
Započeo CoffinKing, Jun 16, 2020, 12:21:37 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Problem(error/warning): Probao sam da compilujem skriptu i izaslo mi je ovo: C:\Users\as\Desktop\Balkan Country [2017]\pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
Zna li neko kako da popravim ovo?[/b]
Dio skripte: Linija 817 je prazna
Debug iz server_log(ukoliko je u pitanju crashanje servera - crashdetect log):
Slika/video ingame problema(obavezno ako je ingame problem): link slike
Poslednja Izmena: Jun 16, 2020, 12:23:15 POSLE PODNE od CoffinKing

Ovo je ceo taj deo sto se tice toga, oznacio sam 817. liniju koja je prazna:
[pawn]//==============================[ Organizacije ]==============================//

#define MAX_ORG          50
#define O_FILE             "Organizacije/Organizacija_%d.ini"
#define ORG_IME          64
#define ORG_RANK          64
#define ORG_CLAN           24
#define ORG_LIDER          24
#define PORT_FILE          "PortoviOrgi/Organizacija_%d.ini"

#define ORG_TIP_PD           1
#define ORG_TIP_BANDA       2
#define ORG_TIP_MAFIJA     3
#define ORG_TIP_MC          4
#define ORG_TIP_SR          5
#define ORG_TIP_MD          6
#define ORG_TIP_CNN       7
#define ORG_TIP_HITM       8
#define ORG_TIP_ELEK        9
#define ORG_TIP_TAXI       10
#define ORG_TIP_PS           11

#define CTIP_HEROIN          1
#define CTIP_KOKAIN          2
#define CTIP_BMETH           3
#define CTIP_MARIHUANA       4
#define CTIP_CRACK           5
#define CTIP_METH            6
//Ovo je 817. linija koja je prazna
enum oOrgInfo {
   oName[ ORG_IME ],
   oPreFix[ 10 ],
   oColor[ 24 ],



    oLider1[ ORG_LIDER ],
    oLider2[ ORG_LIDER ],

   oClan1[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan2[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan3[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan4[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan5[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan6[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan7[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan8[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan9[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan10[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan11[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan12[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan13[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan14[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan15[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan16[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan17[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan18[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan19[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan20[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan21[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan22[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan23[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan24[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan25[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan26[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan27[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan28[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan29[ ORG_CLAN ],
   oClan30[ ORG_CLAN ],

   oRank1[ ORG_RANK ],
   oRank2[ ORG_RANK ],
   oRank3[ ORG_RANK ],
   oRank4[ ORG_RANK ],
   oRank5[ ORG_RANK ],
   oRank6[ ORG_RANK ],



    Float:oDutyPoint[ 3 ],
    Float:oEquipPoint[ 3 ],


    Float:oDrugField[ 3 ],
    Float:oSafePos[ 3 ],
    oSafeDrug[ 4 ],
    oSafeDrugCode[ 4 ],

new OI[ MAX_ORG ][ oOrgInfo ];
new OrgPickup[ MAX_ORG ];
new Text3D:Org3D[ MAX_ORG ];
new Text3D:OrgDuty3D[ MAX_ORG ];
new Text3D:OrgEquip3D[ MAX_ORG ];
new DutyPointPickup[ MAX_ORG ];
new EquipPointPickup[ MAX_ORG ];
new OrgFieldPickup[ MAX_ORG ];
new Text3D:OrgField3d[ MAX_ORG ];
new OrgSafePickup[ MAX_ORG ];
new Text3D:OrgSafe3d[ MAX_ORG ];

enum Portes {
     Float:Pos1[ 3 ],
     Float:Pos2[ 3 ],
     Int[ 2 ],
    VW[ 2 ],
    Pickup[ 2 ]
new PortOP[ MAX_ORG ][ 10 ][ Portes ];
Poslednja Izmena: Jun 16, 2020, 14:02:36 POSLE PODNE od CoffinKing

problem  ti je u na liniji 817 ne u tvom modu

Probao sam da prebacim taj include iz 4 razlicita gamemoda i svaki mi je isto izbacivao

koliko sam uspeo skontati na liniji 817 je
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)[/pawn]

Verovatno i ti imas ovu funkciju u modu tkd proveri parametre da li su isti

Citat: CoffinKing poslato Jun 16, 2020, 19:15:41 POSLE PODNE
Isto pise kao kod tebe
Nije bitno kakvi su kod njega, ti uporedi u include i u svojom modu da li se poklapaju

