Pomoc 0.3

Započeo [BM]Vuki, Oktobar 03, 2009, 14:19:58 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 4 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.

Evo iman 2 pitanja:

1) Koje su pawno funkcije maknute iz 0.3, a bila su u 0.2X

2) Kako mogu LARP mod stavit da mi radi na 0.3 (Ovo mi stvarno treba pomoc)

Hvala, bude li jos pitanja postat cu!
Molim vas odgovorite sto prije!


Citat: [BM]Vuki poslato Oktobar 03, 2009, 14:19:58 POSLE PODNE
1) Koje su pawno funkcije maknute iz 0.3, a bila su u 0.2X
http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/SetPlayerDisabledWeapons - ova funkcija i onako nije radila.

Citat: [BM]Vuki poslato Oktobar 03, 2009, 14:19:58 POSLE PODNE
2) Kako mogu LARP mod stavit da mi radi na 0.3 (Ovo mi stvarno treba pomoc)
Skini 0.3 server-paket i re-kompajlaj svoj LA-RP mod sa 0.3 include fajlovima.

Proćitaj i ovo:
Citat: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=119892.0
Major changes needed to 0.2X scripts:
- Vehicle locking can only be applied to streamed-in vehicles. Please see the bottom of rivershell.pwn if your script uses SetVehicleParamsForPlayer.
- CreatePickup has a new virtual world default parameter. This won't require any changes to your script, although you will at least need to recompile with the 0.3 includes.
- SetDisabledWeapons is removed.
- The client commands /pm /tpm and the server callbacks OnPlayerPrivMsg and OnPlayerTeamPrivMsg are removed. If you need a replacement /pm command please see the base.pwn filterscript.
- Multi-car trains can only be created with AddStaticVehicle/Ex. Do not use CreateVehicle.
- The new limits of 0.3 can be found on this page: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Limits
- New pawn scripting natives added in 0.3 can be found here: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Category:Added_in_0.3
- Although the vehicle model limit in 0.3 is unlimited, if you use a large amount of vehicle models, you may notice parts of your mode become framey as vehicle models are dynamically loaded/unloaded. Keeping the number of vehicle models below 150 is a good idea.
Poslednja Izmena: Oktobar 03, 2009, 14:31:40 POSLE PODNE od Don Correlli

Citat: Don Correlli poslato Oktobar 03, 2009, 14:28:20 POSLE PODNE
Skini 0.3 server-paket i re-kompajlaj svoj LA-RP mod sa 0.3 include fajlovima.

Ma znam za to da moram sa tim include ali nije mi jasno ono sa scriptsiles
Jer u LARP kad ga skines imas ono property.cfg itd.
A u 0.3 imas ono property folder i kad udes u njega imas houses, banks itd. kao .txt

Sta s tim da napravim, a sta sa scriptfiles iz LARP-a koje dobijen sa njim?


Citat: [BM]Vuki poslato Oktobar 03, 2009, 14:31:21 POSLE PODNE
Jer u LARP kad ga skines imas ono property.cfg itd.
A u 0.3 imas ono property folder i kad udes u njega imas houses, banks itd. kao .txt

To ti je za Grand Larceny mod koji nema nikakve veze sa tvojim.

Ok hvala ali sad me muci jos nesta..
Zasto kda Compilam mod uvik pise cannot read from file: "utils", a iman utils u include ??

EDIT: Rjesio sam ovaj error
Poslednja Izmena: Oktobar 03, 2009, 14:41:14 POSLE PODNE od [BM]Vuki

Rijesili smo  :D

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