[INC] JunkBuster Anti-Cheat - UPDATED! Anti-Cheat/Blacklist/Tempban/Rangeban

Započeo admin, Maj 17, 2009, 09:48:07 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 8 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: [CH]matejdz poslato Maj 19, 2009, 15:17:27 POSLE PODNE
95 % ljudi u svijetu nezna napraviti svoj vlastiti GM ;)

Meni se cini da 98-99 %..
Opet moras gledat' kol'ko ljudi skripta u Pawnu uopce..



Ma lako je napraviti, imas tu kod nas tut kako npr napraviti svoj vlastiti DM mode i barem to nije tesko napraviti nesto jednostavno pa polako ga razvijati.

A jedan savjet, kad vec ocete nesto napraviti, pa napravite nesto neki FS npr koji cemo staviti i na forum.sa-mp.com, da vide oni da i mi nesto ovdje skriptamo i radimo.

Npr napravite neki FS za neki race ili za neku drugu stvar.

Treba mi pomoc...neki kazu da ne smeta nista modu ali nerviraju me warninzi.
C:\Documents and Settings\Monk\Desktop\UnitedForce 0.3\pawno\include\JunkBuster.inc(3240) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint")
C:\DOCUME~1\Monk\Desktop\UNITED~1.3\GAMEMO~1\gtarp.pwn(698) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GREEN")
C:\DOCUME~1\Monk\Desktop\UNITED~1.3\GAMEMO~1\gtarp.pwn(699) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "RED")
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:          12196 bytes
Code size:          2145540 bytes
Data size:         11088732 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4466 cells (17864 bytes)
Total requirements:13262852 bytes

3 Warnings.


Citat: [BUG]Monk poslato Decembar 24, 2010, 21:55:17 POSLE PODNE
Treba mi pomoc...neki kazu da ne smeta nista modu ali nerviraju me warninzi.
C:\Documents and Settings\Monk\Desktop\UnitedForce 0.3\pawno\include\JunkBuster.inc(3240) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint")
C:\DOCUME~1\Monk\Desktop\UNITED~1.3\GAMEMO~1\gtarp.pwn(698) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GREEN")
C:\DOCUME~1\Monk\Desktop\UNITED~1.3\GAMEMO~1\gtarp.pwn(699) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "RED")
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:          12196 bytes
Code size:          2145540 bytes
Data size:         11088732 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4466 cells (17864 bytes)
Total requirements:13262852 bytes

3 Warnings.

jesi ti normalan?

pogledaj koliki si refresh napravio

Nisam hteo da otvaram novu temu,i iskuliraj malo decko,gledam te na svakom postu ili ismevas ili zapocinjes svadju.. :-[


Citat: [BUG]Monk poslato Decembar 24, 2010, 22:40:14 POSLE PODNE
Nisam hteo da otvaram novu temu,i iskuliraj malo decko,gledam te na svakom postu ili ismevas ili zapocinjes svadju.. :-[
hahaha jao nebi ja o tebi ::)

Citat: [BUG]Monk poslato Decembar 24, 2010, 21:55:17 POSLE PODNE
Treba mi pomoc...neki kazu da ne smeta nista modu ali nerviraju me warninzi.
C:\Documents and Settings\Monk\Desktop\UnitedForce 0.3\pawno\include\JunkBuster.inc(3240) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint")
C:\DOCUME~1\Monk\Desktop\UNITED~1.3\GAMEMO~1\gtarp.pwn(698) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "GREEN")
C:\DOCUME~1\Monk\Desktop\UNITED~1.3\GAMEMO~1\gtarp.pwn(699) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "RED")
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:          12196 bytes
Code size:          2145540 bytes
Data size:         11088732 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4466 cells (17864 bytes)
Total requirements:13262852 bytes

3 Warnings.


Ljudi poludeo sam dok sam se zezao sa ovim,ali nemam vise zivaca da se mucim . Ovako,iskopirao sam sve gde sta treba,gledao sam malo "readme",ali mi nije jasno ovo:
Citat6. Put JB_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid); under OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) in your script
7. Put JB_OnPlayerDeath(playerid,killerid,reason); under OnPlayerDeath(playerid,killerid,reason) in your script
8. Put JB_OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid); under OnPlayerInteriorChange(playerid, newinteriorid, oldinteriorid)
9. Put JB_OnGameModeInit(); under OnGameModeInit() in your script
10. Put JB_OnPlayerConnect(playerid); under OnPlayerConnect(playerid) in your script
11. The function OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) in your script should return with JB_OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]);
12. The function OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[]) in your script should return with JB_OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[]);
13. Put if(JB_OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])) return 1; under OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) in your script
14. Put JB_OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger); under OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) in your script
15. Put JB_OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate); under OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) in your script
16. Compile your gamemode and run your server
Sta da radim sad sa tim ?Gde da stavim te komande?!

,druga stvar,kada compilujem mod,izbacuje mi errore:
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(270) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(1961) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(1962) : error 021: symbol already defined: "GetDistanceBetweenPlayers"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(1966) : warning 213: tag mismatch
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(1970) : warning 213: tag mismatch
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(14454) : error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(14469) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(25617) : warning 219: local variable "mod" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnGameModeInit"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerCommandText"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerConnect"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerDeath"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerEnterVehicle"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerInteriorChange"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerPrivmsg"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerSpawn"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerStateChange"
D:\Skripte +new\Balkan Revolution Script\gamemodes\brp.pwn(53146) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "JB_OnPlayerText"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Pomagajte ljudiii
Jer moj auto mnogo konja ima
prva potpis druga i u oblaku si dima
zato kad me vidis, bolje bezi od mene
ja sam narkoman, benzin tece mi kroz vene

Ali sto onda imam errors ??Zeza me zesce  :/
Jer moj auto mnogo konja ima
prva potpis druga i u oblaku si dima
zato kad me vidis, bolje bezi od mene
ja sam narkoman, benzin tece mi kroz vene

Meni sve lepo radi :D
UNBAN konacno a back sam se aaa :DLos City StatePlay posetite nas!
FORUM: www.los-samp.info

Potpis u izradi,a do tada ce ovo da stoji jbg :D

Imam ja jos od pre ovaj Anti-Cit ali kod badwords nece da ocitava brojeve ni tacku i slicno odnosno hocu da stavim da nemoze reklamacija ali nece da ocitava brojeve ni tacku.Da li postoji neka druga Filter Skripta protiv reklamacije?