[Include] YSI v3.1 By: y_Less

Započeo | S-RP | K@lib@r .300, April 05, 2012, 09:27:37 PRE PODNE

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0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Cacko sam po SAMP Forumu i naletio na novu verziju YSIa, v3.1. Napravio ju je dobro poznati y_Less.
Citat: Y_Less;1696956
YSI 3.1

Update 1

Fixed three minor bugs (well, one was fairly major, but was my own fault for not removing test code).  See the new download link below.


YSI 3.1 is the latest major release of my YSI library.  I've been working on this for a long time and am very pleased to see this released.  There are still MANY things I can do with it, but it has to get released at some point.  I've spent the last few weeks writing tests and fixing revealed bugs, but if you find any more please report them here.


There are a range of libraries included in YSI, most described in their own topics, all included in the download at the end of this post.  Those with no link below will hopefully get documentation soon.  Some of the libraries are very low level programming, others are very high level extended SA:MP functionality.  I've attempted to split the list up, but the divide is largely arbitrary.

Links marked as "Old" may have out of date information due to changed syntax etc, but could still be useful for getting an idea of how the library works.

  • Low Level

  • y_als | Topic | Tutorial - Slightly simplifies the use of the Advanced Library System.
  • y_amx | Old Topic | Tutorial - Low level AMX information access.  Used by y_hooks, y_testing and y_timers to list public functions.
  • y_bintree | Topic | Tutorial - PAWN binary tree implementation.
  • y_bit | Topic | Tutorial - Bit arrays for PAWN - vastly reduces memory usage for true/false arrays.
  • y_cell | Topic | Tutorial - Some clever bit-level variable manipulations.
  • y_debug | Topic | Tutorial - Compile time macros for displaying, or not, debug information at run time.
  • y_files | Topic | Tutorial - A plugin with some useful file functions.  Not included in the download below.
  • y_hooks | Topic 1 | Topic 2 | Old Tutorial - Allows you to hook any callback with no effort at all.
  • y_ini | Topic | Tutorial - This is the fastest ini file system around, designed to load entire files at once.
  • y_inline | Old Topic | Tutorial - Allows for the declaration of inline functions in PAWN.
  • y_iterate | Topic | Tutorial - foreach, but in YSI.
  • y_malloc | Topic | Tutorial - Allocate and free memory as required.
  • y_master | Old Topic | Tutorial | Old Tutorial - Code for the master system.  See this topic and y_commands for more information.
  • y_php | Topic | Tutorial - Fast and efficient two-way communication with PHP.  Requires shmop.
  • y_playerarray | Topic | Old Tutorial - Bit arrays optimised specifically for arrays of players.
  • y_playerset | Topic | Tutorial - Call functions passing groups, single players, arrays, or playerarrays as the "target" parameter.
  • y_remote | Topic | Tutorial - Wrappers for "CallRemoteFunction" and "CallLocalFunction".
  • y_scriptinit | Topic | Tutorial - Provides "OnScriptInit" for both gamemodes and filterscripts.
  • y_stringhash | Topic | Tutorial - Allows you to treat strings as numbers for things like "switch" statements.
  • y_testing | Topic | Tutorial - Allows for very simple unit testing production.
  • y_timers | Topic | Tutorial - Simplifies the creation of repeating timers, balancing them for optimal server performance.  Also allows for the simple definition of functions to be called once after a delay.
  • y_utils | Topic | Tutorial - Random useful functions.
  • y_va | Topic | Tutorial - Variable argument functions such as va_printf and va_format.
  • y_writemem | Topic | Tutorial - WINDOWS ONLY!  Write to arbitrary memory addresses in the server memory.
  • y_xml | Topic | Tutorial - XML file reading and writing.
  • High Level

  • y_areas | Topic | Tutorial - Manage zones on the map, with players entering and leaving.
  • y_classes | Topic | Tutorial | GM 1 | GM 2 - Allows for extra dynamic class selection screens, different users can have different skin options and you can add and remove classes dynamically.
  • y_colours | Topic | Tutorial - AKA y_colors.  Defines a vast number of colours and provides both definition and string access to them.
  • y_commands | Topic | Tutorial - This is a commands system designed for managing hundreds of commands at once, unlike others which are only designed for small numbers of commands.  It offers many improvements over other systems including the speed of ZCMD with dynamic command renaming, dynamic per-player permissions and dynamic /commands and /help abilities to list all commands and help on those commands.
  • y_dialog | Topic | Tutorial - Show dialogs to players with no worry about IDs and with inline functions available.
  • y_flooding | Topic | Tutorial - Restrict the number of connections from a single IP and set what happens if they go over that number (kick the new one, kick them all or ban the IP).
  • y_groups | Topic | Tutorial | Old Tutorial - Defines generic functions for groups, an abstraction from all other collections of users such as admin levels and gangs.
  • y_languages | Topic | Tutorial - Holds language information on all players, as well as languages loaded in the system.
  • y_lock | Topic | Tutorial - Restricts the server to run on only the IP specified by in "bind".
  • y_svar | Topic | Tutorial - Server information that is automatically saved and loaded.
  • y_td | Topic | Tutorial - Text draw style functions for better dynamic updates.
  • y_text | Topic | Tutorial - The biggest addition to this version.  The y_text library provides functions for displaying, styling, and translating, messages dynamically.  Allowing you to change the apperance of text entirely without editing or recompiling your mode.  It also handles multiple languages transparently and adds features such as colour fades and new format specifiers.
  • y_users | Topic | Tutorial - Full user system with login and registration functions.
  • y_uvar | Topic | Tutorial - Per-player variables with automatic loading and saving.
  • y_zonepulse | Topic | Tutorial - Fade gang zones from one colour to another and back.
Generic Topcis

Errors and Warnings
Writing libraries with YSI

Old YSI 3.0 RC2
Old YSI 3.0
Old YSI 1.0

Function List

The download now includes "YSI.inc".  This file provides PAWNO with a complete function list for the WHOLE of YSI.  It will also include most of YSI if you add it to your mode, but you can just use individual files as before.

Click here for a sneak-preview of the function list:


The functions are divided by library, and also grouped by functionality, with the more advanced functions being lower down.  Most of the time you can get away with only ever using the top couple of functions in a library.




I have set up an SVN repository at:


You can use the username/password "public" to download the versions.  Note that you will need to accept the security certificate as I don't have a signed one, but it is still valid.


An associated trac can be found at:


This uses the same username/password as SVN - if you want write access to either you need to request one.  Report any bugs on the trac bug reporter (you can still do this using "public").


There are two YSI IRC channels - one on GTANet and one on FoCoHub (GamerXServer IRC).  Join whichever one you like, if I'm online I'll be in both:

GamerX Server

Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21683085/YSI_3.1.rar
Original tema: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=321092
Koja carina!
Citat: Fâ,¬nsQ poslato Jun 06, 2012, 15:27:14 POSLE PODNE
mozemi netko reci kada se sper.a dobiva imam 13 i pol godine, a nisam je dobio, moji drugari su to vec dobili, moze pomoc
nov sam pa neznam gdje trebam pitati


Dobro je, mada se možeš nekad potruditi pa bar neke osnove prevest..