[0.3d+] Slot machine

Započeo SlicK, Oktobar 21, 2011, 22:45:27 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 3 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Evo,ovo mi se jako svidjelo,pa sam odlucio stavit ovdje :)

Citat: NaS;1472759
Slotmachine by NaS

Hey guys...

Today, I'm releasing something new:

A Slot Machine!

It is exactly as the one in the casino + some features like balance + bet.

The advantage to use this instead of the ones in the casinos:

- Completly serverside, no way of cheating!
- More features
- Better design

I don't think I have to say much more about it, these are the controls:

Sprint - Play
Jump - Increase bet
Enter vehicle - Leave the slotmachine

/gamble [money] - Starts gambling. You have to put in money to start.

You can only press the keys if the machine is paused. Everything is explained ingame.

If your bet is higher than your balance, you can't gamble.
The balance can't get below zero.

To change anything (like max. bet, min. bet, bet steps etc) look into the script!

Here are some screens:

Note: I didn't test this on a public server. It could be a bit laggy if some more players are playing it at the same time. You can configure the Timer for it!


There are currently no bugs found.
If you find one - POST IT HERE!
This is important to fix them and to improve this filterscript!


Megaupload - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1TGL9WKR
Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/vczkqci0

Next versions?

I'm currently scripting more games. Like black jack and the wheel.
If they are playable I will put it all into one FS to make a safe and better casino! :)

This filterscript is only usable in 0.3d RC5-3 and upwards. Well, you can play it in 0.3c too, but you won't see the icons :D

You can remove the credits ingame if you want, but do not remove the ones inside the filterscript!
Thank you!

Have fun with this and don't get addicted! That could end in poorness!

NAPOMENA: Ukoliko vam treba nesto prevest pitajte!
Originalna tema: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=291667
Mysterious roleplay

Citat: Paco poslato Oktobar 21, 2011, 22:46:58 POSLE PODNE
moze posluziti xD

za svaku stvar odgovaras sa "posluzit ce" "moze posluzit"

to se vec pretvorilo u spam -.-''

Citat: m1®ʞōâ,,¢ poslato Oktobar 21, 2011, 22:53:26 POSLE PODNE
Citat: Paco poslato Oktobar 21, 2011, 22:46:58 POSLE PODNE
moze posluziti xD

Prijava Administratoru za tebe ide!

Ovo je odlicno!!!
Jako dobro,
samo jel mozes stavit svoje slike ili? bas te?

Respect: $--L84S--$, ναηιâ,,"â,,"α , BloodMaster , LuxZillo, Don_Sergio, ExtremePower, Gotti747, Gagi_

Pa sta cu stavljat svoje slike kad imas ove,nista nije drugacije...
Mysterious roleplay

haha...ovo je predobro za SAMP kockare...hahaha

Odlicno izgleda.. Testat cu ovo :)
Street's Creed

Street's Creed gaming zajednica se vraća.
Forum: www.streets-creed.info

Ovo je odlicno, mozda se nadje na CH:FR uz malo editovanje textdrawova i jos necega :P
Citat: ...Neno... poslato Januar 26, 2013, 23:31:02 POSLE PODNE
Poceo sam mapati i tu je doslo do problema.Nakon par mapa,vidio sam post Gottia i kaze da nista nevalja da je katastrofa,i pocnemo se svadjati,psovati.Popusimo bananu obojica,i nakon toga nesto sam napravio (mapu) i Gotti kaze dobra,uh reko opet me zajebava,i saljem ja njemu na pm reko ti mene zajebavas,kaze on ne,i pomirimo se.Nakon toga postali smo dosta dobri