[Pomoc] Buygun komanda nefunkcionira

Započeo ѕєуzιι¢н™.amx, Septembar 10, 2011, 16:03:45 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Skripta koju koristim: GodFather Edit
Detaljan opis problema: Ovako napravio sam biz ammunation sa interiorom: ID: 1 - Kordinate: 286.148986,-40.644397,1001.515625 Slika: Slika ammua
Dodem u ammu napisem /buygun i izbaci mi Nisi u store :S
Dio skripte: if (strcmp(cmd, "/buygun", true) == 0)
        if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 1)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   You dont have enough money with you !");
    return 1;
new gun;
new gunid[16];
new gunstring1[256];
new gunstring2[256];
new gunstring3[256];
new gunstring4[256];
new gunstring5[256];
new infostring[256];
new guncharge;
new ammocharge;
new location = PlayerInfo[playerid][pLocal];
if(location == 99 || location == 100 || location == 102)
    if(BizzInfo[location-99][bProducts] <= 0)
        GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Out Of Stock", 5000, 1);
return 1;
new mod = 100;
    tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_DGOLD, "KORISTENJE: /buygun [ime oruzja] [kolicina]");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"_______________________________________");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"*** Guns & Ammo ***");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2,string);
format(gunstring1, 256, "Weapons: parachute ($%d) golfclub ($%d) nightstick ($%d) baseballbat ($%d) shovel ($%d) poolcue ($%d)",
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring1);
format(gunstring2, 256, "Weapons: purpledildo ($%d) whitedildo ($%d) longwhitedildo ($%d) whitedildo2 ($%d) flowers ($%d) cane",
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring2);
format(gunstring3, 256, "Weapons: sdpistol ($%d) deagle ($%d) mp5 ($%d)",
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring3);
format(gunstring4, 256, "Weapons: shotgun ($%d) ak47 ($%d) m4 ($%d) rifle ($%d)",
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring4);
format(gunstring5, 256, "Weapons: pistolammo ($%d) shotgunammo ($%d) smgammo ($%d) assaultammo ($%d) rifleammo ($%d)",
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, gunstring5);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN,"_______________________________________");
return 1;
strmid(gunid, tmp, 0, strlen(cmdtext), 255);
    tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_DGOLD, "KORISTENJE: /buygun [ime oruzja] [kolicina]");
return 1;
new ammo = strval(tmp);
if(ammo < 1 || ammo > 150) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   Ammo ammount not lower then 1 or higher then 999 !"); return 1; }
if (strcmp(gunid, "parachute", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 46;
guncharge = GunPrice[0][0]/100*mod;
ammocharge = 0;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "golfclub", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 2; guncharge = GunPrice[1][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 2; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "nightstick", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 3; guncharge = GunPrice[2][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 3; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "baseballbat", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 5; guncharge = GunPrice[4][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 5; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "shovel", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 6; guncharge = GunPrice[5][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 6; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "poolcue", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 7; guncharge = GunPrice[6][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 7; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "purpledildo", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 10; guncharge = GunPrice[7][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 10; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "whitedildo", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 11; guncharge = GunPrice[8][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 11; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "longwhitedildo", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 12; guncharge = GunPrice[9][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 12; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "whitedildo2", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 13; guncharge = GunPrice[10][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 13; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "flowers", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 14; guncharge = GunPrice[11][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 14; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "cane", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 15; guncharge = GunPrice[12][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun1] = 15; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo1] = 1;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "sdpistol", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 23; guncharge = GunPrice[13][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[25][0]*ammo;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun2] = 23; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo2] = ammo;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "deagle", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 24; guncharge = GunPrice[15][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[25][0]*ammo;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun2] = 24; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo2] = ammo;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "mp5", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 29; guncharge = GunPrice[18][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[27][0]*ammo;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun3] = 29; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo3] = ammo;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "shotgun", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 25; guncharge = GunPrice[19][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[26][0]*ammo;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun3] = 25; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo3] = ammo;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "ak47", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 30; guncharge = GunPrice[22][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[28][0]*ammo;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4] = 30; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4] = ammo;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "m4", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 31; guncharge = GunPrice[23][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[28][0]*ammo;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4] = 31; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4] = ammo;
else if (strcmp(gunid, "rifle", true, strlen(gunid)) == 0)
gun = 33; guncharge = GunPrice[24][0]/100*mod; ammocharge = GunPrice[29][0]*ammo;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pGun4] = 33; PlayerInfo[playerid][pAmmo4] = ammo;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD6, "ShopKeeper kaze: I have never heard of that weapon.");
return 1;
if((guncharge+ammocharge) > GetPlayerMoney(playerid))
format(infostring, 256, "   You don't have $%d !",guncharge+ammocharge);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, infostring);
return 1;
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < (guncharge+ammocharge))
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "   Can't afford that !");
    return 1;
new payout = guncharge + ammocharge;
format(infostring, 256, "You have purchased %s with %d ammo for $%d",gunid,ammo,payout);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD3, infostring);
if(location == 102 && IsACop(playerid)) { }
else { GivePlayerMoney(playerid, - payout); }
BizzInfo[location-99][bTill] += payout;
ExtortionBiz(location-99, payout);
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1052, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, gun, ammo);
GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s kupio oruzje za $%d u biz %d", sendername, payout, location-99);
printf("%s", string);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Nisi u store.");
return 1;
return 1;

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