[Pomoc]Oko komande /ah

Započeo Dane, Septembar 02, 2011, 17:40:14 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Skripta koju koristim:Noxicus
Detaljan opis problema:Počeo sam stavljati komandu /ah u dialog ali sam počeo dobivati neke errore i nisam je još cijelu dovršio ali sam negdje pogriješio i dobio errore ako itko može pomoći...
Dio skripte:

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    if(dialogid == ahdialog)
                          case 0:
          if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
                          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN DUZNOST | /aon /aoff ");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN CHAT | /ao, /a(dmin) chat, /cnn");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN KOMANDE | /check, /setint, /goto, /ubij, /respawncar, /headovi, /sethp, /setarmor");
                              SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN KOMANDE | /kick, /upozori, /ban, /utisaj, /prison, /jail");
  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
                              return 1;
                          case 1:
                              if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,"| [2] ADMIN | /freeze, /unfreeze, /bigears, /recon, /setteam, /cnn, /skydive");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
                              return 1;
                          case 2:
                              if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3,"| [3] ADMIN | /noooc, /fourdive, /sp, /endround, /mark, /gotomark, /gotols, /gotolv, /gotosf");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD4,"| [3] ADMIN | /getcar, /gotocar, /oldcar, /gethere, /setvirtual");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
   return 1;

COMMAND:ah(playerid, params[])
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ahdialog, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Admin Panel", "Admin Level 1\nAdmin Level 2\nAdmin Level 3\nAdmin Level 4\nAdmin Level 5\nHead Admin", "Odaberi", "Izadji");
    return 1;


//------------------------------ Dialozi maximalni ID dialogu je 32767 ------------------------------
#define ahdialog 10010

Neke slike/video za lakse dobivanje pomoci(neobavezno)://

nismo mi madionicari da znamo koji su erori..
postaj ih tu..
Vratio sam se ponovo ocekjute novi server...

Evo errori ali od includa kad compilam dobijem te errore:
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\pawno\include\G_ObjectsRot.inc(91) : error 004: function "OnObjectRotated" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(4679) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5004) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsVehicleRCVehicle"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5013) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsVehicleRCVehicle"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5734) : error 017: undefined symbol "CheckRPName"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5788) : error 004: function "CreateTunedCar" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5879) : error 004: function "CreateTunedHeli" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6752) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6764) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6789) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6795) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6815) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6821) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6825) : error 017: undefined symbol "MotoSave"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6835) : error 004: function "endrace" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6839) : error 004: function "ReadyRefresh" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6848) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6850) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6851) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6852) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6854) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(7112) : error 017: undefined symbol "D_SetPlayerHealth"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8474) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8526) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8581) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8625) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

mislim da je to { }

neparan broj negdje
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ovo ti je cijeli ondialogresponse ili samo dio?

Samo dio te komande za OnDialogReponse...

Citat: Dane poslato Septembar 02, 2011, 18:00:07 POSLE PODNE
Evo errori ali od includa kad compilam dobijem te errore:
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\pawno\include\G_ObjectsRot.inc(91) : error 004: function "OnObjectRotated" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(4679) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5004) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsVehicleRCVehicle"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5013) : error 017: undefined symbol "IsVehicleRCVehicle"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5734) : error 017: undefined symbol "CheckRPName"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5788) : error 004: function "CreateTunedCar" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(5879) : error 004: function "CreateTunedHeli" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6752) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6764) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6789) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6795) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6815) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6821) : error 004: function "SetVehicleParamsForAll" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6825) : error 017: undefined symbol "MotoSave"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6835) : error 004: function "endrace" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6839) : error 004: function "ReadyRefresh" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6848) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6850) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6851) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6852) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(6854) : error 004: function "ab" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(7112) : error 017: undefined symbol "D_SetPlayerHealth"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8474) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8526) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8581) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"
C:\Documents and Settings\Dejan\Desktop\Noxicus\gamemodes\RLRP.pwn(8625) : error 017: undefined symbol "SaveSBusiness"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

pogledaj koliko imas otvorenih a koliko zatvorenih..(zagrada: {}
Vratio sam se ponovo ocekjute novi server...

Šta u cijelom modu?Ili u tome includu jbt neda mi se brojat jer to je greška u GM-u šta sam radio kad ništa ne radim bude dobro al kad počnem i dobijem te errore...


Citat: Dane poslato Septembar 02, 2011, 18:27:28 POSLE PODNE
Šta u cijelom modu?Ili u tome includu jbt neda mi se brojat jer to je greška u GM-u šta sam radio kad ništa ne radim bude dobro al kad počnem i dobijem te errore...

Omfg,Znas li ti uopste sta je include?! o.O

Imas 7 otvorenih zagrada ( { ) a 6 zatvorenih zagrada ( } )
Zaboravio si negde da dodas }
Pronadji gde nisi zatvorio i dodaj


    if(dialogid == ahdialog)
                          case 0:
          if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
                          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN DUZNOST | /aon /aoff ");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN CHAT | /ao, /a(dmin) chat, /cnn");
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN KOMANDE | /check, /setint, /goto, /ubij, /respawncar, /headovi, /sethp, /setarmor");
                              SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "| [1] ADMIN KOMANDE | /kick, /upozori, /ban, /utisaj, /prison, /jail");
  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
                              return 1;
                          case 1:
                              if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,"| [2] ADMIN | /freeze, /unfreeze, /bigears, /recon, /setteam, /cnn, /skydive");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
                              return 1;
                          case 2:
                              if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3,"| [3] ADMIN | /noooc, /fourdive, /sp, /endround, /mark, /gotomark, /gotols, /gotolv, /gotosf");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD4,"| [3] ADMIN | /getcar, /gotocar, /oldcar, /gethere, /setvirtual");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "================================================================");
   return 1;

Kod case 0 i case 1 fali ti } zagrada. Eto podesio sam ti to.

Poslednja Izmena: Septembar 03, 2011, 12:42:27 POSLE PODNE od [ERP] McShakur
Mike Marquez | House of Rave is Trippy Place ! |

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