SA-MP 0.3a R4 Windows/Linux(x86) Server

Započeo Correlli, Decembar 12, 2009, 18:26:30 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 2 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.


Izašla je nova verzija SA:MP servera, to jest R4 verzija.

Citat: Kye @
Many people have gone off-topic in this thread. The original report was for an issue where you would get half-disconnected. You can see players moving although you couldn't chat, respawn or see markers moving. If your problem is different than that you need to start another thread.

I have released an update to the server [0.3a R4] to try and address this issue. It's available on the download page. It has been in testing on GamerX for over 3 weeks and some people who were experiencing the half-disconnect problem have reported it being solved. Some others are still reporting problems being completely disconnected but it seems to be related to their internet connection and the server they're connecting to. It's not related to this same bug from what I can tell.

I'm locking this thread for now. If you want to report this problem again, please open a new thread.

SA-MP 0.3a R4 Windows Server
SA-MP 0.3a R4 Linux Server (x86)

  Balkan SA:MP ekipa
Poslednja Izmena: Decembar 15, 2009, 15:02:43 POSLE PODNE od Don Correlli


Mozes ukratko napisat sta je novo ? ..

bTw . imas poruku od mene procitaj Correli
