[MAP] CNN ili ti ga NEWS Baza!!

Započeo [RS] |Doubles~ 3RSI |, April 08, 2012, 14:48:04 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Radio: Ja

Napomena: Pošto sam sve mape,sa svojim 3g iskustva,radio na brzinu,sada sam napravio,sve u 1mm,bez preklapanja,pošto sam počeo da mapam za jedan server,treba preciznost,evo vam mape,bez preklapanja,bez grešaka!!!



CreateObject(980, 778.20001220703, -1330.5999755859, 15.300000190735, 0, 0, 358.75);
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CreateObject(1649, 734.30596923828, -1345.4000244141, 16.89999961853, 0, 0, 270.10986328125);
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CreateObject(9131, 745.01727294922, -1341.8210449219, 14.100004196167, 0, 0, 0.7470703125);
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CreateObject(3095, 740.81500244141, -1340.5729980469, 18.550001144409, 0, 0, 1.749755859375);
CreateObject(3095, 738.47930908203, -1340.6529541016, 18.549900054932, 0, 0, 1.7496337890625);
CreateObject(3095, 738.56799316406, -1343.1900634766, 18.550001144409, 0, 0, 1.2496337890625);
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CreateObject(3921, 741.90002441406, -1347.0111083984, 13, 0, 0, 270.7470703125);
CreateObject(3031, 735, -1337.4000244141, 14.10000038147, 0, 0, 326);
CreateObject(3031, 744.5, -1346.6999511719, 20.60000038147, 0, 0, 325.99731445313);
CreateObject(3031, 739, -1337.0999755859, 20.60000038147, 0, 0, 55.997314453125);
CreateObject(2617, 739.29998779297, -1339.6999511719, 13.10000038147, 0, 0, 264.5);
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CreateObject(3390, 738.70001220703, -1337.1999511719, 12.5, 0, 0, 94.746337890625);
CreateObject(2289, 743.40002441406, -1347.5, 14.60000038147, 0, 0, 180.5);
CreateObject(2289, 736.90002441406, -1347.5999755859, 14.60000038147, 0, 0, 180.49987792969);
CreateObject(2281, 739.90002441406, -1336.8000488281, 14.300000190735, 0, 0, 1.5);
CreateObject(2075, 743.40002441406, -1342, 18.299999237061, 0, 0, 0.75);
CreateObject(2075, 743.5, -1344.5, 18.299999237061, 0, 0, 0.7470703125);
CreateObject(2075, 736.59997558594, -1344.6999511719, 18.299999237061, 0, 0, 0.7470703125);
CreateObject(2075, 736.40002441406, -1342.1999511719, 18.299999237061, 0, 0, 0.7470703125);
CreateObject(2075, 736, -1339, 18.299999237061, 0, 0, 0.7470703125);
CreateObject(2075, 743.5, -1338.8000488281, 18.299999237061, 0, 0, 0.7470703125);
CreateObject(3111, 734.29998779297, -1342.3000488281, 13.800000190735, 90, 90, 0);

9.4/10 moglo je malo bolje

Balkan Ulice RPG opis servera: Click

-Tutorial za mijesanje ID-ova na vozilima: Click

Citat: [TG:RP] ναηιâ,,"â,,"α.ιη¢ poslato April 08, 2012, 14:52:16 POSLE PODNE
Solidno , stakla ruzno poslagana, kontenjer nije dobro postavljen , shelbywall isto tako, 7/10
Kontenjer je orginalan,od San Andreasa,nisam ja to stavljo,stakla nisu ružno postavljena,u 1mm je sve!!!!

Solidno dbr je za pocetnike  ::) bar si kapije pogao spustit da se slazu sa zidom :P 6/10
Poslednja Izmena: April 08, 2012, 14:55:54 POSLE PODNE od Jack P

Citat: Jack P poslato April 08, 2012, 14:54:54 POSLE PODNE
Solidno dbr je za pocetnike  ::) bar si kapije pogao spustit da se slazu sa zidom :P 6/10
Nisam početnik,žao mi je,kapije su spuštene do asfalta!!!

10/10 lepo lepo :))
The whole world is down.. Let's take a walk

Mappam besplatno (0.3c, 0.3e RemoveBuildingForPlayer). Ukoliko ste zainteresovani pošaljite PM..

Napomena: Pošto sam sve mape,sa svojim 3g iskustva,radio na brzinu,sada sam napravio,sve u 1mm,bez preklapanja,pošto sam počeo da mapam....

http://i.imgur.com/27yLp.jpg ::)

Poslednja Izmena: April 08, 2012, 16:54:44 POSLE PODNE od |BU|Mr. Richard

Balkan Underground Leader The Red Brigade