[INC] JunkBuster Anti-Cheat - UPDATED! Anti-Cheat/Blacklist/Tempban/Rangeban

Započeo admin, Maj 17, 2009, 09:48:07 PRE PODNE

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JunkBuster Anti-Cheat
by Double-O-Seven

I'm running since a long time a selfmade Anti-Cheat script on my server. Now, after many bans, I've decided to put the script into an include and release it!

â™  What does it do?

  • Ban for the most used cheats (weapons, some types of health cheats)
  • Ban for jetpack
  • Ban/kick for specific cheats from the most advanced cheat tool (spectate+carjacking)
  • Kick for teleporting
  • Kick laggers
  • Make money cheats useless
  • Prevent (command) spam
  • Prevent swearing/insulting
  • Prevent drive-by
Functions added in update:
  • Ban players temporary
  • Ban players (name) for ever!
  • Ban a player's IP without banning other player with the same IP
    Example: The IP is range-banned 192.168.*.*. But you don't want to ban Charli with the IP, so you use
    "/whiteadd Charli" to add him to the whitelist and he will be able to play!
  • Whitelist
  • "Plug & Play": You just need to include it. You don't need to add any of your codes (except some re-definitions if there are)

â™  Can you disable some codes?
Yes! You can configure the whole script in the file "JunkBuster.cfg".
You need to defined the bad words and the forbidden weapons, too.
You need to write all weapons into the file "ForbiddenWeapons.cfg" and the bad words into the file "BadWords.cfg".
BUT: Don't repeat letters of bad words. If you want to forbid the word "noob", write "nob" into the file.


Set the variable you want to disable to 0 to disable it.

â™  How to install?
You need to extract the folder "JunkBuster" into the folder "scriptfiles". If the folder doesn't exist, your server will crash.
After this, open the file "readme.txt" which you have downloaded the, too.
In the ReadMe everything is written.
Comment about Anti-Teleport and Anti-Moneyhack:
You DON'T need to change functions like GivePlayerMoney or SetPlayerPos! The include does all those things for you:
#define GetPlayerMoney JB_GetPlayerMoney
#define ResetPlayerMoney JB_ResetPlayerMoney
#define GivePlayerMoney JB_GivePlayerMoney
#define PutPlayerInVehicle JB_PutPlayerInVehicle
#define GivePlayerWeapon JB_GivePlayerWeapon
#define SetPlayerPos JB_SetPlayerPos
#define SetVehiclePos JB_SetVehiclePos[/pawn]

â™  There are new commands in the update!

  • /cfg - Read new configuration from file
  • /blackadd <ID/name> - Add someone to blacklist
  • /blackdel <name> - Remove someone from blacklist
  • /whiteadd <name> - Add someone to whitelist
  • /whitedel <name> - Remove someone from whitelist
  • /tban <ID> <time in hours> <reason> - Ban someone temporary
  • /tunban <name> - Remove temporary ban of someone
  • /banIP <IP> - Ban someone's IP
  • /unbanIP <IP> - Unban an IP
  • /jbvarlist - Get a list of all variables
  • /jbsetvar <variable name> <0/1(/max ping)> - Change a variable ingame

â™  Where can you download it?
DOWNLOAD on Sendspace.com (.INC + scriptfiles + Example [LVDM])
Here you can download updated version ("Plug & Play" added and new ban functions added):
DOWNLOAD UPDATED VERSION on Sendspace.com (.INC + scriptfiles + Example [LVDM])
Here you can download Update 2! (Anti-Spawnkill added+Allow forbidden weapon for a player):
DOWNLOAD UPDATE 2 on Sendspace.com (.INC + scriptfiles + Example [LVDM])

Please report bugs and write a comment!  :)
Have Fun!
Greets, Double-O-Seven


Sve ti je ovo super al nemora biti bas sve sa sa-mp foruma napravimo nesh sami da smo bar po tom prepoznatljivi ;)

ja sam bas htio sinoc dati prijedlog ti na pp da napravis neki anti cheat jer je to potrebno vecini servera

Citat: [CH] яЧz0я poslato Maj 17, 2009, 14:04:42 POSLE PODNE
Sve ti je ovo super al nemora biti bas sve sa sa-mp foruma napravimo nesh sami da smo bar po tom prepoznatljivi ;)

Pa napravite i stavit ce se, ako treba i poseban podforum za to otvoriti i poslati jos svima mail pa cak mogu organizirati da i CH i jos poneki serveri posalju svima mail o tome, samo treba netko poceti praviti...


Evo ako ima netko tko ima ideju, ja imam super ideju i mislim da cu kada popravim komp ja poceti raditi to ;)


Citat: [CH]matejdz poslato Maj 18, 2009, 21:04:04 POSLE PODNE
Zasto ne, a sta bi ti radio da mi je znat  ;D ;D ;D
Vidis mu u potpisu da radi PD bazu hhh...To ce bit neka posebna vec se dosta dugo radi xD


Citat: admin poslato Maj 17, 2009, 22:16:04 POSLE PODNE
Citat: [CH] яЧz0я poslato Maj 17, 2009, 14:04:42 POSLE PODNE
Sve ti je ovo super al nemora biti bas sve sa sa-mp foruma napravimo nesh sami da smo bar po tom prepoznatljivi ;)

Pa napravite i stavit ce se, ako treba i poseban podforum za to otvoriti i poslati jos svima mail pa cak mogu organizirati da i CH i jos poneki serveri posalju svima mail o tome, samo treba netko poceti praviti...
supeer napravi ima puno ljudi koji znaju scriptat ovde sve u jednom pa mal poglupo :D


ja mi mozda mozda i znao ali cijeli gm raditi to bi radio 100 godina a ovo sto svi rade editaju to je za djecu od 8godina

Pd baza je gotova...posto sam al krvo poa je pobrsana..nemojte me tzajebavat.....neznam bas dobro skriptat....no neznaci da nesto nemogu napravit...