[GM] | Balkan Life RPG |-||UPDATE 25.04.2012.||

Započeo [GM] JoLe.amx, Mart 18, 2012, 12:46:56 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: Dominik_Frankie poslato April 25, 2012, 16:18:35 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Jole-RI poslato Mart 18, 2012, 13:30:42 POSLE PODNE
Ma to je joÅ¡ BETA, za dan dva, uploadam novi bez bugova i waringa  :)
koja je lozinka ???
Kakva lozinka meni nije nikakvu lozinku trazilo ? O cemu ti to ?
Poslednja Izmena: April 25, 2012, 16:20:52 POSLE PODNE od mexo

Citat: mexo poslato April 25, 2012, 16:20:14 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Dominik_Frankie poslato April 25, 2012, 16:18:35 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Jole-RI poslato Mart 18, 2012, 13:30:42 POSLE PODNE
Ma to je joÅ¡ BETA, za dan dva, uploadam novi bez bugova i waringa  :)
koja je lozinka ???
Kakva lozinka meni nije nikakvu lozinku trazilo ? O cemu ti to ?

Eto... to je dokaz da mod nisi niti skinuo :) ;) hahha,, Lozinka ti piše sa strane,, balkan123

Citat: Jole-RI poslato April 25, 2012, 16:21:27 POSLE PODNE
Citat: mexo poslato April 25, 2012, 16:20:14 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Dominik_Frankie poslato April 25, 2012, 16:18:35 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Jole-RI poslato Mart 18, 2012, 13:30:42 POSLE PODNE
Ma to je joÅ¡ BETA, za dan dva, uploadam novi bez bugova i waringa  :)
koja je lozinka ???
Kakva lozinka meni nije nikakvu lozinku trazilo ? O cemu ti to ?

Eto... to je dokaz da mod nisi niti skinuo :) ;) hahha,, Lozinka ti piše sa strane,, balkan123
Hahaha -.- neću da se raspravnjam ne koristim win rar kao sto mnogi koriste -.- vec jedan drugi program vezano je za warez tako da necu da krsim pravila i da govorim o kojem je programu rijeć

Citat: mexo poslato April 25, 2012, 16:23:36 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Jole-RI poslato April 25, 2012, 16:21:27 POSLE PODNE
Citat: mexo poslato April 25, 2012, 16:20:14 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Dominik_Frankie poslato April 25, 2012, 16:18:35 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Jole-RI poslato Mart 18, 2012, 13:30:42 POSLE PODNE
Ma to je joÅ¡ BETA, za dan dva, uploadam novi bez bugova i waringa  :)
koja je lozinka ???
Kakva lozinka meni nije nikakvu lozinku trazilo ? O cemu ti to ?
hahhahah  ok ok ok ;) :D :D :D :D :D

Eto... to je dokaz da mod nisi niti skinuo :) ;) hahha,, Lozinka ti piše sa strane,, balkan123
Hahaha -.- neću da se raspravnjam ne koristim win rar kao sto mnogi koriste -.- vec jedan drugi program vezano je za warez tako da necu da krsim pravila i da govorim o kojem je programu rijeć

Evo stavi ovako server.cfg da stavis npcove
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password vaspassword
maxplayers 500
port 7777
hostname [0.3d] Balkan Life RolePlay
gamemode0 bm 1
plugins streamer
filterscripts SAdminScript wrong-name Tour dmsg bizz tablice FSpeed yrace 68NPC odjeca
announce 0
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com
maxnpc 100
mapname *Balkan Life*

nece opet

aj molim vas ako neko zna kak to napravit stvarno mi trebaju ti botovi :'(

pise da ih ima
el moze ko to slozit stavio sam onaj cfg al nece
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server

[16:31:24] SBizzInfo:10 Owner:The State Message:~w~Paintball Arena Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:31:24] SBizzInfo:11 Owner:Drzava Message:kart track Entfee:1000 Till:1000 Products:99/100 Interior:0.

