Gta 5 (dojmovi,ocekivanja?)

Započeo MT3 bolinx, April 20, 2011, 10:23:03 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

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Njemačka podružnica GameStopa očito zna više od nas običnih smrtnika, budući da je na kratko objavila datum izlaska za idući GTA

Greškom ili ne, u jutarnjim satima petka, na stranicama njemačke podružnice GameStopa pojavio se listing nadolazećeg Grand Theft Auta 5, s datumom izlaska postavljenim u siječnju 2012. godine. Unatoč vrlo brzom uklanjanju igre s popisa, ovo kratko vrijeme bilo je dovoljno da se diljem interneta proširi glas o mogućem datumu izlaska.

Izdavanje igre u 2012. u skladu je s procjenama mnogih analitičara, a ukoliko je podatak točan sasvim je izvjesno da će GTA V biti predstavljen na nadolazećem E3 sajmu u lipnju.

Prethodna igra u serijalu, Grand Theft Auto IV, i dalje je najbolje ocijenjena Xbox 360 i PS3 igra na popularnom Metacriticu.

By Daniel Lucic

Preuzeto sa GameMaster(bug)

Kakvi su vasi dojmovi? Sta ocekujete u novom nastavku Gta?

Vjerovatno grafiku kao i u GTA IV, te puno vise realnijih stvari nego u GTA IV.
Bolju,vecu mapu, te jako jebacke aute :D
Poslednja Izmena: April 20, 2011, 10:26:58 PRE PODNE od Mr.Pawno [Grotti]
Ko tebe kamenom, ti njega suhim kruhom da polomi zube.

Najbolji citat:
Citat: ScaRy poslato April 14, 2011, 22:49:45 POSLE PODNE
imam steam na cs sve radi ali nemami coveculjka i slike sa strane...

Citat: Mr.Pawno [Grotti] poslato April 20, 2011, 10:26:34 PRE PODNE
Vjerovatno grafiku kao i u GTA IV, te puno vise realnijih stvari nego u GTA IV.
Bolju,vecu mapu, te jako jebacke aute :D

Definitivno...ocekujem puno vise od cetvorke...medutim ovo nista nije sigurno tako da...
Vise ne skriptam!!!
Ako vam treba pomoc oko PC-a posaljite mi PM...pomoc cu vam ako znam !

Ja samo zelim da kupe licencu ili sta im vec treba da stave normalna imena auta,gradova itd.
Uskoro novi stunt server iStunt. DoÄ'ite i zabavite se!


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Ja bih zelio jakooooo dobru grafiku da je puno toga realno,automobile realne i da se sve vise odnosi na normalni zivot ;)

Voleo bi odlicnu grafiku, vise opcija (tipa uzimanje poklopca sa Å¡ahta), Strip klub u kojem su cure pravo gole a ne vako ko u GTA IV, bolja auta a ne ferrari na svakom cosku.


Ocekujem da ce se neke stvari uzeti iz Mafija II :D

ocekujem da nece moci da pokrene igru na moj PC  8)
Ako mozete uci ovde  i kliknuti sa desne strane "I'd wear this" i "add to favourites" (trebate se prvo registrovati) treba sestri za takmicenje....:)

Očekujem da izaÄ'e na PC s puno boljom optimizacijom nego za GTA IV.

Ma ocekujem da ce biti dobar,a i brzo zaboravljen,kao GTA IV (barem meni) bio mi zanimljiv prvih 7 dana sada mi se je*e,a to za Racunare,pa ocekujem da ce sse izmisliti nesto novo tako da ce ovi racunari postati jeftinini,pa mozda budemo igrali GTA V XD

ocekujem:  Da bude u Vice City-u, da ce auta opet biti isti krsevi sa starim imenima vec 99% izlizanima (infernus, banshee itd.), da ce intro bit preglup, da nece nadmasiti san andreas itd....

CitatNews & Rumors
Jul 27, 2010
A report on VG247 suggested that Grand Theft Auto 5 may be set in Los Angeles (or Los Santos, as it was known in GTA: San Andreas). Eurogamer followed this up with a report that an independent source told them that Rockstar is "definitely" researching locations around Hollywood "and the surrounding area." It's interesting to note that the source for the Eurogamer story is unrelated to the VG247 story. Rockstar provided no comment on the rumor.

Jun 17, 2010
An editor from technology site supposedly overheard a Rockstar Games tester discussing his work. After talking about how much time Red Dead Redemption was taking up, the tester mentioned the fact he was testing GTA V. The validity of the report is uncertain, however the suggestion that GTA V is in the testing stages is certainly plausible.

May 4, 2010
A 'leaked' pre-E3 games list circulated the web in May, a month before the expo was held in Los Angeles. The list stated that "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 2" was among those games set to be shown. However the list was untrue and Rockstar Games did not attend the expo, citing "time restrictions" for its decision.

