SA: Cops and Criminals ( reopening with new version )

Započeo DonWade, Mart 16, 2013, 13:29:37 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

VAŽNO: Opis servera je dat na engleskom jeziku , jer je čitav server na engleskom jeziku i ne pruža pomoć za ex-yu jezike ( osim individualne pomoći admina koji su sa ovih prostora ). Za one koji su već igrali CRAZYBOB'S CNR ili SACNR znati će o čemu se radi. Server nije deathmatch. Ranije već , postojali smo oko godinu dana , ali nakon niza hakerskih napada server je ugašen i napravili smo pauzu od 6 mjeseci , da bi se jučer ( 15. marta ) ponovo vratili.. Vidimo se ingame..

server Informations:
IP Adress:
Web / Forum /
Mode: Cops and Criminals
Map:San Andreas


Classes / Teams:

Police Officers
FBI ( Federal Bureau of Investigation )
CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency )
Army of San Andreas
Medic Team

Law Enforcers: Playing as law enforcer your job is pretty much selfexplained. Keep streets of San Andreas clean of wanted players ( marked with red color ) , and issue tickets to ticketable players. Payout is dynamic like most of things, so  more criminals you arrest and more tickets you issue the bigger payout will be. There are police garages in every police department where you can refill your weapons armour and health and get patrol car and spikes. You can take bribes and play as dirty cop.

Civilians: can chose their way to make profit  between legar or illegal jobs. Playing as civilian you can rob almost every store, bank , house and bussines ( about 600 robable places ). You can rob other players too.Like said above , there are lot of legal jobs too like trucking, courier missions , bus and trash missions etc. In current v5.1 civilians dont get payday.

Medics: Job pretty much selfexplained. Heal other players and increase your payday. Medics can heal yourself at hospitals for free.

Mechanics: Drive around and search for damaged cars and increase your payday.
Note: Mechanics are civilian class with specific skin , so they are able to rob players , stores and everything else like normal civilians can do.


Dynamic House System ( About 600 houses )
Dynamic Business System ( About 100 businesses )
Drug Planting ( Buy seeds at one of 6 drug dealer spots , plant them and come later to harvest and some it, or you can sell it and get some cash for it)
Fishing ( Buy baits at fishing shops, get boat and you are ready for fishing adventure )
Moneybag rush - Find lost moneybag and get some extra cash
VIP system ( Donare to server and unlock some cool features )
Spike/Roadblock system
Stylish speedometer
Good Anticheat
Car Shops
More than 300 commands in total
lot of side missions like ( taxi drivers, drug delivery missions , pilot, long haul truck drivers, bus drivers...

Visit us and discover rest of it!


Nemoj da budeÅ¡ smijeÅ¡an, Skripta je raÄ'ena od nule , sada ima 40 k linija. Ajde poÅ¡alji mi i 5% sličnu skriptu sa samp forum o.o

EDIT : možda ti je vrijeme da naučiÅ¡ engleski i makneÅ¡ malo dalje od roleplaya  8)
Poslednja Izmena: Mart 16, 2013, 14:33:48 POSLE PODNE od DonWade


Citat: DonWade poslato Mart 16, 2013, 14:33:04 POSLE PODNE
Nemoj da budeÅ¡ smijeÅ¡an, Skripta je raÄ'ena od nule , sada ima 40 k linija. Ajde poÅ¡alji mi i 5% sličnu skriptu sa samp forum o.o

EDIT : možda ti je vrijeme da naučiÅ¡ engleski i makneÅ¡ malo dalje od roleplaya  8)

Takvim stilom ces samo odbiti igrace da vam dodu na zajednicu.

Ne, ne vrijeÄ'am nikoga , samo odgovaram na provokacije nepotkrepljene bilo kakvim dokazima..


Sretno,ja bi iskreno volio da uspije neki CnR server na Balkan uli neki TDM,doci cu da vidim kako ide :D

Balkan Ulice RPG opis servera: Click

-Tutorial za mijesanje ID-ova na vozilima: Click