
Započeo SineÅ¡a, Februar 06, 2012, 15:01:36 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Pozdrav,cack'o sam nešto po samp forumu i naš'o neki fin mod ali da bi ga pokrenuo treba imati MySql,lik je dao i detaljno objašnjenje kako se to pokreće al' meni to baš i ne ide od ruke http://forum.sa-mp.com/showpost.php?p=1515294&postcount=695 tu je sve objasnjeno i sve sam super odradio do koraka 5 ...A to nemogu skontati nikako
The '|' (pipe lines) are used to separate the information. You’re going to need to update this file with the connection information your server needs. In the screenshot, I’ve set-up mine with the database name of 'samp', the hostname of 'localhost' and the username of 'root' - if you’ve followed the tutorial and haven't set-up a password and set your database name as 'samp' - this should be enough to go, otherwise please refer back to the phpMyAdmin step and update the information in this file to the information you set-up during that step.
Kako ja vidim ovde treba te Conection informacije staviti u taj fajl,ali gde da nadjem te  connection information ?

Moderator: Dodan prefiks, zadnja opomena !
Poslednja Izmena: Februar 06, 2012, 15:29:48 POSLE PODNE od |W| Seagalâ„¢
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