[GM]Los Angeles Roleplay

Započeo admin, Maj 20, 2009, 15:19:23 POSLE PODNE

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NAPOMENA: Ako ne razumijete neki dio teksta, recite pa cemo vam prevesti!

Los Angeles Roleplay

Well I'll start by saying what a lovely time i'd had with the LA-RP lot...
Want to experience more excellent roleplay, and a unique script? The new Los Angeles Role Play, exclusively created for Project Reality Role Play can be seen at

YES it's a Moderntopia Edit(which was a GF), FUCK OFF if you want to moan about the GF/MTness.

Credits to ELLIS and SCORCHER/HOODSTAR(me) and the rest who gave us the ideas.

Unique features

Returning after you crash
When your game crashes, you'll be returned at the same position where you crashed.

Clothes system
Lets say that you selected Male character, so you can have male skins only. No more stupid non-rp skin changes, you have to go to clothes shop and buy some new clothes.

Vehicle Ownership
You can buy a car from car dealership or a player. It will belong to you untill you sell it, and you can /v park your car everywhere you want.
You can own 3 vehicles at the same time.

New drug dealing system
The old one godfather drug dealing system was kinda non-rp, so here is the new one. There is a drug farm in blueberry, drugs farmer harvests some drugs and stores them at a "drugs bank". Then drugs smuggler goes to "drugs bank" and loads some drugs (ofcourse he has to pay for it a little) and delivers drugs to the safe spot. Then drugs smuggler sells drugs to drugs dealer at the black market and finally drugs dealer sells drugs to other players.

New cellphone system
We have improved cellphone system a lot. You can call with unidentified number as the unknown person. Every cellphone has a speaker, that you can turn on. /hangup bug fixed too and new command /hidenumber for donators. Short number added instead of /service [name]. Ex.: /call 111 will call you a pizza boy.

Car engine
Car must be started, before driving. You can start you engine by pressing SHIFT or typing /engine. Engine has 3/4 chances to start and 1/4 to fail. If car damage is more then 50% your engine will brake down, so you have to call a mechanic.

Mask system
We have mask system too, once you are Level 5, you can buy a mask at 24/7. If you're wearing it, no-one can see your name. And you'll be with the unknown name too. Ex.: Stranger says: Stay cool.

Note system
Everyone has a notebook with 5 pages, you can /createnote, /givenote, /shownotes, /deletenote.

Inventory system
If you put your gun at your inventory it will be saved even you'll disconnect.

Trunk system
Every 4 wheeled car has a trunk with 4 slots for weapons and 1 slot for body armour.
Trunks are saveable, so your guns will be saved even after game mode restart.

/smoke system
To /smoke you need to buy some cigarettes and a lighter from 24/7. You smoking section lasts 60 seconds and you i will get 15+ HP due your smoking section. Every 15 seconds you flick from the cigarette.

Weapon dealing systemThere is a Materials bank at docks of Los Santos. Materials smuggler (job available for everyone) picks up a material package from Blueberry materials factory and puts a package at Materials Bank. They will get a little profit for that. Gun Maker (faction only job) buys materials from materials bank and then he/she can /creategun. To create a gun you need to put a package at Gun factory and then factory worker will say if it's done.

Theres around 45,000 lines in this script.

Ovaj Gamemod je vrhunski, je da ima puno podataka i malo se teze snac nego u obicnom GF modu ali je zakon.
Ja ga pomalo sredujem i zasad dobro ide  :P

heh :D
mani je super ono pusenje onda je malo zajeban sistem za drugu i materijale (ima greske)
ima extra poslove.. ono za naručit kranu pre burgu je fora...
onda komanda /Me i komanda /do (još ne skužil funkciju)
ovo pecanje mi je fora
1. moraš ima dozvolu 2. moraš imat alat 3. možeš pecat
za pušenje ti treba
1. cigare 2. paljač 3. moraš uspjet upalit cigaru :P

da nenabrajam fora stvari.....

Dobar mod za roleplay servere...jel preveden?

Citat: admin poslato Maj 20, 2009, 15:19:23 POSLE PODNE
NAPOMENA: Ako ne razumijete neki dio teksta, recite pa cemo vam prevesti!


to znaci da nije : :P

valjda se bude nasao neko maljiv da bude to napravio

Ovo je predobar mod naso sam ja cwrp mod isto je edit moderntopie dobar je :P

GameMode je u izradi(0.1 %). Ovaj Game Mode nije edit bilo kojeg vec postojeceg gamemoda. Ovaj mod se radi od nule.

www.domino-samp.net | Portal i Forum Otvoreni
IP: | Server za zezanciju sa LARP modom.

Citat: [CH]Forbs poslato Maj 27, 2009, 07:13:37 PRE PODNE
Ima jedan eror...

valjda si zaboravio koji inc...
jer meni nije ni jednu grešku našlo....

Ispravljeno.. Zaboravio sam stavit neke stvari..

trebao bi amx od ovog jer ja ga nemogu compileat
jel mi moze ko to uradit i link dat da si skinem


Idem ja ovo cudo na hrvatski prevest pa cu stavit download..gotovo za nekih 5-6 dana  thumbsup

Citat: BeR0 poslato Maj 27, 2009, 06:20:21 PRE PODNE
onda komanda /Me i komanda /do (još ne skužil funkciju)
/me ti je za nesto sto pokusavas napravit ili ides napravit
/do ti je za zavrsenu radnju

/me pokusava udariti Marka po glavi
i onda ga na /do pitas
/do uspjesno/neuspjesno?
i ako on odg. /do uspjesno
ti onda kucas
/me je uspio udariti Marka po glavi

Ovo sam vidio na lsrp serveru :P
Poslednja Izmena: Maj 30, 2009, 12:24:55 POSLE PODNE od Vuki

Citat: Vuki poslato Maj 30, 2009, 12:24:19 POSLE PODNE
Citat: BeR0 poslato Maj 27, 2009, 06:20:21 PRE PODNE
onda komanda /Me i komanda /do (još ne skužil funkciju)
/me ti je za nesto sto pokusavas napravit ili ides napravit
/do ti je za zavrsenu radnju

/me pokusava udariti Marka po glavi
i onda ga na /do pitas
/do uspjesno/neuspjesno?
i ako on odg. /do uspjesno
ti onda kucas
/me je uspio udariti Marka po glavi

Ovo sam vidio na lsrp serveru :P
To je po meni malo pretjerano...

To je po meni malo pretjerano...

Sta je tu pretjerano ? Jesi igrao kad na Italy Mafiji ? Valhali ? pa bi vidio sta je pravi RP
Poslednja Izmena: Maj 31, 2009, 00:32:31 PRE PODNE od [GF] Ante ($)

Ante Baricevic | Hitman Agencija | Game Admin

GM je predobar ja ga imam... 50% preveo... moze mi ko rec kako da izbacim vlasnistvo auta jer kada ocu napravit race ljudi moraju kupovat auta :( :-[

ma plzzz clickajte malooo :'(