[FS]Scripting Tools

Započeo BalkanGaming, Februar 09, 2011, 14:24:46 POSLE PODNE

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Nadam se da ce vam se svidjet :P
Citat: funky1234;1058432[SIZE="6"]
[COLOR="SandyBrown"]Scripter's[/COLOR] Tools[/SIZE]
[SIZE="5"]Simple Script Line Maker[/SIZE]

This script is just something simple i thought up, i havent really done much in the way of scripting for the SAMP community recently, partly because Visual Basic and C++ have taken up much of my time, but enough about me, more towards the script eh?

[SIZE="5"]What does it do?[/SIZE]
Its quite limited in what it can do at the moment, but i want to keep this script updated, and so i will. Any suggestions you may post in your replies.
Currently, it can;

  • Make Pickup Lines (/makepickup [model] [comment])
    The model is the actual pickup. You can find a list of these on the wiki. The comment is the //comment.
    The pickups type is 0 (The pickup does not display.) So you will need to change this in your script.
  • Make map icons (/makemapicon [model] [comment])
    The model, is the actual map icon. You can also find a list of these on the wiki. The comment is the //comment.
    The map icon type defaults to MAPICON_LOCAL and the color defaults to 0 (You can leave colour, only edit colour if you use Map Icon model 0)
  • Make Raw Position Lines (/makepos [comment])
    Basic. A bit like SAMP's /rs save. However this can hold comments and can be stored in the script files folder. The comment is the //comment.
  • Make Vehicle Lines (CreateVehicle) (/makevehicle [model] [comment])
    Yet again, the model is the vehicle model (and will return Invalid Vehicle Model if it is invalid) and the comment is the //comment.
    The vehicle colours are random (-1, -1) and the respawn delay is also -1.
[SIZE="5"]Setting Up...[/SIZE]
There a few #defines at the top of the script, these are the only real things that you need to change for this script to work.
[pawn]#define COLOUR 0xFF00FFFF //Yes, i have a thing for pink at the moment, no idea why... - Probably my girlfriends bedroom inspired me

#define ADMIN_ONLY //Comment this out or remove it if you wish to allow all players to use these commands
#define PICKUP_FILE "script_lines/pickups.txt" //The location of your pickups file
#define MAPICON_FILE "script_lines/mapicons.txt" //The location of your map icons file
#define COORDS_FILE "script_lines/coords.txt" //The location of your coords file
#define VEHICLE_FILE "script_lines/vehs.txt" //The location of your vehicle file[/pawn]

You may edit any of these to suit your preference. You need to ensure that the directory your files will belong in will exist before you can actually start it, as when you run a command, it may crash the server if they dont exist.

I have not found any problems with this script. If you find any, post them on this thread. Do not PM me them.

If you have a suggestion, post it in this thread, maybe with your reply, and i may add it in the next version

Here is the PasteBin link;

Draco Blue; DCMD
SAMP Team - what for? Everything.[/INDENT]

I hope this is useful for you.


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