Započeo rane, Novembar 28, 2021, 20:41:07 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 3 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Problem(error/warning): Kada izbacim NPCa preko FCNPC_Destroy(npcid); server padne.
Deo skripte: [pawn]Vaš odgovor[/pawn]
Debug iz server_log(ukoliko je u pitanju crashanje servera - crashdetect log):
Evo iz FCNPC crash fajla
[pawn]=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
Address: 0x739bb50a

EAX: 0x8ef500 - EBX: 0x3 - ECX: 0x0 - EDX: 0x8eb660
ESI: 0x8cc102 - EDI: 0x0 - EBP: 0x19fdf4 - ESP: 0x19fdc0

0x0: 0x1 - 0x4: 0x8cc102 - 0x8: 0x0 - 0xC: 0x0 - 0x10: 0x0 - 0x14: 0x3a32b0
0x18: 0xb1c9cec0 - 0x1C: 0x19fe00 - 0x20: 0xffff

  System: Windows
  SA-MP: 0.3.7 R2
  FCNPC: 2.0.4

  FUNC_CPlayerPool__DeletePlayer: 0x466570
  FUNC_CPlayer__Kill: 0x484620
  FUNC_CPlayer__EnterVehicle: 0x484c70
  FUNC_CPlayer__ExitVehicle: 0x484d90
  FUNC_CPlayer__SpawnForWorld: 0x486d30
  FUNC_GetVehicleModelInfo: 0x488240
  FUNC_CConsole__GetIntVariable: 0x48b5b0
  FUNC_ClientJoin_RPC: 0x4918f0

  VAR_ServerAuthentication: 0x4f5fe8
  VAR_NetVersion: 0xfd9

  OFFSET_RemoteSystemManager: 0x33c
  OFFSET_RemoteSystemSize: 0xcb8
  OFFSET_RemoteSystem__ConnectMode: 0xcb0
  OFFSET_RemoteSystem__Unknown: 0xcb5

  FUNC_CGameMode__OnPlayerGiveDamage: 0x46ed70
  FUNC_CGameMode__OnPlayerTakeDamage: 0x46ecf0
  FUNC_CGameMode__OnPlayerWeaponShot: 0x46f360
  FUNC_CGameMode__OnPlayerStreamIn: 0x46e8e0
  FUNC_CGameMode__OnPlayerStreamOut: 0x46e950
  FUNC_CGameMode__OnGameModeExit: 0x46d7b0
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================[/pawn]
Slika/video ingame problema(obavezno ako je ingame problem): link slike
Poslednja Izmena: Novembar 29, 2021, 01:09:35 PRE PODNE od мυмα

[Filterscript] Simple Treasure Hunt
[Filterscript] Sistem pecanja
[Filterscript] Meditacija
[Filterscript] Molitva
[Include] Alarm
[Include] Posao Taxi

Ubaci crashdetect i posalji sta javlja u server.log

Nije mi se sada rušila skripta ni nakon dva testiranja.
[21:15:38] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[21:15:38] [debug]  Accessing element at index 65535 past array upper bound 2000
[21:15:38] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[21:15:38] [debug] #0 000b4060 in public ac_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=65535, reason=51) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\weapon-config.inc:2485
[21:15:38] [debug] #1 00070df4 in public WRSTWTCH_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=0, reason=31) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\nex-ac.inc:3702
[21:15:38] [debug] #2 0003a084 in ?? (... <3 arguments>) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\wristwatch.inc:165
[21:15:38] [debug] #3 00014064 in public FIXES_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=0, reason=31) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:770
[21:15:38] [debug] #4 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[21:15:38] [debug] #5 00003b40 in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=0, reason=31) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\fixes.inc:1798

[Filterscript] Simple Treasure Hunt
[Filterscript] Sistem pecanja
[Filterscript] Meditacija
[Filterscript] Molitva
[Include] Alarm
[Include] Posao Taxi

Citat: Common poslato Novembar 28, 2021, 21:17:49 POSLE PODNE
Nije mi se sada rušila skripta ni nakon dva testiranja.
[21:15:38] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[21:15:38] [debug]  Accessing element at index 65535 past array upper bound 2000
[21:15:38] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[21:15:38] [debug] #0 000b4060 in public ac_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=65535, reason=51) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\weapon-config.inc:2485
[21:15:38] [debug] #1 00070df4 in public WRSTWTCH_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=0, reason=31) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\nex-ac.inc:3702
[21:15:38] [debug] #2 0003a084 in ?? (... <3 arguments>) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\wristwatch.inc:165
[21:15:38] [debug] #3 00014064 in public FIXES_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=0, reason=31) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\YSI\y_hooks/impl.inc:770
[21:15:38] [debug] #4 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[21:15:38] [debug] #5 00003b40 in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=97, killerid=0, reason=31) at C:\Users\Documents\Mode\pawno\include\fixes.inc:1798

Slican prob sa m imao, skini najnovju verz FCNPC-a i SKY-a.Tako asm ja fixao
SPEED HACK (C++) https://github.com/nouddy/samp-speed-hack
Reliant GameMode (open.mp) https://github.com/nouddy/reliant-omp
SA:MP Landing Page https://github.com/nouddy/samp-landing-page

Kolko drama ima u 7 grama

skino samo se jos vise sjebalo, ne moze se nista uvezat iako sam skinuo zadnje verzije, sad se ni SKY i weapon-config ne poklapaju
[21:35:19] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:35:19] [debug]  FreezeSyncPacket
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetFakeFacingAngle
[21:35:19] [debug]  SendLastSyncPacket
[21:35:19] [debug]  ClearAnimationsForPlayer
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetKnifeSync
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetFakeHealth
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetFakeArmour
[21:35:19] [debug]  SpawnPlayerForWorld
[21:35:19] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:35:19] [debug]  FreezeSyncPacket
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetFakeFacingAngle
[21:35:19] [debug]  SendLastSyncPacket
[21:35:19] [debug]  ClearAnimationsForPlayer
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetKnifeSync
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetFakeHealth
[21:35:19] [debug]  SetFakeArmour
[21:35:19] [debug]  SpawnPlayerForWorld

[Filterscript] Simple Treasure Hunt
[Filterscript] Sistem pecanja
[Filterscript] Meditacija
[Filterscript] Molitva
[Include] Alarm
[Include] Posao Taxi

sredio sam nekako

[Filterscript] Simple Treasure Hunt
[Filterscript] Sistem pecanja
[Filterscript] Meditacija
[Filterscript] Molitva
[Include] Alarm
[Include] Posao Taxi