[16:31:24] SBizzInfo:12 Owner:Drzava Message:CarTuning Entfee:1000 Till:1000 Products:99/100 Interior:0.

[16:31:24] IRC:0 Admin:Vuki_Ross MOTD: 0 Password: outset NeedPass: 1 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:1 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:2 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:3 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:4 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:5 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:6 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:7 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:8 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] IRC:9 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:31:24] Family:0 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:1 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:2 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:3 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:4 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:5 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:6 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:7 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:8 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] Family:9 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:31:24] CK:0 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:1 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:2 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:3 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:4 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:5 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:6 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:7 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:8 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] CK:9 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:31:24] Paper:0 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:1 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:2 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:3 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:4 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:5 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:6 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:7 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:8 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] Paper:9 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:31:24] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
[16:31:24] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 258
[16:31:25] Incoming connection:
[16:31:25] Incoming connection:
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[16:31:29] Incoming connection:
[16:31:29] Incoming connection:
[16:31:29] Incoming connection:
[16:31:30] Incoming connection:
[16:31:30] Incoming connection:
[16:31:31] Incoming connection:
[16:31:31] Incoming connection:
[16:31:31] Incoming connection:
[16:31:31] Incoming connection:
[16:31:32] Incoming connection:
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[16:31:33] Incoming connection:
[16:31:34] Incoming connection:
[16:31:34] Incoming connection:
[16:31:34] Incoming connection:
[16:31:34] Incoming connection:
[16:31:35] Incoming connection:
[16:31:35] Incoming connection:
[16:31:35] Incoming connection:
[16:31:35] Incoming connection:
[16:31:36] Incoming connection:
[16:31:36] Incoming connection:
[16:31:36] Incoming connection:
[16:31:37] Incoming connection:
[16:31:37]  NPC mega pack.. Loaded!
[16:31:37]   Made by Memoryz, flake and V1cec1ity
[16:31:37]   Balkan Life Los Santos
[16:31:37] __________________________
[16:31:37]  By: Nikola 
[16:31:37] Number of vehicle models: 121
[16:31:37] [npc:join] train_ls has joined the server (0:
[16:31:37] train_ls Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Josip has joined the server (1:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Josip has left the server (1:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Boater has joined the server (2:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Boater has left the server (2:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Coach has joined the server (3:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Coach has left the server (3:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Pilot_ymtisd has joined the server (4:
[16:31:37] Pilot_ymtisd Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Beagle has joined the server (5:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Beagle has left the server (5:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Coach2 has joined the server (6:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Coach2 has left the server (6:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Taxi1 has joined the server (7:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Taxi1 has left the server (7:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Pilot_pip has joined the server (8:
[16:31:37] Pilot_pip Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Pilot_Flake has joined the server (9:
[16:31:37] Pilot_Flake Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Limo1 has joined the server (11:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Limo1 has left the server (11:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Limo2 has joined the server (10:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Limo2 has left the server (10:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Stunter has joined the server (12:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Stunter has left the server (12:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Tug has joined the server (13:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Tug has left the server (13:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] LVTaxi has joined the server (14:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] LVTaxi has left the server (14:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dodo has joined the server (15:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dodo has left the server (15:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Elegy has joined the server (16:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Elegy has left the server (16:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer1 has joined the server (17:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer1 has left the server (17:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer2 has joined the server (18:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer2 has left the server (18:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer3 has joined the server (19:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer3 has left the server (19:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer4 has joined the server (20:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer4 has left the server (20:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer5 has joined the server (21:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer5 has left the server (21:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer6 has joined the server (22:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer6 has left the server (22:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer7 has joined the server (23:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer7 has left the server (23:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer8 has joined the server (24:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer8 has left the server (24:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer9 has joined the server (25:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer9 has left the server (25:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer10 has joined the server (26:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer10 has left the server (26:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer11 has joined the server (27:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer11 has left the server (27:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer12 has joined the server (28:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer12 has left the server (28:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer13 has joined the server (29:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer13 has left the server (29:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Dancer14 has joined the server (30:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Dancer14 has left the server (30:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] StageDancer1 has joined the server (31:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] StageDancer1 has left the server (31:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] StageDancer2 has joined the server (32:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] StageDancer2 has left the server (32:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] StageDancer3 has joined the server (33:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] StageDancer3 has left the server (33:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] Bystander has joined the server (34:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] Bystander has left the server (34:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] DrinkServer has joined the server (35:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] DrinkServer has left the server (35:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:37] [npc:join] VIPMember has joined the server (36:
[16:31:37] [npc:part] VIPMember has left the server (36:2)
[16:31:37]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:31:47] [npc:part] train_ls has left the server (0:0)
[16:31:47] [npc:part] Pilot_Flake has left the server (9:0)
[16:32:36] Incoming connection:
[16:32:36] [join] Dominik_Buljan has joined the server (0:
[16:32:36] Dominik_Buljan Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:32:50] Dominik_Buljan is signed up.
[16:32:52] Dominik_Buljan is logged in.
[16:32:52] Dominik_Buljan has logged in.
[16:32:52] [death] Dominik_Buljan died 255
[16:32:57] [chat] [Dominik_Buljan]: Musko
[16:33:06] [chat] [Dominik_Buljan]: 12/12/1999
[16:33:10] [chat] [Dominik_Buljan]: LS
[16:42:37] [npc:part] Pilot_ymtisd has left the server (4:2)

