◄ Glavni razgovor #42 ►

Započeo SlavicBeast, Septembar 29, 2019, 01:46:30 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 16 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: Vasic poslato Novembar 08, 2019, 15:27:01 POSLE PODNE
je l' ozbiljno pravi Blood ili ja tripujem? Gledam komentare i nesto me vuce da je pravi.
Naravno da je pravi, eh on je igro samp dok pola sampera ovdje nije :P

Inace, shit! :D

lol, pravi je pogledajte videe o xeptic roleplay serveru negdje 2013-2014, on je snimao to i cini mi se da je bio vlasnik al nisam siguran


Sirah says
Chillin' in Kyoto grand with my man Skrill
Chain smokin' nicotine sayin' fuck a fast deal
We got that white girl so we make those skrill checks
Fuck a white girl, talk ill, neck karate chop her grill, bitch I kill
Born from the center of a storm
All these boys flappin' gums about how they're hard, bitch I'm harder
Martyr to the swag on the corner
Beat your girl with the drums as the bass makes that bitch cum
Bass makes that bitch cum

Laughin' at the world.

Sta je sa ovom djecom danas lik me moli za mape po fb , a sada me zove debilom jer sam mu rekao na objavi da nema svoj kod niti ga zna uradit .

Citat: just_Svabo poslato Novembar 08, 2019, 22:43:14 POSLE PODNE
Sta je sa ovom djecom danas lik me moli za mape po fb , a sada me zove debilom jer sam mu rekao na objavi da nema svoj kod niti ga zna uradit .
Eh šta je život :D

Sirah says
Chillin' in Kyoto grand with my man Skrill
Chain smokin' nicotine sayin' fuck a fast deal
We got that white girl so we make those skrill checks
Fuck a white girl, talk ill, neck karate chop her grill, bitch I kill
Born from the center of a storm
All these boys flappin' gums about how they're hard, bitch I'm harder
Martyr to the swag on the corner
Beat your girl with the drums as the bass makes that bitch cum
Bass makes that bitch cum

Laughin' at the world.

Ne igram ja nego znam lika dugo, donirao sam $20 ovaj mesec njemu :D

Sirah says
Chillin' in Kyoto grand with my man Skrill
Chain smokin' nicotine sayin' fuck a fast deal
We got that white girl so we make those skrill checks
Fuck a white girl, talk ill, neck karate chop her grill, bitch I kill
Born from the center of a storm
All these boys flappin' gums about how they're hard, bitch I'm harder
Martyr to the swag on the corner
Beat your girl with the drums as the bass makes that bitch cum
Bass makes that bitch cum

Laughin' at the world.

Citat: Skrillex. poslato Novembar 08, 2019, 22:49:52 POSLE PODNE
Ne igram ja nego znam lika dugo, donirao sam $20 ovaj mesec njemu :D
Sjebo mi se miš ne mogu čarke duša me boli :D

Citat: daddy. poslato Novembar 08, 2019, 22:51:02 POSLE PODNE
Sjebo mi se miš ne mogu čarke duša me boli :D
Nemam ovaj mesec, shippoao bi ti inače :P

Sirah says
Chillin' in Kyoto grand with my man Skrill
Chain smokin' nicotine sayin' fuck a fast deal
We got that white girl so we make those skrill checks
Fuck a white girl, talk ill, neck karate chop her grill, bitch I kill
Born from the center of a storm
All these boys flappin' gums about how they're hard, bitch I'm harder
Martyr to the swag on the corner
Beat your girl with the drums as the bass makes that bitch cum
Bass makes that bitch cum

Laughin' at the world.

Citat: Skrillex. poslato Novembar 08, 2019, 22:51:54 POSLE PODNE
Nemam ovaj mesec, shippoao bi ti inače :P
Ma stiže on brzo, čeka mene klan nije to problem, u dobrom sam klanu ;)

Citat: Purdinho poslato Novembar 08, 2019, 16:17:18 POSLE PODNE
Naravno da je pravi, eh on je igro samp dok pola sampera ovdje nije :P

Inace, shit! :D

joj bre volim taj avatarrrrrrr
• Website: www.vasic.dev
Web Development & Cyber Security

Citat: @ndro poslato Novembar 08, 2019, 23:23:34 POSLE PODNE
velikodusni pozdrav za tebe.
• Website: www.vasic.dev
Web Development & Cyber Security

Citat: imgurFBI Baza

Izvini, molim? :D

Sirah says
Chillin' in Kyoto grand with my man Skrill
Chain smokin' nicotine sayin' fuck a fast deal
We got that white girl so we make those skrill checks
Fuck a white girl, talk ill, neck karate chop her grill, bitch I kill
Born from the center of a storm
All these boys flappin' gums about how they're hard, bitch I'm harder
Martyr to the swag on the corner
Beat your girl with the drums as the bass makes that bitch cum
Bass makes that bitch cum

Laughin' at the world.