SA-MP 0.3d RC Faza [RC8]

Započeo Rotcod, Oktobar 01, 2011, 09:36:05 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 4 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: [AG] Makaveli aka Make poslato Oktobar 24, 2011, 19:25:14 POSLE PODNE
Hmm, vidi stvarno ovdje nemam moderatora, iako bih ga trebao dobiti :D

dobit ces ga samo zbog spama... :S

OT: odlicno, jedva cekam kad ce izac iz RC faze pa da serveri krenu na 0.3d :D


Citat: Kalcor -
Client/Server update SA-MP 0.3d RC7

- Should fix chat rendering issues on notebooks with VIA/S3 graphics.
- Added IsObjectMoving/IsPlayerObjectMoving pawn natives.
- Corrects problem with using SetVehicleParamsEx in OnVehicleSpawn.
- Fixed vanishing pickups in interiors.
- Added GetPlayerTargetPlayer() pawn native, which gets the players current target player (think green arrow thing).
- Fixed crash if you paused in debug/test mode.
- You can now use the 'Test' mode of Jernej's map editor to spawn inside interiors (as long as you have the interior object selected).
- Added latest objects from cessil:
* A replacement mesh for the Verona mall which contains enterable shop areas which you can add objects to. Please see the ls_mall.pwn FS for an example.
* A hot air balloon object with several colour variations.
* Fireman hats.

Kod (Kalcor) [Izaberi]

native GetPlayerTargetPlayer(playerid);

Get the player that the player is trying to target with aim [right click] button. Returns INVALID_PLAYER_ID if there is no target player.
Listening since 2004 and never going to stop.

e ovaj mi se "update" svida
Respect: $--L84S--$, ναηιâ,,"â,,"α , BloodMaster , LuxZillo, Don_Sergio, ExtremePower, Gotti747, Gagi_

Super je, sad kad se nakupilo dosta stvari nije bas da ne valja update, ja se nadam da ce ici barem do RC8, RC9 pa da ce izaci R verzija. :)
Citat: ...Neno... poslato Januar 26, 2013, 23:31:02 POSLE PODNE
Poceo sam mapati i tu je doslo do problema.Nakon par mapa,vidio sam post Gottia i kaze da nista nevalja da je katastrofa,i pocnemo se svadjati,psovati.Popusimo bananu obojica,i nakon toga nesto sam napravio (mapu) i Gotti kaze dobra,uh reko opet me zajebava,i saljem ja njemu na pm reko ti mene zajebavas,kaze on ne,i pomirimo se.Nakon toga postali smo dosta dobri

Listening since 2004 and never going to stop.

Ažurirajte temu. Došla je nova RC verzija, RC8. Link:

I ovo je zadnja RC verzija što se tiče dodavanja novih stvari i funkcija. Odsad će se samo kritični bugovi i greške ispravljati.
Poslednja Izmena: Novembar 07, 2011, 15:50:41 POSLE PODNE od The Guy

Last nick: Paradox

Promjeni i u naslovu onda ono tamo da nije RC6 nego RC8
Last nick: Vectro64

Admini ili S.MOD-ovi mogu dobiti moderatora ovog podforuma, da mugu i ovo editovati i uredjivati,

Ovaj update je samo popravljanje bugova, tako da nemamamo nista komentaraisati :D
Last nick: Vectro64

Client/Server update SA-MP 0.3d RC9

- Added OnPlayerClickMap pawn callback.
- Disabled AllowAdminTeleport and AllowPlayerTeleport.
- You can use the GTA ~k~ constants in client messages and 3d text labels.
- Fixed issue with LOS parameter in player 3D text labels.
- Fixed potential client crash if a player enters an invalid passenger seat.
- Fixed issue with motorbikes/pushbikes spawning above the ground.
- Fixed server crash on windows server if you entered a blank command in the console.
Respect: $--L84S--$, ναηιâ,,"â,,"α , BloodMaster , LuxZillo, Don_Sergio, ExtremePower, Gotti747, Gagi_