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, (C)2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[16:43:22] Server Plugins
[16:43:22] --------------
[16:43:22]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[16:43:22]   Loaded.
[16:43:22]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[16:43:22] Ban list
[16:43:22] --------
[16:43:22]  Loaded: samp.ban
[16:43:22] Filterscripts
[16:43:22] ---------------
[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'SAdminScript.amx'...
[16:43:22]   Unable to load filterscript 'SAdminScript.amx'.
[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'wrong-name.amx'...
[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'Tour.amx'...
[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'dmsg.amx'...
[16:43:22] SA-MP DIALOG CHAT SYSTEM (Loaded)
[16:43:22] SV1-R1.000
[16:43:22] Version authorized for public distribution.
[16:43:22] Made by Mike Garber @ SA-MP Forums
[16:43:22] --------------------------------------

[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'bizz.amx'...
[16:43:22]   Unable to load filterscript 'bizz.amx'.
[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'tablice.amx'...
[16:43:22]   Unable to load filterscript 'tablice.amx'.
[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'FSpeed.amx'...
[16:43:22]             Engine system
[16:43:22] -----------------------------------------

[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'yrace.amx'...
[16:43:22] | Yagu's Race Filterscript v0.4a |
[16:43:22] +--------------LOADED------------+

[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript '68NPC.amx'...
[16:43:22]   Loading filterscript 'odjeca.amx'...
[16:43:22]   Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[16:43:22] HouseInfo:0 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:1 Owner:Drzava hTakings 31650 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:2 Owner:Drzava hTakings 900 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:3 Owner:Drzava hTakings 200 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:4 Owner:Drzava hTakings 10 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:5 Owner:Drzava hTakings 4 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:6 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:7 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:8 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1000 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:9 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1500 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:10 Owner:Drzava hTakings 17 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:11 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:12 Owner:Drzava hTakings 2000 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:13 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:14 Owner:Drzava hTakings 4126 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:15 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:16 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:17 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:18 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:19 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:20 Owner:Drzava hTakings 100 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:21 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:22 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1000 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:23 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3926 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:24 Owner:Drzava hTakings 10254 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:25 Owner:Drzava hTakings 4505 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:26 Owner:Drzava hTakings 20451 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:27 Owner:Drzava hTakings 4000 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:28 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:29 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:30 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:31 Owner:Drzava hTakings 300 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:32 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:22] HouseInfo:33 Owner:Drzava hTakings 12 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:34 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:35 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:36 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:37 Owner:Drzava hTakings 21600 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:38 Owner:Drzava hTakings 16200 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:39 Owner:Drzava hTakings 450 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:40 Owner:Drzava hTakings 100 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:41 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:42 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:43 Owner:Drzava hTakings 6000 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:44 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:45 Owner:Drzava hTakings 5100 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:46 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:47 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:48 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:49 Owner:Drzava hTakings 900 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:50 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:51 Owner:Drzava hTakings 650 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:52 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:53 Owner:Drzava hTakings 65000 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:54 Owner:Drzava hTakings 11 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:55 Owner:Drzava hTakings 4500 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:56 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:57 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1000 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:58 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:59 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:60 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1014 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:61 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:62 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:63 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:64 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:65 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:66 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:67 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:68 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:69 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:70 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:71 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:72 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:73 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:74 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:75 Owner:Drzava hTakings 8801 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:76 Owner:Drzava hTakings 816 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:77 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1031505 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:78 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:79 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:80 Owner:Drzava hTakings 12 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:81 Owner:Drzava hTakings 59560 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:82 Owner:Drzava hTakings 59560 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:83 Owner:Drzava hTakings 59560 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:84 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1400 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:85 Owner:Drzava hTakings 2200 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:86 Owner:Drzava hTakings 1433 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:87 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:88 Owner:Drzava hTakings 200 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:89 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:90 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:91 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:92 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:93 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:94 Owner:Drzava hTakings 2 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:95 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:96 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:97 Owner:Drzava hTakings 59560 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:98 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:99 Owner:Drzava hTakings 900 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:100 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:101 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:102 Owner:Drzava hTakings 900 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:103 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:104 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:105 Owner:Drzava hTakings 100 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:106 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:107 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:108 Owner:Drzava hTakings 63 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:109 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:110 Owner:Drzava hTakings 800 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:111 Owner:Drzava hTakings 4400 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:112 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3815 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:113 Owner:Drzava hTakings 5023 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:114 Owner:Drzava hTakings 300 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:115 Owner:Drzava hTakings 0 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:116 Owner:Drzava hTakings 4 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:117 Owner:Drzava hTakings 7200 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:118 Owner:Drzava hTakings 2400 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:119 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:120 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:121 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:122 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:123 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:124 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:125 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:126 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:127 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:128 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:129 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:130 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:131 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:132 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:133 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:134 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:135 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:136 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:137 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:138 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:139 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:140 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:141 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] HouseInfo:142 Owner:Drzava hTakings 3250 hVec 418
[16:43:23] BizzInfo:0 Owner:The State Message:~w~Ammonation Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:95/500 Interior:7.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:1 Owner:Nicola_Corleone Message:~w~Restaurant Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/500 Interior:1.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:2 Owner:The State Message:Pig Pen Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:1000/1500 Interior:2.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:3 Owner:The State Message:Alhambra Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:1000/1500 Interior:17.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:4 Owner:The State Message:Gostiona Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:1000/1500 Interior:17.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:5 Owner:The State Message:Jizzy's Club Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:1000/1500 Interior:3.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:6 Owner:The State Message:Podzemni gunshop Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:1000/1500 Interior:1.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:7 Owner:The State Message:Strip Club Entfee:0 Till:10 Products:1000/1500 Interior:3.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:8 Owner:Tomy_Gu Message:Burgershot Entfee:0 Till:10 Products:1000/1500 Interior:10.

