Cell Phone Script -- V5.0 Out Now!

Započeo admin, Maj 17, 2009, 09:31:30 PRE PODNE

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Cellphone Script
It's a filterscript that enable's you to use a cellphone.
This is my second filterscript i ever created.
So it can have some little bugs (test results came out fine)


All versions:
/SMS <number> <text>With this command you can send a text message to the given number.
/pb or /phonebookyou get a list of phone numbers of all players.
/mpn or /myphonenumber        Shows your current telephone number
/ph or /phonehelpSee a list of all the commands in this filterscript
/pc or /phonecreditsSee the credits of this filterscript
/call <number>Call a specified number
/pickupPickup the phone
/hangupHangup the phone

Other things:

  • If the player connect then he gets a random phone number between 1000 and the 10000
  • If the player sends a message then all other players get "name: text (number)"
    Name The name of the player
    Text The text the player send
    Number The phone number of the player
  • If the player sends a privmsg the target gets the message "*** pm from sendername : text   (number)"
    Sendername The name of the sender
    Text The text that the player has typed in after /pm
    Number The phone number of the sender

V 6.0    pastebin New
V 5.0    pastebin
V 4.0    pastebin
V 3.0    pastebin
V 2.0    pastebin
V 1.0    pastebin

Editable Things
Only V5.0:
You can disable Save support by setting #define Save to 0.
All Versions:
You can change the cost of a SMS, change #define txtcost 1 to #define txtcost [price], and change price with your price

If Saving is enabled, it's saves your number to a file named "playername.txt" where name is the playername.

Change log:
  Changed the text color when you chat, it's now the default sa-mp color.
  Fixed bugs reported by Rizard:
    - /pickup does not have an animation
    - SMS Showing the recievers name at the reciever.
  Changed /phonehelp and /pc to show the new commands too (/pickup, /call, /hangup)
  Fixed bugs reported by Rizard:
    - Phone book showing 1 player,
    - Bug in /phonebook and in /pb showing invalid number
  Added save support
  Changed Number Check, It's now checks on connect, not in a callback anymore
  /call, /pickup and /hangup added
  Animations added
  Check added so nobody can have the same phone number
  Some unused callbacks deleted
  First public release

Other Things

  • Please don’t delete credits
  • Please report bugs
Poslednja Izmena: Jul 01, 2019, 23:23:28 POSLE PODNE od Mister Naithan



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