
Započeo Raikkonen, Maj 04, 2020, 21:24:53 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Problem(error/warning): Skinuo sam mod sa GPanela , upalim pawno , iso compile , i izbacuje 1error . Palio sam backup , iso compile i dalje baca error.
Dio skripte: [pawn]C:\Users\Luka\Desktop\Nashville OGC\Server\gamemodes\nashville.pwn(34655) : warning 217: loose indentatio[/pawn]
A evo linija de je error [pawn]new time = gettime( );[/pawn]
Debug iz server_log(ukoliko je u pitanju crashanje servera - crashdetect log):
Slika/video ingame problema(obavezno ako je ingame problem): Molim za help , hvala!
Just leave me alone i know what i'm doing

[pawn]CMD:test( playerid ) {
   new t1, t2, t3;
   t1 = 1;
      t2 = 2; //WARNING
   t3 = 3;
   return ( true );

CMD:test( playerid ) {
   new t1, t2, t3;
   t1 = 1;
   t2 = 2;
   t3 = 3;
   return ( true );
Citat: CheezItFollow your heart and own style.
Citat: PottusThat is perfectly fine, I'm just pointing out where you made mistakes what does hearing "good job" get you? Absolutely nothing. You need to hear the problems otherwise you'll keep making the same mistakes :)

Ovo je cela linija , u pitanju je kod posla bus vozac
[pawn]case 14: {

             if( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) == 431 && GetPlayerState( playerid ) == 2 ) {
                 if( BusLinija[ playerid ] < 11 ) {
                  Pela_DisablePlayerCheckpoint( playerid );
                  BusLinija[ playerid ]++;
                  CheckpointStatus[ playerid ] = 14;
               if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 2 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 963.2554, -1330.4203, 13.4962, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 3 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1222.1409, -1284.2852, 13.5143, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 4 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1426.8865, -1244.3213, 13.5173, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 5 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1346.6564, -926.8917, 35.0315, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 6 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1082.9972, -945.1513, 42.7620, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 7 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 394.6435, -1344.8381, 14.7427, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 8 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 346.2153, -1648.3312, 33.1769, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 9 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1119.5483, -1708.8313, 13.5159, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 10 ) Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 921.5195, -1713.4103, 13.5967, 5.0 );
               else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 11 ) {Pela_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1594.0237,-2168.8059,13.5764 , 5.0 );
                   new time = gettime( );
                    new ostatak = ( NovoVreme[ playerid ] - ( time - StaroVreme[ playerid ] ) );
                    if( ( time - StaroVreme[ playerid ] ) < NovoVreme[ playerid ] ) {
                      GRESKA( playerid, "Dosli ste ranije na marker nego sto je predvidjeno. " );
                      GRESKA( playerid, "Sacekajte jos %d sekundi i udjite ponovo u marker.", ostatak );
                      format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "~r~(!) Nashville - ~w~%s[ID: %d] je stigao na marker prije vremena( za %d od %d sekundi ).", ImeIgraca( playerid ), playerid, (NovoVreme[ playerid ]-ostatak), NovoVreme[ playerid ] );
                       //AdminPoruka( ANTICHEAT, globalstring );
                       sendAltChatMessage( globalstring );
                     return 1;
Just leave me alone i know what i'm doing

to ti je warning, mozes normalno koristiti i sa njim

Jeste warrning , ali ne zeli da kompajluje skriptu. Unable to compile.
Zato trazim pomoc
Just leave me alone i know what i'm doing

Problem sa mapama, fix sam . lock
Just leave me alone i know what i'm doing