[GM]WestCoast Roleplay

Započeo ђเאק, Maj 31, 2009, 06:55:34 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 3 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.



Citat: mario_kumanovac poslato Jun 21, 2009, 11:41:47 PRE PODNE
Citat: fico04 poslato Jun 20, 2009, 20:39:36 POSLE PODNE
Oprostite na refreshu 6 dana stare teme xD..evo za sve koji neznaju..

Ovaj mod ja koristim i predobar je..Preporucujem pocetnicima poput mene xD

de molim te kako da otvorim taxi bazu yakuza pd i fbi molim te reci mi!

hah ja sam si edito vec dosta toga..izbacio sam sve mafije..i ubacio jos 3 bande..tako da sad imam 3 latino i 3 crnacke xD..ali evo ti komande

da otvoris taxi: /opentaxi, /closetaxi
yakuza: /openyakuza,/closeyakuza
pd: /openpd,/closepd
fbi: /openfbi,/closefbi

lol ak ti je tesko nac komande onda stvarno  :D
A ja bi se sa Sopranom topila..



Evo ti sve komande

/name = kicks the person for a nonrp name
/setping = sets the maximum ping for the pingkicker
/asay = Publicly says an admin message. Exact same as RCON's 'say' but in a red color.
/ms13gunlocker = the ms13 gunlocker
/RMgunlocker = russian mafia gunlocker
/SAgunlocker = San Andears Mafia gunlocker
/Ykgunlocker = yakuza gunlocker
/RMhelp = Russian Mafia help
/afk = makes you afk
/back = brings you back from afk
/stuck = tells all admins online that there stuck
/deleteaccount = deletes a account
/respawn = respawns a user
/unbanip = unbans a IP, much like rcons unbanip
/setname = sets a players name
/agivelicense = gives a player a license
/agl = does the same as /agivelicense
/opentaxi = opens the taxi gate
/closetaxi = closes the taxi gate
/openairport = opens the LSAA gate
/closeairport = closes the LSAA gate
/oSA1 = opens the first SanAndears gate
/cSA1 = closes the first SanAndears gate
/oSA2 = opens the second SanAndears gate
/cSA2 = closes the second SanAndears gate
/openfbi = opens the FBI gate
/closefbi = closes the FBI gate
/ohidegate = opens the hideout gate
/chidegate = closes the hideout gate
/oquestion = opens the PD Question door
/cquestion = closes the PD Question door
/openYakuza = opens the yakuza gate
/closeyakuza = closes the yakuza gate
/nameon = turns the nametags on
/nameoff = turns nametags off
/roadblock = places a roadblock
/removeroadblock = removes a roadblock
/crs = respawns the last car you were in
/removecar = removes the last car you were in
/uniform = shows you the PD uniform commands
/cadet = puts a cadet uniform on
/officer = puts a officer uniform on
/Sergeant = puts a sergeant uniform on
/Lieutenant = puts a lieutenant uniform on
/Captain = puts a captain uniform on
/chief = puts a chief uniform on
/fbi = puts a fbi uniform on
/army = puts a army uniform on
/swat = puts a swat uniform on
/bike = puts a bike uniform on
/dnv = DNV license
/announce = announces something
/openopd = opens pd garage
/closepd = closes pd garage
/opendoor = opens pd door
/closedoor = closes pd door
/quitfaction = quits your faction
/start = starts your car
/stop = stops your car
/exitcar = exits the car
/askbackup = asks for backup(fbi)
/acceptbackup = accepts backup(fbi)
/cancelbackup = cancels backup(fbi)
/pdbackup = calls for backup(LSPD)
/pdacceptbackup = accepts backup(LSPD)
/pdcancelbackup = cancels backup(LSPD)
/undercover = makes you a undercover cop(LSPD)
/stopundercover = stops being undercover(LSPD)
/fbiundercover = makes you a undercover agent(FBI)
/fbistopundercover = stop being undercover(FBI)
/setskin = sets a players skin
/try = makes you try a action
/kill = kills you
/onduty = admin duty on
/offduty = admin duty off
/swatup = SWAT duty
/track = FBI tracking system
/canceltrack = cancels a current track
/newsroof = puts you on the news roof
/newsfloor = puts you on the news floor
/ws = website info
/inside = go in to LSPD
/outside = go in to LSPD garage
/pay = pays a person
/charity = donates money to the poor(i think....)
/stats = shows your stats
/dn = moves you down
/up = moves you up
/fly = makes you fly
/lt = moves you left
/rt = moves you right
/check = checks a persons stats
/number = gets the phone number of somebody
/buylevel = buys your level
/carcolor = sets your house car to this color
/carupgrade = upgrades to a better car
/resetupgrades = resets your upgrades
/buygun = buys a gun
/upgrade = upgrades one of your skills
/login = logs you in
/register = registers a account
/ooc = talks in ooc
/noooc = turns on/off ooc
/speedo = turns speedometer on/off
/fuel = turns fuel info on/off
/advertise = posts a ad on the local newspaper
/government = posts a goverment news
/togooc = turns ooc chat on/off
/tognews = turns news on/off
/togfam = turns family chat on/off
/togwhisper = turns whisper chat on/off
/togphone = turns phone chat on/off
./me = does a emote
/local = local chat
/b = local ooc chat
/close = close chat
/shout = shouts something
/megaphone = copcars megaphone
/radio = radio chat
/duty = cop duty
/departments = department chat
