[IGRA] Pogodi ko ce pisati posle vas

Započeo Amain, April 16, 2017, 12:22:53 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 2 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

E ovako, kao sto naslov kaze trebate napisati ko ce po vasem misljenju napisati novi odgovor u ovoj temi, sledeci korisnik odgovara sa Da ako je prethodni pogodio i Ne ako nije pogodio i zatim on pise ko ce sledeci napisati odgovor.


[!] Ne morate da tagujete onog sto mislite da ce sljedeci pisati, samo napisete ime!
Poslednja Izmena: Januar 24, 2018, 21:15:15 POSLE PODNE od Vasić


Amain? hehe
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!


CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Yes bejebe

CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!


Amain :P
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!