Ganton Wars <3

Započeo just_Sukiii, Mart 14, 2019, 11:26:30 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: Fqris poslato Jul 10, 2019, 02:23:25 PRE PODNE
SendRconCommand("password [Sifra]");
gdje je [Sifra] tu bi trebala biti sifra..
idi samo CTRL + F i trazi SendRconCommand("password
mod je modularan btw

Citat: fdsdfsdfsdf poslato Jul 10, 2019, 01:17:02 PRE PODNE
Koja je pw servera, nema je u server.cfg???? pllllss reci
Ja msm da se po default nalazi u modules/core/definitions, i da je #define DEV_PW 1234, tako da pw1234

( ENORMOUS RESPECT Ino420 / Xunder)
( tutorial )
> Sublime Text 3 >
( includes & fs )
> Moving Textdraw > Daily Collect [With FS] > Custom GameText > Duel System
( gamemodes )
> Ganton Wars > Arcadius RPG > Light Matrix > Old Nation

Citat: just_Sukiii poslato Jul 14, 2019, 19:00:52 POSLE PODNE
Ja msm da se po default nalazi u modules/core/definitions, i da je #define DEV_PW 1234, tako da pw1234

Rcon pin je bio datum otvaranja :DDD
Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton

Srecan rodjendan, a sto se tice moda, kidalica  8)

Jao kad vidim ovakve "module"  ???

dobra ideja svakako.
My tutorials: y_inline & y_dialog, Ternary Operator, y_flooding, y_bit, samp-logger, Pawn Plus I Deo ( Dynamic Strings ), Map Zones, TextDraw Buttons, y_iterate, easyDialog, samp-plugin-timerfix
My includes: TextDraw Buttons

Respect: Bunta, Vedran, Ivan Bagarić, Itz.Yansi, Rade Ćurić (ni ja ne verujem)
Biggest respect goes to: ADRFranklin

Citat: Vodka PlayObožavam te "skriptere" koji probleme rešavaju tako što menjaju mod svaka 2 dana, tako će sigurno naučiti.
Neko im nacrta u temi Å¡ta treba uraditi, al' ne vredi nisu svi za skriptanje.

Bruka dobar mod pohvale

Ima nas ko VZ botova :D pss
Owner and Developer of Kings Life Community [2k20]
Ex Owner and Developer of Real Life RP [2k17-2020]

Citat: Osamu Dazai poslato Avgust 30, 2019, 12:55:42 POSLE PODNE
Jao kad vidim ovakve "module"  ???

dobra ideja svakako.
stoo, sta im 'fali xD
Msm ja sam ovak sam ucio i tak se snalazim u njima

( ENORMOUS RESPECT Ino420 / Xunder)
( tutorial )
> Sublime Text 3 >
( includes & fs )
> Moving Textdraw > Daily Collect [With FS] > Custom GameText > Duel System
( gamemodes )
> Ganton Wars > Arcadius RPG > Light Matrix > Old Nation

Citat: just_Sukiii poslato Septembar 01, 2019, 18:31:06 POSLE PODNE
stoo, sta im 'fali xD
Msm ja sam ovak sam ucio i tak se snalazim u njima

Ti si poseban be bo <3
Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton

Mod objavljen u martu nakom 6 mjeseci kliknes na gamemode skripte kad marshal bump... Nista cekamo nekog ko ce ga zajebati

Bump za legendarni mod da se ne zboravi  ::)
Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street.

Also known as:Marshall Bleach Newton