi nece poslati email na mail koi sam ukucao!
Dio skripte:
#define MAILER_URL "paradox-samp.uphero.com/mailer.php" // This has to be defined BEFORE you include mailer.
#include <mailer>
#define PARADOX_EMAIL "[email protected]"
GetPlayerName(playerid, ime, sizeof(ime));
RPIme(playerid, ime);
new email1[164],email2[164],email3[164],email4[164],email5[164],email6[164],email7[164],eemail[1148]; //1148
format(email1, sizeof(email1), "PARADOX ROLEPLAY - Dobrodoslica");
format(email2, sizeof(email2), "Vase Informacije su:Ime: %s Lozinka: %s Admin Lvl: %d",ime,PlayerInfo[playerid][pLozinka],PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin]);
format(email3, sizeof(email3), "GamePath: %d Level: %d Novac: %d Donator Bodovi: %d",PlayerInfo[playerid][pGamePath],PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel],PlayerInfo[playerid][pNovac],PlayerInfo[playerid][pBodovi]);
format(email4, sizeof(email4), "Zelimo vam ugodan boravak na serveru i na forumu! ");
format(email5, sizeof(email5), "FORUM: www.paradox-samp.info");
format(email6, sizeof(email6), "____________________________________________________________________________");
format(email7, sizeof(email7), "                  Paradox Staff Team! ");
format(eemail, 512,"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",email1,email2,email3,email4,email5,email6,email7);
SendMail(PARADOX_EMAIL, PlayerInfo[playerid][pEmail], "Paradox Staff Team", "PARADOX ROLEPLAY1 - Dobrodosli", eemail);

Neke slike/video za lakse dobivanje pomoci(neobavezno):

SendMail( "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "Roleplay \"Server\"", "My \"måïlër\" & it's sübjéct!", "Hèllö höw Ã¥rë yoü? I'm \"writing\" weird simply to test if my mailer script can handle it without any problems. Göt Ã¥ próblëm wïth thät?" );

Pa ako si radio onda bi trebao imati ovako nešta u OnGameModeInit kao što je u orginalnoj temi ovamo navedeno....

Citat: Dane poslato Maj 14, 2012, 13:37:11 POSLE PODNE
SendMail( "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "Roleplay \"Server\"", "My \"måïlër\" & it's sübjéct!", "Hèllö höw Ã¥rë yoü? I'm \"writing\" weird simply to test if my mailer script can handle it without any problems. Göt Ã¥ próblëm wïth thät?" );

Pa ako si radio onda bi trebao imati ovako nešta u OnGameModeInit kao što je u orginalnoj temi ovamo navedeno....
to znam i sam..i neora pod ongamemodeinit..