[Pomoc] MySQL...

Započeo System32, Avgust 13, 2011, 08:50:03 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Skripta koju koristim: iStunt
Detaljan opis problema: ma radio ja po onom tut za mySQL onaj vrag i sad je to paradox preuredivao, prebacivao to u PlayerInfo i tako to i kad izadem iz samp-server.exe statsi se restaju, sve je na 0 a u bazi je sve isto :O sta da radim
Dio skripte: uhh ima puno toga, sto treba recite, evo i ovo iz debuga
Citat[08:35:11] ---------------------------

[08:35:11] MySQL Debugging activated (08/13/11)

[08:35:11] ---------------------------


[08:35:11] >> mysql_connect( )

[08:35:11] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - constructor called.

[08:35:11] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - Connecting to "localhost" | DB: "sa-mp" | Username: "root" ...

[08:35:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.

[08:35:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.

[08:35:30] >> mysql_query_callback( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::Query("sOnQueryFinish") - Custom callback query with index 102 started (ExtraID: 0)

[08:35:30] >> mysql_real_escape_string( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::EscapeString(System32); - Escaped 8 characters to System32.

[08:35:30] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::Query(SELECT `Korisnik` FROM `playerinfo` WHERE `Korisnik` = 'System32' LIMIT 1) - Successfully executed.

[08:35:30] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.

[08:35:30] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)

[08:35:30] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.

[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()

[08:35:33] >> mysql_real_escape_string( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:33] CMySQLHandler::EscapeString(System32); - Escaped 8 characters to System32.

[08:35:33] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:33] CMySQLHandler::Query(SELECT * FROM `playerinfo` WHERE `Korisnik` = 'System32' AND `Lozinka` = 'pass' LIMIT 1) - Successfully executed.

[08:35:33] >> mysql_store_result( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:33] CMySQLHandler::StoreResult() - Result was stored.

[08:35:33] >> mysql_num_rows( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:33] CMySQLHandler::NumRows() - Returned 1 row(s)

[08:35:33] >> mysql_fetch_row_format( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:33] CMySQLHandler::FetchRow() - Return: System32|pass|890|51|3|0|0|3|0|0|0|

[08:35:33] >> mysql_free_result( Connection handle: 1 )

[08:35:33] CMySQLHandler::FreeResult() - Result was successfully free'd.
mislim da je ovo problem
Citat[08:35:30] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
ps. ovo mi je bilo u OnGameModeExitu
makao sam to i opet isto
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Poslednja Izmena: Avgust 13, 2011, 08:50:13 PRE PODNE od System32
Uskoro novi stunt server iStunt. DoÄ'ite i zabavite se!


Dizajniram za $$$
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Wallpaper √  Signature ×  Logo √  Dizajn stranice (Ne kodiranje) √  Baner √  Avatar √  Animacija √  Intro √

Jednako se nama desavalo
Pacino je nekak to popravio
Al onda je MYSQL zbog druge stvari zaje******
toplo ti preporucam sqlite
Datum registracije:    Listopad 21, 2009, 15:56:43
|Rick Dunn| NaNx |Soldier |
|Maper | Web Developer [HTML+CSS] | C++ beginner |

Respect: Karike, Chris, ///Masic, Stormer, Walter, NeNo, Pacino, NaNek

ma ebes sqlite, ostajem na ovom
Uskoro novi stunt server iStunt. DoÄ'ite i zabavite se!


Dizajniram za $$$
Popis stvari koje radim:

Wallpaper √  Signature ×  Logo √  Dizajn stranice (Ne kodiranje) √  Baner √  Avatar √  Animacija √  Intro √


Na oficijalnom samp forumu sam nasao ovu temu isto taj error mu izlazio evo pogledaj malo:
Citaj od onog posta gde spominje ovo:
public OnQueryError(errorid, error[], resultid, extraid, callback[], query[], connectionHandle) {
printf("EID: %d | Error: %s | Query: %s", errorid, error, query);
return 1;

Pa ces videti sta cete izbaciti o kakvom se erroru radi.
Nisam strucnjak za MySQL pa se i nerazumem u njega. Tek ga ucim ;)

heh hvala gagi
evo ovo dobijem u konzoli

Uskoro novi stunt server iStunt. DoÄ'ite i zabavite se!


Dizajniram za $$$
Popis stvari koje radim:

Wallpaper √  Signature ×  Logo √  Dizajn stranice (Ne kodiranje) √  Baner √  Avatar √  Animacija √  Intro √


Evo kao sto je jedan rekao
Citatit clearly says that Accounts table doesnt exist.
Znaci nemas kreirano bans valjda sta vec ti radis sa njim ne ja :D

Print the data that is sent to the query error callback. Use/add this code:

pawn Code:

public OnQueryError(errorid, error[], resultid, extraid, callback[], query[], connectionHandle) {
printf("EID: %d | Error: %s | Query: %s", errorid, error, query);
return 1;

And see what it shows in the console/log.

tako kaze jedan lik ... pokusaj
Datum registracije:    Listopad 21, 2009, 15:56:43
|Rick Dunn| NaNx |Soldier |
|Maper | Web Developer [HTML+CSS] | C++ beginner |

Respect: Karike, Chris, ///Masic, Stormer, Walter, NeNo, Pacino, NaNek


Citat: EM|Rick Dunn aka NaNx poslato Avgust 13, 2011, 09:19:17 PRE PODNE
Print the data that is sent to the query error callback. Use/add this code:

pawn Code:

public OnQueryError(errorid, error[], resultid, extraid, callback[], query[], connectionHandle) {
printf("EID: %d | Error: %s | Query: %s", errorid, error, query);
return 1;

And see what it shows in the console/log.

tako kaze jedan lik ... pokusaj
Vidi sta sam mu ja napisao gore :P. To isto :P