[FS]Pocijska Svetla na krovu i haubi

Započeo Nikola I, Mart 08, 2011, 20:22:44 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

probaj /rcon login password i onda kucaj /spu ali nemoj da bude u vozilu nego izaberes i onda ti se stvori vozilo

F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(137) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(157) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(177) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(197) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(217) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(237) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(257) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(277) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(297) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(317) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(347) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(367) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(387) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(407) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(427) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(447) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(467) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(487) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(507) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(527) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(557) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(577) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(597) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(617) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(637) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(657) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"

taman sam pohvalio FS... a ono kad sam pawnirao ovo mi izbacilo...
moze mi neko pomoc?
Poslednja Izmena: Mart 11, 2011, 16:44:13 POSLE PODNE od __Slaven__


Citat: __Slaven__ poslato Mart 11, 2011, 16:41:07 POSLE PODNE
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(137) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(157) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(177) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(197) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(217) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(237) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(257) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(277) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(297) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(317) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(347) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(367) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(387) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(407) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(427) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(447) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(467) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(487) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(507) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(527) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(557) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(577) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(597) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(617) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(637) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"
F:\Slaven\San Andreas Multiplayer\Balcan Expres\filterscripts\drot.pwn(657) : error 017: undefined symbol "AttachObjectToVehicle"

taman sam pohvalio FS... a ono kad sam pawnirao ovo mi izbacilo...
moze mi neko pomoc?

nije ti definisano to attac.....

Izvinjavam se sto refresham temu :-X
Ali treba mi FS...a imam problem sa njom...
Auto je Crne boje i sve kao sto treba i kucam odaberem sultana i nista

Kad bih ponovo mogao da biram...al' nemozes da biras.
Zajebes jedan minus i ode ceo zadatak u kurac. Ceo fazon brate, nema druge sanse.

Ma znam ovu FS jako je dobra nije loša...

Moze li mi ko pomoc oko nje :o

Kad bih ponovo mogao da biram...al' nemozes da biras.
Zajebes jedan minus i ode ceo zadatak u kurac. Ceo fazon brate, nema druge sanse.

Odlicno..Posluzit ce  :)

Real-Life informacije

Ime : Antonio
Nadimak : Tony
Mjesto : Đakovo,Hrvatska
Pol : Musko
Godine : 15

Afrika Gaming Informacije

Rank : Mapper
Profil : Click
Nick : Jimmy_Lopez Status : Lider HPL-a Level : 1 Imovina : -


To je i meni problemm, zato sam i REFRESHAO temu da mi neko pomogne...tema je stara jedno 5-6 mjeseci mozda i vise, a oni sad pisu kako je dobra....i ostalo...

Kad bih ponovo mogao da biram...al' nemozes da biras.
Zajebes jedan minus i ode ceo zadatak u kurac. Ceo fazon brate, nema druge sanse.

okey...a kako onda da nadjem to auto?

Kad bih ponovo mogao da biram...al' nemozes da biras.
Zajebes jedan minus i ode ceo zadatak u kurac. Ceo fazon brate, nema druge sanse.

gdje da stavim taj text,,tj. u koji file? ne razumijem ja bas to... :D

Veoma dobro.. Cestitam...  8)
prst prst u cupi,prst prst u anus