Zen Roleplay Community

Započeo BitchLasagnazz, April 04, 2019, 15:37:51 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: ã,¼ãƒ­ãƒ,,ーScripTT.sql poslato April 27, 2019, 22:36:41 POSLE PODNE
Hahaaaaaa Skripter nema blage halojeee gasi too

Jebo ga ker!
Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton

GL <3
Balkan Moon v1.0 by Foxy

Owner // Scripter Balkan Moon

u Potpisu Foxy.

Ne pipaj lava Foxy, radi na BM-u :D :D :D
[4.7.2019] Respect For: Purda | Basovski | Mister Naithan | BICEL KO MI BUNTA | 7.9: Vasic[/b]

* Server [5.1.2019 Created]
* Scripter on Power Gaming
* Scripter on Night Life
* Scripter on Arena Gaming
* Scripter on duty (Balkan Moon)

[23.5.2k19] Messi u skriptanju hehe ;)
[7.8.2k19]OLD Minecraft Developer & Player (2016-2018)


Prije svake nove teme molim te da pročitaš pravila WIP sekcije. >KLIK DA PROČITAŠ <