â—„ Glavni razgovor #39 â–º

Započeo SlavicBeast, Mart 10, 2019, 18:37:27 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 10 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: Kico. poslato Mart 11, 2019, 23:37:53 POSLE PODNE
Veliki pozdrav za vas

Pozdrav kicooo
Ima li kogaaa zivoooog?
Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton

Jutro svima  8)

Give Honor To The One Who Deserve It

Brooo jutro momciiii !
Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton

Citat: #THEVï¼'NNY_ poslato April 26, 2019, 14:20:26 POSLE PODNE
Pa dobro,boga ti jel se sada ustaje :D

Al sam se ispalio za "Klikni Me"  :D :D :D , bar je troll radio malo xF  8)

Give Honor To The One Who Deserve It

Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton

3 godine na forumu brat uplivao u to jato GodFathera ;)

Citat: #THEVï¼'NNY_ poslato April 26, 2019, 16:05:51 POSLE PODNE
3 godine na forumu brat uplivao u to jato GodFathera ;)

Cestitam buraz :o ;)
Moderator: 2018 (( Development ))
Moderator: 2019 (( Forumske igre ))

Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton

jebem ti mrtve čitere, sve autizam to autizma, ne kontam zašto igra CS i ostalo ako ne igra zbog te neke zabave..

Citat: livinglikearockstar poslato April 26, 2019, 16:38:27 POSLE PODNE
jebem ti mrtve čitere, sve autizam to autizma, ne kontam zašto igra CS i ostalo ako ne igra zbog te neke zabave..

Nemoj se trigerovati ljubavi <3
Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton