[GM] Real-Life Stunting v6.3

Započeo admin, Maj 20, 2009, 15:26:54 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 4 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

*Real-Life Stunting v6.3

Genere: Roleplay; Stunting; Racing; Drifting; DeathMatching; Freeroam.
Commmands: Too lazy to count. Tons of them.

Features: -Race system (thnx to Yagu, edited by me)
              -House system (thnx to Antironix, edited by me)
              -Object streamer (thnx to Boylett )
              -Property system (thnx Sandra, edited by me)
              -Jobs system (me)
              -Anti-Fall (MaVe, heavily edited by me)
              -Shop system (me)
              -Gang system
              -Wanted system
              -Hitman system
              -License system (me)
              -Bank system (me)
              -Pirate Ship system (a guy)
              -Teleports, by category and randomly (by me)
              -DM Zones (me)
              -Admin system (thnx to Andre, heavily edited by me)
              -Stats saving & loading (me)
              -Interactiv tutorials in-game
              -Max Ping Kicker
              -No MySQL
              -Eat & Sleep commands , in house (me)
              -Some other that you will discover...


*This Gamemode is not a GF Edit and doesnt uses parts of GF either.

*This Gamemode has 2 folders in Scriptfiles, Houses and in Houses the folder Users, so : Server/Scriptfiles/Houses/Users/ .
If you do not create the folders the server will crash at start !

*This Gamemode uses xStreamer v4.3,
  To install it:

  1. You need .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 ( Windows , not needed for linux )
  2. You need xStreamer.dll (for Windows) if you have a LInux server then you need to complie the Streamer yourself, check xStreamer Topic
  3. You need xStreamer in your filterscripts folder & xStreamer.dll or .os and so on... in your plugins folder
  4. In your server.cfg you need to have the "plugins" line and add xStreamer.dll (windows) or xStreamer.os (linux os) and so on...
  5. In your server.cfg you need to have the xStreamer filterscript at the "filterscripts" lines.
  6. In your script that uses Objects, you need to have the xStreamer include ( and in your pawno/includes folder )
  7. Run the server ! :]

*Do the above if you encounter
CitatScript[gamemodes/allnone.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"


-> Script only

-> Script only With teleports avalible only for staff (see page 6)

-> Server Pack
*Please Reply if you download.

Have fun  and Please KEEP THE CREDITS !
PS: Post opinion if you download ( or not ^^ )

Nece mi

D:\DOCUME~1\XxxXx\Desktop\XxxXx\GAMEMO~1\allnone.pwn(41) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "GMinc"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Moz emi netko pomoc


ajme kad cete vi nauciti citati pogreske.. nemas GMinc include

moze, zovi 94 i dobijas pomoc, i to hitnu pomoc

ukoliko nisi iz srbije probaj umesto 94 zvati 911


skinuo sam i dobar je mnogo rampa stuntova..ima svega mjesavina RP DM i stunt servera

Citat: Sliderin poslato Maj 21, 2009, 22:25:21 POSLE PODNE
Imam sad sam vidio u fileu pawno - include... moze sad pomoc?

ako imas samo odi u pawnu na ikonu koja se zove "pawncc" i onda ces moci ps.

nice gm
LG ip-
uskoro i rpg

ima neko neke slikice da vidim malo ;D jer mi ljepo zvuci ;D
Poslednja Izmena: Avgust 18, 2009, 12:32:16 POSLE PODNE od galeb

â—,,███â–"â–' FucK oFFâ–'â–"███►

:D Fala kurcu imamo i nekih pametnih ljudi na forumu :D


eee ljudi el moze ovaj mod da se prebaci na 0.3b

Zahvaljujem Se Snich_Wolf-u Zato sto Mi je mnogo Pomogo oko Skriptanja...Snich Hvala brt <3 xD


je li ovo novi mode :D nisam vidio ovu temu...


Ee ljudi mozete mi samo rec komanda molim vas :)))  :'(


Citat: dinopetrunic poslato Oktobar 29, 2011, 18:41:26 POSLE PODNE
Ee ljudi mozete mi samo rec komanda molim vas :)))  :'(

Ja se pitam kako si ti pronasao tu temu refreshas temu staru 1 god,a boze

Citat: DJ LuxZillo poslato Oktobar 29, 2011, 21:01:25 POSLE PODNE
Citat: dinopetrunic poslato Oktobar 29, 2011, 18:41:26 POSLE PODNE
Ee ljudi mozete mi samo rec komanda molim vas :)))  :'(

Ja se pitam kako si ti pronasao tu temu refreshas temu staru 1 god,a boze

A ti je nisi lockao, a Boze

Citat: [URP] ¤ SpaMaster ¤ poslato Oktobar 29, 2011, 22:21:59 POSLE PODNE
Citat: DJ LuxZillo poslato Oktobar 29, 2011, 21:01:25 POSLE PODNE
Citat: dinopetrunic poslato Oktobar 29, 2011, 18:41:26 POSLE PODNE
Ee ljudi mozete mi samo rec komanda molim vas :)))  :'(

Ja se pitam kako si ti pronasao tu temu refreshas temu staru 1 god,a boze

A ti je nisi lockao, a Boze

on onda nije bio moderator a bože :/