/mdc = mobile data computer
/suspect = suspects someone for a crime
/lock = carlock
/open = opens/closes your business or house
/wisper = whispers to someone, the command has a typo in it
/pme = sends a private message to someone
/withdraw = withdraws a amount of money from bank
/bank = deposits money in bank
/balance = shows the amount of money in your bank
/dice = rolls a pair of dice
/transfer = wiretransfers money to a person
/buy = buys something from 24/7
/buyhouse = buys a house
/rentroom = rents a room in a house somebody already owns
/rentcar = rents a car
/hirecar = makes it so you can lock it
/asellbiz = admin sell biz
/asellsbiz = admin sell sbiz
/asellhouse = admin sell house
/sellhouse = sells you house
/houseupgrade = upgrades your house
/switchkey = switches the key to your housecar
/givekey = gives a key to somebody for a car
/unrentcar = unrents the car
/unrent = unrents the house you renting
/housewithdraw = withdraws money from your cashbox
/setrent = sets the rent price
/evictall = evicts everybody renting your house
/evict = evicts a person renting your house
/setrentable = makes it rentable or not
/call = calls a phone number
/txt = texts someone by phone
/pickup = picks up the phone call
/hangup = hangs up the phone call
/fixr = i dont quite know what this is, i think fix radio...i dont know tho
/time = tells you the time
/house = teleports you to a house
/houseo = basicly the same as /house...i dont know what it does diffrently
/biz = teleports you to a biz
/sbiz = teleports you to a sbiz
/edithousecar = edits a housecar
/edit = edits biz/houses
/load = shows the load of a truck for a trucker
/buyprods = buys products to load in to the truck
/sellprods = sells products to a business
/enter = enter a business/house
/exit = exits a business/house
/home = sets a waypoint to your home
/towcar = tows your housecar home(bugged)
/fixcar = fixes your car and parks it at home(use this instead of /towcar)
/buybiz = buys a biz
/sellbiz = sells a biz
/bizinfo = tells your business info
/prodprice = sets the product price
/bizfee = business entrance fee
/extortion = i dont quite know what this is, sets the extortion on a biz
/bizname = sets a name on a biz
/bizwithdraw = withdraws from business funds
/bizbank = shows you howmuch money is in the till
/heal = heals at your house
/mole = mole text
/hq = admin HQ chat
/bigears = shows whatever body is typing
/id = shows the id of somebody
/tv = turns your tv on or off
/admin = admin chat
/logout = logs you out
/logoutpl = logs a player out
/logoutall = logs everybody out
/cnn = text shows up on the screen
/cnnn = i think does the same as /cnn
/prison = prisons someone
/jail = jails someone
/tod = time of day, sets time
/startlotto = starts the lotto
/setstat = sets a stat
/setfamily = sets a family
/setint = sets your interior
/skydive = skydive
/fourdive = makes 4 people skydive
/invite = invites someone in to your faction
/uninvite = uninvites someone in to your faction
/makeadmin = makes somebody admin
/makeircadmin = makes someone a IRC admin
/makeleader = makes the person a leader of a faction
/forceskin = forces a person to change there skin
/giverank = gives a rank to someone
/setteam = sets the persons team
/gotols = brings you to LS
/gotolv = brings you to LV
/gotosf = brings you to SF
/entercar = enters a car
/gotocar = brings you to a car
/mark = marks a place to teleport
/gotomark = brings you to the place you /mark
/gotostad = brings you to a stadium
/gotojet = brings you to a jet
/goto = brings you to a person
/gethere = gets a person to you
/getcar = gets a car to you
/oldcar = tells you what your last car you were in was
/fuelcars = fuels all cars
/givegun = guns a gun
/sethp = sets HP of a player
/setarmor = sets the armor of a player
/veh = spawns a vehicle
/fixveh = fixes you vehicle
/destroycars = destroys all car spawns
/weather = changes your weather
/weatherall = changes everybodys weather
/money = sets somebodys money
/givemoney = gives money to there bank account
/slap = slaps somebody
/mute = mutes yourself
/kick = kicks somebody
/skick = kicks someone silently
/kickres = i dont know
/warn = warns somebody
/sban = silenty bans someone
/ban = bans somebody
/freeze = freezes somebody
/unfreeze = unfreezes somebody
/endround = ends the game
/gmx = reloads gamemode
/cam = sets your camera mode
/admins = online admin list
/rules = shows the rules
/help = commands
/ahelp = admin help
/mk = mission builder
/savemission = saves the mission
/loadmission = loads a mission
/stopani = stops animations
/skill = shows skill info
/cks = shows requests on character kill
/ck = requests to perform Character Kill
/givelicenses = gives a license
/startlesson = starts a lesson
/stoplesson = stops a lesson
/families = shows families
/adjust = adjusts something in a family
/giveturf = gives turf to a family
/allowcreation = i dont quite know
A ja bi se sa Sopranom topila..

