[UNITY] The Thinker

Započeo LoOdaK, April 06, 2018, 17:39:22 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 2 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.


Pozdrav svima
Evo počeli smo novi projekat pod nazivom The Thinker

The Thinker je više platformerska igra gdje je cilj da izbjegnete zamke "rješavanjem zagonetki".

Ako budemo u mogućnosti igra bi trebala biti dostupna na Android kao i na PC platformi.

Video: https://i.imgur.com/rAlKpqs.gifv

(Ovo je neki prototip izgled,vjerovatno će u finalnoj verziji igre dizajn kompletne igre biti promijenjen.Ovo je samo mala predstava igre i koncepta igre)
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Je*eno super! Srecno vam bilo! :D
• Website: www.vasic.dev
Web Development & Cyber Security

CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!


Newbie | Pawno,HTML Developer

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CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Citat: dowla poslato April 06, 2018, 21:21:33 POSLE PODNE
Hvala :)


Stigao je video naše nove igre.U videu smo pravili jedan level koji će se nalaziti u igri.


Napomena: Uradjena je velika izmjena igre,odlučili smo da igra bude u prvom licu i samim tim igra se iz nekog platformerskog tipa mijenja u normalnu 3D igru.
Poslednja Izmena: April 07, 2018, 18:25:33 POSLE PODNE od #ѕvĸ | Sтevαɴovѕĸι
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Jedna slikica levela :)

CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Citat: Nobody.aMxx poslato April 09, 2018, 22:57:06 POSLE PODNE
Moze to bolje :D Ako os casove javi 8)
Naravno da može :)
No problem
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Citat: #Mumi poslato April 11, 2018, 18:27:57 POSLE PODNE
vrhhh :D
Hvala :)

Ako imate neki prijedlog za igricu slobodno napišite ovdje ili me kontaktirajte na PM.
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!