Ovaj prvi deo koji je poslao je takodje isti i u includu i u gamemodu

Ispod OnPlayerTakeDamage u includu pise ovo:
[pawn]public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
        if (Callback_IsDefined("OnPlayerFall") && weaponid == WEAPON_COLLISION)
               if (bodypart == 3 && issuerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
                       new Float:health;

                      GetPlayerHealth(playerid, health);

                        if (amount >= 10.0 && health > amount)
                            CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerFall", "df", playerid, amount);
       if (Callback_IsDefined("OnPlayerRamPlayer") && weaponid == WEAPON_VEHICLE && issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
            CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerRamPlayer", "dddf", playerid, issuerid, GetPlayerVehicleID(issuerid), amount);
        if (Callback_IsDefined("OnPlayerBurning") && weaponid == WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER)
            if (!BitFlag_Status(g_aPlayerData[playerid][e_cbFlags], e_cbBurning))
                BitFlag_Set(g_aPlayerData[playerid][e_cbFlags], e_cbBurning);
                CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerBurning", "dd", playerid, 1);
            g_aPlayerTicks[playerid][e_cbBurnTick] = GetTickCount();
        #if defined CB_OnPlayerTakeDamage
                return CB_OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, amount, weaponid, bodypart);
                return 1;

Dok u skripti pise ovo:
[pawn]public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart) {

   if( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && amount == 0 && weaponid == 0 && bodypart == 3 ) {
       format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "{FBE204}[{F81414}*{FBE204}] T-PROTECT(CK) // %s je kickovan sa servera. Razlog: "col_white"Command kill", ImeIgraca( issuerid ) );
      AdminPoruka( SVETLOCRVENA, globalstring );
      Kickovanje( issuerid, ""col_white"Ti si kickovan sa servera. Razlog: "col_bcogc"Command kill");
          return 0;
   if( issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID  ) {
      if( OI[ PlayerInfo[ issuerid ][ xClan ] ][ oTip ] == ORG_TIP_PD && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( issuerid ) && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && GetWeapon( issuerid ) == 23 && ImaTazer[ issuerid ] == true && !AdminDuty[ playerid ] ) {
          if( GetFactionType( playerid ) == ORG_TIP_PD ) return SCM( issuerid, CRVENA, "Ne mozes tazovati PD!" );

         new Float:Pos[ 3 ];
         GetPlayerPos( playerid, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] );
         if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( issuerid, 6.0, Pos[ 0 ], Pos[ 1 ], Pos[ 2 ] ) ) {

            format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "%s puca tazerom na %s-a i pogadja ga.", ImeIgraca( issuerid ), ImeIgraca( playerid ) );
            PorukaRadius( 20.0, issuerid, globalstring, LJUBICASTA );
            TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, false );

                /*if( Maskuse[ playerid ] == true ) {
                  SetPlayerName( playerid, RealName[ playerid ] );
               Maskuse[ playerid ] = false;

            PlayerCuffed[ playerid ] = 1;
            Toretto_SetPlayerHealth( playerid, 50 );
            SetPVarInt( playerid, "CuffTimerCalled", 1 );
            TazerTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx("TazovanTajmer", 15000, false, "i", playerid );
            OnePlayAnim( playerid, "CRACK", "crckdeth2", 4.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
            return 0;
        /*if( NaDmEventu[ playerid ] == false && WARPInfo[ playerid ][ WARIgrac ] == -1 && !AdminDuty[ playerid ] && PlayerCuffed[ playerid ] == 0 ) {
           if( weaponid <= 42 ) {
              new Float:takeHealth = antiCheatCS[ playerid ][ TrueHealth ] - WeaponDamage[ weaponid ][ bodypart - 3 ];
              Toretto_SetPlayerHealth( playerid, takeHealth );
      //printf( "%s je naneo %.0f demidza %s-u, oruzje: %d, deo tela: %d", ImeIgraca( issuerid ), amount, ImeIgraca( playerid ), weaponid, bodypart );
   return 1;

Sad ne znam da li je do toga ili ?

Pronasao sam i ovo na jednom od sajtova, ali ne razumem sta u mojoj skripti moze da bude problem:
CitatWell its simple, read the include file your using and copy exactly what it says.

Example from VexdUM

forward EntityTouch(pToucher, pTouched);

If you write in your script EntityTouch(id1, id2) its incorrect it needs to be the same as the forward function from the include file, EntityTouch(pToucher, pTouched)

Only forwards cause prototype header errors, normal natives are fine.