[Pomoc] DCMD komanda.

Započeo Darko, Decembar 30, 2010, 16:02:55 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Evo error koji mi se pojavio
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\EDITOR\GeForce - [D]adO_\gamemodes\gf.pwn(27244) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "dcmd_me"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:           7064 bytes
Code size:          1215900 bytes
Data size:          4448444 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=5103 cells (20412 bytes)
Total requirements: 5687792 bytes

1 Warning.

I evo taj red , 27244 :
Citatdcmd_me(playerid, params[])

Moze pomoc ?

Ne brisi tu liniju nego pod OnPlayerCommandText dodaj ovo:
dcmd(me, 2, cmdtext);

Sada jos vise errora ( warninga ) kada to dodam pod OnPlayerCommandText ...

Mozda nisam napisao neki #include ? ili ness ?