Seifensive - AntiCheat

Započeo Ken0, Avgust 14, 2009, 22:44:14 POSLE PODNE

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Seifensive - AntiCheat

â–ºScript Type

    * Include

â–ºScript Features

    * Anti cheat
    * -Health detection("older" hacks though)
    * -Weapon/ammo spawning detection
    * -Money spawning detection
    * Easy configuration inside the script

â–ºScript Functions

    * Seifensive_OnInit() // MUST be added under OnGameModeInit()/OnFilterScriptInit()
    * Seifensive_OnPlayerConnect(playerid) // MUST be added under OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    * Seifensive_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) // MUST be added under OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    * Seifensive_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) // MUST be added under OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    * Seif_GivePlayerMoney(playerid, amount) // Gives the player money
    * Seif_TakePlayerMoney(playerid, amount) // Takes the amount of money from the player
    * Seif_GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, weaponid, ammo) // Gives the player a weapon and ammos
    * Seif_ResetPlayerMoney(playerid) // Resets player's money
    * Seif_GetPlayerMoney(playerid) // Returns the value of player's money

â–ºScript Download

    * | Pastebin ->

â–ºScript Installation
    »Download and extract to '/pawno/include'
    »Open your gamemode--the one you want the include installed in
PAWN Code:

#include <Seifensive>

under '#include <a_samp>'
    »Compile your game mode!


    * "Was it tested?" Yes, I tested them and they worked fine
    * I will be re-working on the health hacking script because there is something new that my script won't affect
    * Please report any bugs here

Preuzeto Sa Samp Foruma ;D Al Da Se Ne mucite...
Poslednja Izmena: Jul 01, 2019, 23:24:09 POSLE PODNE od Mister Naithan

PREDOBRO rp servere je super..uzet cu ja to..jer upravo radim rp server