Ona igra :D

Započeo [LB]Weite.psd, Maj 18, 2010, 20:15:16 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 4 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.


umejsto false stavi true u URL-u ;)


kakav je ono lvl 4 xD...neki control panel mi izbaci login xD sta treba? xD


11-stm one lazanje u pekari i neda mi se prici :S zna ko ?


Evo klikne se na taj krug/lampu za username i pw :S

Username: fucking
password: pans


cek zapeo na llv 80 :S samo pise nes nema nikakve slike


Dodes do 33-eg lvla i psie ti Thist game is boring go to something else xD

lvl 80

The story continues. You took the red pill and now you're on for a long journey. Have you chosen wisely? You feel week, dizzy, and you blackout. When you wake up again you're in a room with an annoying dwarf in it.

"You took the red pill, you took the red pill!" He dances around you. When you tell him to stop, he doesn't listen. He's almost like your little brother, who's only living purpose seems to be to annoy you. You try the same tactic as with your brother, after the shouting and threathening part, you just completely ignore him. That was the right way, because the dwarf explodes in anger, leaving two doors behind. On the first door there's a head looking at you, on the second door there's a head looking away from you. What way now?

First door or second door?

oce neko prevest ??


Hahah ukratko ti ces ujutro prolupat i trazit ces crvene pilule ali nesto tvoja braca / roditelji ce plesati i plesati ali nece stati i kad im ti budes govorio oni ce i dalje plesati xaxax