Nestale mi kapije neznam sta je problem napravio sam gmx ali nece!

Kopiraj ovo u potpis ako mrzis cheatere!

Scripting status:

PittBull Stunt: 5%

My works:

LS Beach
LS Areo Stunt
Baza za dm serveru NEW!




E ovako od vreme na vreme kapije i y baza nekad gi nema a i nemogu davati lidera zove da taj igrac je u familiju probam ga uninvite i zove da nije u nikakvog org samo na sebe si mogu dati lidera, i interesirame zasto nemogu ono WestCoast da zamenim i dole url foruma kad to zamenim nemogu kompletirati skriptu de pomoc ako moze!

Kopiraj ovo u potpis ako mrzis cheatere!

Scripting status:

PittBull Stunt: 5%

My works:

LS Beach
LS Areo Stunt
Baza za dm serveru NEW!




Citat: mario_kumanovac poslato Jun 24, 2009, 17:41:21 POSLE PODNE
E ovako od vreme na vreme kapije i y baza nekad gi nema a i nemogu davati lidera zove da taj igrac je u familiju probam ga uninvite i zove da nije u nikakvog org samo na sebe si mogu dati lidera, i interesirame zasto nemogu ono WestCoast da zamenim i dole url foruma kad to zamenim nemogu kompletirati skriptu de pomoc ako moze!

LOL koji si ti panj xD


mario ostavi se onoga sta jos nije za tebe, premlad si da shvatis programiranje tako da... 

Da li neko zna zasto kada pokrenem ovaj server sa ovim gm mojim drugovima ne izbacuje server na listi!!!!Molim vas pomozite!HVALA unaprad
eGear Hosting - www.e-gear.net


Citat: msia3 poslato Jun 27, 2009, 13:33:10 POSLE PODNE
Da li neko zna zasto kada pokrenem ovaj server sa ovim gm mojim drugovima ne izbacuje server na listi!!!!Molim vas pomozite!HVALA unaprad

zato da bi imao Å¡ta pitat  :laugh: a bokte pročitaj tutove za otvaranje portova i prekini bezveze spamat!!!  :mad:

Citat: Rider poslato Avgust 03, 2009, 16:50:35 POSLE PODNE
meni nestali svi objekti,neznam zasto al nema nijendog errora nit warninga.zna li mozda neko zasto?
btw. ubacivao sam i pocetni gamemod(westcoast orginal) al opet nema objekata :S?moze pomoc?

i meni je isto tako i mislio sredio sam to nekako ali ima jedan bug svi organizacije sa rank 3 mogu davati license!

Kopiraj ovo u potpis ako mrzis cheatere!

Scripting status:

PittBull Stunt: 5%

My works:

LS Beach
LS Areo Stunt
Baza za dm serveru NEW!




promini u onplayercommand nadi komandu pa tamo di ti pise pRank( < 3)(nes tako) izbrisi taj redak ili 3 promini u 1...

ma plzzz clickajte malooo :'(

Citat: hipy poslato Avgust 04, 2009, 08:30:38 PRE PODNE
promini u onplayercommand nadi komandu pa tamo di ti pise pRank( < 3)(nes tako) izbrisi taj redak ili 3 promini u 1...

ali rabota je sto svi org mogu davat license a nema organizaija licenseri

Kopiraj ovo u potpis ako mrzis cheatere!

Scripting status:

PittBull Stunt: 5%

My works:

LS Beach
LS Areo Stunt
Baza za dm serveru NEW!




Citat: Rider poslato Avgust 05, 2009, 17:07:26 POSLE PODNE
pa izbacis komandu /givelicense ako se license mogu kupit -.-

nazalost nisam nasao nigde da se licenca kupi

Kopiraj ovo u potpis ako mrzis cheatere!

Scripting status:

PittBull Stunt: 5%

My works:

LS Beach
LS Areo Stunt
Baza za dm serveru NEW!




e mario nesreco moja slatka ...

1. Ne vide ti se kapije
Ti ces 500puta /gmx dok ti ne proradi?
Jesi pomislio da je greska upravo do /gmx?
GMX nije stvaran restart servera, nego samo "virtuelni restart gamemodea" i kratak update accountova
Dok koristis XStream i MidoStream to ce ti se desavati....koristi standardno CreateObject(x, y, z, rz, itd);

2. License kupujes u CityHallu ... to ti je otprilike kada ides od Burga do PDa videces ispred neke zgrade dve limuzine (jedna ce verovatno stajati na sred ceste xD) i onda udji na to "i" koristeci /enter (xP)
kad dodjes tamo gdi su gomila "i" kucaj /dmv i koristi odgovarajucu komandu da kupis odg licencu :)))


ima li prevedena na hrvatski
Poslednja Izmena: Avgust 25, 2009, 21:26:04 POSLE PODNE od matemandbrnaze742