[Pomoc]Error: Could not connect to YSI

Započeo Sabbath, Oktobar 07, 2011, 09:15:25 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Isao sam da pokrenem na kucnom serveru i ovo mi pise:

[09:13:37]  Tera Gaming Fun Mode
[09:13:37]       By Pixel & Sabath
[09:13:37] Ucitavanje podataka...
[09:13:37] Number of vehicle models: 0
[09:13:37]  =======================================
[09:13:37]  |                                     |
[09:13:37]  |   Error: Could not connect to YSI   |
[09:13:37]  |  update server (response was 006).  |
[09:13:37]  |                                     |
[09:13:37]  =======================================

Kako se resava :S?

Znaci samo mi to bude, a kad idem da pokrenem server nece da ga ucita

EDIT: A kad lepo ucita bude ovako:
[21:06:26]  ==========================================
[21:06:26]  |                                        |
[21:06:26]  |  A new version (v1.04.0000) of YSI is  |
[21:06:26]  |            available from:             |
[21:06:26]  |                                        |
[21:06:26]  |     www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_1.0.zip     |
[21:06:26]  |                                        |
[21:06:26]  | Changelog:                             |
[21:06:26]  |                                        |
[21:06:26]  |   1.04.0000:                           |
[21:06:26]  |                                        |
[21:06:26]  |   RC 1 for YSI 3.0.  Available from:   |
[21:06:26]  | http://www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_3.0.rar  |
[21:06:26]  | - includes MANY new libraries and      |
[21:06:26]  | fixes, see                             |
[21:06:26]  | http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php? |
[21:06:26]  | p=1425938 for more information, with   |
[21:06:26]  | more topics and updates due over the   |
[21:06:26]  | next few weeks.  In brief: Added       |
[21:06:26]  | "y_inline", "y_text", "y_users",       |
[21:06:26]  | "y_uvar", "y_svar", "y_remote";        |
[21:06:26]  | updated "y_timers", "y_iter"; MANY     |
[21:06:26]  | MANY fixes and tweaks in almost every  |
[21:06:26]  | other library.                         |
[21:06:26]  |                                        |
[21:06:26]  ==========================================

EDIT2: Pogresan podforum, premestite molim vas
Poslednja Izmena: Oktobar 07, 2011, 09:31:42 PRE PODNE od [GF & LS-RP] Sabbathâ„¢

Citat: [TG] Sabbathâ,,¢ poslato Oktobar 07, 2011, 09:15:25 PRE PODNE
[09:13:37]  |   Error: Could not connect to YSI   |

nemoze se spojit s YSIem...skini drugi....xD