[16:43:23] BizzInfo:9 Owner:Tomy_Gu Message:Burgershot Entfee:0 Till:10 Products:1000/1500 Interior:10.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:0 Owner:Balkan Mafia Message:~w~Car Renting 1 Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:56/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:1 Owner:The State Message:~w~Wang Cars Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:2 Owner:Roby_Rankin Message:~w~Phone Company Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:3 Owner:The State Message:~w~Gas Company Entfee:1 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:4 Owner:The State Message:~w~Electricity Company Entfee:0 Till:4480 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:5 Owner:The State Message:~w~Car Delivery Entfee:0 Till:110000 Products:99/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:6 Owner:The State Message:~w~House Upgrade Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:7 Owner:The State Message:~w~CNN Studio Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:8 Owner:The State Message:~w~Tow Car Service Entfee:0 Till:2000 Products:98/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:9 Owner:The State Message:~w~General Store Entfee:0 Till:40 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:10 Owner:The State Message:~w~Paintball Arena Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:11 Owner:Drzava Message:kart track Entfee:1000 Till:1000 Products:99/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] SBizzInfo:12 Owner:Drzava Message:CarTuning Entfee:1000 Till:1000 Products:99/100 Interior:0.

[16:43:23] IRC:0 Admin:Vuki_Ross MOTD: 0 Password: outset NeedPass: 1 Lock: 0
[16:43:23] IRC:1 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:43:23] IRC:2 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:43:23] IRC:3 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:43:23] IRC:4 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
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[16:43:23] IRC:9 Admin: MOTD:  Password:  NeedPass: 0 Lock: 0
[16:43:23] Family:0 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:1 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:2 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:3 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:4 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:5 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:6 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:7 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:8 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] Family:9 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[16:43:23] CK:0 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:43:23] CK:1 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:43:23] CK:2 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
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[16:43:23] CK:9 Taken: 0 Sendername:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[16:43:23] Paper:0 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:1 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:2 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:3 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:4 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:5 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:6 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:7 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:8 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] Paper:9 Used: 0 Maker:0

Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[16:43:23] AllowAdminTeleport() : function is deprecated. Please see OnPlayerClickMap()
[16:43:23] Pickups Max = 100, Current Pickups = 258
[16:43:25] Incoming connection:
[16:43:26] Incoming connection:
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[16:43:33] Incoming connection:
[16:43:33] Incoming connection:
[16:43:33]  NPC mega pack.. Loaded!
[16:43:33]   Made by Memoryz, flake and V1cec1ity
[16:43:33]   Balkan Life Los Santos
[16:43:33] __________________________
[16:43:33]  By: Nikola 
[16:43:33] Number of vehicle models: 121
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Josip has joined the server (0:
[16:43:33] [npc:part] Josip has left the server (0:2)
[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] train_ls has joined the server (1:
[16:43:33] train_ls Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Boater has joined the server (2:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Coach has joined the server (3:
[16:43:33] [npc:part] Coach has left the server (3:2)
[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Beagle has joined the server (4:
[16:43:33] [npc:part] Beagle has left the server (4:2)
[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Coach2 has joined the server (5:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Taxi1 has joined the server (6:
[16:43:33] [npc:part] Taxi1 has left the server (6:2)
[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Pilot_ymtisd has joined the server (7:
[16:43:33] Pilot_ymtisd Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Pilot_pip has joined the server (8:
[16:43:33] Pilot_pip Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Pilot_Flake has joined the server (9:
[16:43:33] Pilot_Flake Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Stunter has joined the server (10:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Limo1 has joined the server (11:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Limo2 has joined the server (12:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Tug has joined the server (13:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] LVTaxi has joined the server (14:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dodo has joined the server (15:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Elegy has joined the server (16:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer1 has joined the server (17:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer2 has joined the server (18:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer3 has joined the server (19:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer4 has joined the server (20:
[16:43:33] [npc:part] Dancer4 has left the server (20:2)
[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer5 has joined the server (21:
[16:43:33] [npc:part] Dancer5 has left the server (21:2)
[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer6 has joined the server (22:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer7 has joined the server (23:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer8 has joined the server (24:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer9 has joined the server (25:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer10 has joined the server (26:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer11 has joined the server (27:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer12 has joined the server (28:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer13 has joined the server (29:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Dancer14 has joined the server (30:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] StageDancer1 has joined the server (31:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] StageDancer2 has joined the server (32:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] StageDancer3 has joined the server (33:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] Bystander has joined the server (34:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] DrinkServer has joined the server (35:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:33] [npc:join] VIPMember has joined the server (36:
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[16:43:33]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:34] Incoming connection:
