Verdant Bluffs- Not finished

Započeo BarbaNegra, Septembar 25, 2017, 17:16:35 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Hello people, I decided to give up this great map because of the time already taken and my lack of enthusiasm. This map is a new village, let's say created next to the beach of Los Santos. I hope you enjoy and really use.


Download pastebin:

Good. :)
• Sve sam u stanju da pustim da ide
Nisam od onih što svima se svide. •

Looks interesting, you should have considered adding textures to other objects that really needed them, for example that train statue's bullbar needed it. Needless to rate it 10/10. Keep it up.

bilo je lijepo dok je trajalo.


Thanks all.
"Looks interesting, you should have considered adding textures to other objects that really needed them, for example that train statue's bullbar needed it. Needless to rate it 10/10. Keep it up."
Yes, and I would texturize until I had separated some good textures. But as I had other projects I ended up not finishing.