[Pomoc] Pitanja

Započeo Rotcod, Decembar 25, 2010, 17:40:44 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 3 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

E ovako znam da je bila vec jedna tema ali ev opet cu ja... Ja sam slucajno video sad onaj srv Los Santos RolePlay i sad krenuo na forum i sad pitanja... Ja odgovorim na pitanja i uvek mi 5/5 zju znaci nikad manje ni vise oce neko da mi pomogne pitanja su:

If you are being shot at but you dont want to die...
... you press Esc to stop your HP from going down.
... you disconnect and relog when you are ready.
... you attempt to escape or survive in a Roleplay manner.

What is bunny-hopping?
RPing a jumping rabbit.
A RP technique.
Jumping to get somewhere faster.

What is our policy on hackers?
We hack with them.
We allow them to roam free.
No questions asked. Ban ASAP

Is it right to kill someone in game for real life arguement?
Yes, he is my friend, I can kill him.
I shouldn't do that, it's not an example of good roleplay.
I can kill whoever I want for no reason.

If you find an error/bug in server script, is it right to abuse?
No it is not, I should report it on the CP's bug tracker.
No it is not, I should call my mom.
Yes, I can use it if no-one sees.

Is it ok to insult/offend people in OOC?
No it's not and I will get punished.
Yes I can offend people whenever I want.
I can if they offend me.

What are the forums for?
To flame and advertise my stuff.
To read information and communicate.
To get levels in game.

What do you do if you are banned from the server and not guilty?
Ask an admin on MSN to unban you.
Try to connect over and over.
Make a ban appeal in the "Wrongly Banned" section.

What does SAMP stand for?
San Andreas Multiplayer.
San Andreas Movie Pack.
San Andreas Motor Pool.

If a hacker gives you some money, what should you do?
Keep it and share it amongst your friends.
Use /report to tell an admin and use /charity to make it disappear.
Put it in the bank and save it for a rainy day.

Cobra 11

1.   ... you attempt to escape or survive in a Roleplay manner.
2.   Jumping to get somewhere faster.
3.    No questions asked. Ban ASAP
4.  I shouldn't do that, it's not an example of good roleplay.
5.  No it is not, I should report it on the CP's bug tracker.
6.  No it's not and I will get punished.
7.  To read information and communicate.
8.   Make a ban appeal in the "Wrongly Banned" section.
9.  San Andreas Multiplayer.
10.   Use /report to tell an admin and use /charity to make it disappear.

  Ako sam dobro skužio,to si tražio... jel tako?

To sam trazio ali ti si mi tek danas odg evo novih sad sam nasao neka kraca:

Which chat can "lol" be said in?
Normal chat.
/b (Local OOC Chat) and /o (Global OOC).
/r (radio).

What should you do if you accidentally pick up duals in a house?
Spam /re asking the admins to remove it for you.
Shoot them out in the street.
Get the weapon ID using /weapons, then /dropgun <WEAPONID>

What should you do if you see someone breaking the rules?
Take a screenshot and report them to a admin using /report.
DM him.
Ignore it.

What does IC Stand for?
In Character.
Information Centre.
I'm Cool.

What do you do if you have to walk a long distance?
Call a cab or walk.
Find a row of cars, and enter each of them until you find an unlocked car
Ask for a ride in /o (Global OOC).

Which one of these /me commands are used correctly?
/me knocks out John.
/me cuffs john, and puts him in the cruiser and locks the door.
/me laughs at John's joke.

What do you do if you get Deathmatched?
/report 'ID'.
Call 911.
Fight back.

If you are on the telephone ICly can you say "lol" or
Yes, as long as it's RP.
Haha, it's dead funny!
No, "lol" is not an RP word.

You are being arrested, you..
... quit out of the game.
... complain in OOC to get out of it.
... roleplay it as necessary.

You were in a police chase and your car blew up, so you...
... run to its spawn location and use it again.
... bunny jump away from the police.
... surrender, attempt to evade on foot, or RP stealing another

Hvala! I izvinite sto sad vako dosadjujem

A puko mi net sad su mi se promenila pitanja LOL
Poslednja Izmena: Decembar 26, 2010, 12:42:36 POSLE PODNE od eXtreme