[16:43:35] [npc:join] Security has joined the server (0:
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[16:43:35]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:35] Incoming connection:
[16:43:35] [npc:join] race has joined the server (0:
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[16:43:35]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:35] Incoming connection:
[16:43:35] Incoming connection:
[16:43:35] [npc:join] race2 has joined the server (0:
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[16:43:35]  Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:35] Incoming connection:
[16:43:36] [npc:join] FBI_1 has joined the server (2:
[16:43:36] FBI_1 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:36] Incoming connection:
[16:43:36] [npc:join] FBI_2 has joined the server (0:
[16:43:36] FBI_2 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
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[16:43:36] [npc:join] FBI_3 has joined the server (3:
[16:43:36] FBI_3 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
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[16:43:36] [npc:join] FBI_4 has joined the server (4:
[16:43:36] FBI_4 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
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[16:43:36] [npc:join] FBI_5 has joined the server (5:
[16:43:36] FBI_5 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
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[16:43:36] [npc:join] FBI_6 has joined the server (6:
[16:43:36] FBI_6 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:36] Incoming connection:
[16:43:36] Incoming connection:
[16:43:36] [npc:join] FBI_7 has joined the server (10:
[16:43:36] FBI_7 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_8 has joined the server (11:
[16:43:37] FBI_8 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_9 has joined the server (12:
[16:43:37] FBI_9 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_10 has joined the server (13:
[16:43:37] FBI_10 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_11 has joined the server (14:
[16:43:37] FBI_11 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_12 has joined the server (15:
[16:43:37] FBI_12 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_13 has joined the server (16:
[16:43:37] FBI_13 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] Incoming connection:
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_14 has joined the server (17:
[16:43:37] FBI_14 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] [npc:join] FBI_15 has joined the server (18:
[16:43:37] FBI_15 Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] [npc:join] train_lv has joined the server (21:
[16:43:37] train_lv Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:37] [npc:join] train_sf has joined the server (19:
[16:43:37] train_sf Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:43:48] [npc:part] FBI_2 has left the server (0:0)
[16:43:48] [npc:part] FBI_1 has left the server (2:0)
[16:43:48] [npc:part] FBI_3 has left the server (3:0)
[16:43:48] [npc:part] FBI_4 has left the server (4:0)
[16:43:48] [npc:part] FBI_5 has left the server (5:0)
[16:43:50] [npc:part] FBI_6 has left the server (6:0)
[16:43:50] [npc:part] FBI_7 has left the server (10:0)
[16:43:50] [npc:part] FBI_8 has left the server (11:0)
[16:43:57] Incoming connection:
[16:43:57] [join] Dominik_Buljan has joined the server (0:
[16:43:57] Dominik_Buljan Laptop Fajl Kreiran
[16:44:00] Dominik_Buljan is logged in.
[16:44:00] Dominik_Buljan has logged in.
[16:45:59] RCON (In-Game): Player #0 (Dominik_Buljan) has logged in.
[16:47:11] [death] Dominik_Buljan died 54

moro sam nes izbrisat jer prelazi 5000 znakova

Los Santos Road Roleplay,Uskoro ip !
Server kaki jos niste vidili Mod je Odlican !
Server ce imati otprilike 30+ igraca stalnih
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Los Santos Road Roleplay,Uskoro ip !
Server kaki jos niste vidili Mod je Odlican !
Server ce imati otprilike 30+ igraca stalnih
-Server se otvara 27.4 u 20 sati !

http://www.facebook.com/kristijan.culjak2 Vise inf na fb!

Dominik_Frankie  --> dobit čeÅ¡ ban na forumu, ne radi DP - dupli post !!!!!!!!!!!  I ovo sta si ti stavio meni NE dolazi!