Mar 5, 2010
Industry analyst Mike Hickey, of Janco Partners, predicted a pre-E3 GTA 5 announcement. "We believe there is building suspension for a pre-E3 announcement, although we expect nothing from Rockstar at this year's official E3 event," he said. His first prediction was wrong, while his second prediction was correct. There was no GTA 5 announcement and Rockstar Games did not attend the expo.

Nov 13, 2009
Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser confirmed to The Times that a new Grand Theft Auto will be made. "We'll think of a city first, then the characters," said Houser. No specific details were confirmed.

Oct 29, 2009
During the end credits of The Ballad of Gay Tony, a scene shows Packie McReary arriving at Francis International Airport in a taxi. He gets out the taxi and walks to the terminal with a bag slung over his shoulder. Could this be a suggestion that Packie will feature in the next game?

Oct 28, 2009
In The Ballad of Gay Tony, there's an ad on a billboard in Star Junction that seems to tease where the series is headed next. The ad, which is replicated in the Episodes from Liberty City instruction manual, declares "Liberty City, It's Over!" to indicate that the GTA IV saga has ended. It then says "Next Stop," but the portion revealing the location has been torn away, exposing part of a previous advert. The ad is a parody of the 2009 film New York, I Love You and there's been much debate over whether it's a genuine hint, or simply a joke. The advert underneath (which is partly exposed) can be found in several places across Liberty City, and many believe this is what holds the clue.

The Title

Although the title has yet to be confirmed, it is most likely to be Grand Theft Auto V (or Grand Theft Auto 5). In the past, some titles have taken the form of Grand Theft Auto followed by the name of the setting (e.g. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) but that's because Vice City and San Andreas formed a trilogy with GTA III, and thus they were essentially expansions of the GTA III story. Former CEO of Rockstar Games Terry Donovan admitted that was the plan from the beginning:

   It was really important for us to do this trilogy. A fictional New York in a contemporary setting, Miami in the '80s, and a '90s Cali - that was the trilogy. That was the plan from a long time ago.
   Terry Donovan (Former R* CEO) talking to Game Informer

There has been no indication as yet that GTA IV will lead to a new trilogy. Referring to the issue, Rockstar's Dan Houser told the Official PlayStation Magazine in 2007 (about a year before GTA IV was released) that Rockstar had yet to make up their minds, saying: "To be honest with you, we haven't yet figured out if this [GTA IV] is going to be leading onto another bunch of games or not. We are just focusing on this at the moment."

Estimated Release Date

Rockstar North has been busy with several projects in 2010. They made a large contribution to Red Dead Redemption, and they're also working on a new PS3 title called Agent. Since Agent has been announced and GTA V has not, one would assume that Agent is Rockstar's priority right now. We should therefore get a better idea of when to expect GTA V once the release date for Agent is announced. GTA V should be released no later than 2012.


It is likely that GTA V will be developed and released simultaneously for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The PC version will arrive 7-8 months after the console release, as has been the case in the past.


The biggest question, as always, is where the game will be set. It could be somewhere that's featured previously in the series or it could be somewhere completely different. The only thing we know for sure is it won't be Liberty City. Most fans believe it will be Vice City, but might this be too obvious a prediction? After all, only 4% of our visitors correctly predicted that GTA IV would be set in Liberty City!

When asked if Rockstar had ever considered setting a GTA game outside the US, Dan Houser responded:

   Yes we have, we just haven't ever made that maneuver. I would have a certain confidence of maybe doing it in England, but anywhere else I wouldn't really know what was going on. The guys who make that kind of stuff on the team may not necessarily know where to begin. I'm sure that there are lots of interesting things to talk about in Russia or China or Japan about that aspect of society [consumerism] but I wouldn't know what they were and so we feel it wouldn't necessarily be GTA.
   Dan Houser in Official PlayStation Magazine Australia

Preuzeto sa Jednog Warez Foruma, ne smem link da stavim :D

JOs da napomenem da su konacno dobili sve license, nece vise biti Bullet nego Ford Super GT i to tako, te su dobili license za gradove pa se raspravlja o tome gde radnja da bude smestena...Cikago, los angels itd...
Poslednja Izmena: April 21, 2011, 13:02:45 POSLE PODNE od matematicar

ja se samo molim da budu original imena :D
Uskoro novi stunt server iStunt. DoÄ'ite i zabavite se!


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volio bih da bude samo jedan grad npr LS (LA) al da bude veliki skoro sve da bude ko u RL, volio bih da u igri ima nesto veze sa hr ko u IV, da nebude previse zahtjevna i tako to

Citat: System32 poslato April 21, 2011, 13:04:41 POSLE PODNE
ja se samo molim da budu original imena :D
Zašto originalna imena imat? GTA ima ona imena auti od kad postoji. Nema svrhe sad da se auto zove Audi ili BMW, bezveze plačat lincence za to.