
Započeo [Euro Samp]Shadow, Mart 17, 2013, 17:23:56 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Skripta koju koristim:NL
Detaljan opis problema:nema ovo veze sa modom nego dajte mi na brzinu recite molim vas kako se promjeni user na phpmyadmin
Dio skripte:
Neke slike/video za lakse dobivanje pomoci(neobavezno):

Nevjerujem da moze (nisam siguran)
al zasto bi mjenjao

Znaci user ti je "localhost"
Pass ti je "" znaci nista
I database ti stavis koju ti oces npr "balkan:samp"
To je to =D
Moji Radiovi!
TuT||Iz code u MTA

Udjes u svoju databazu te sa strane imas smf_members te onda nadjes kojeg zelis i radis sta hoces s njim.

Poslednja Izmena: Mart 17, 2013, 18:43:59 POSLE PODNE od Sexserghy ♥

imam databazu od NL moda na tom webhostu pa zato trebam promjenit

ljudi sam imam drugi problem spoji mi se nekako sa databazom al ne cjelo nekakvi erori su u mysql_log
[20:59:43] ---------------------------
[20:59:43] MySQL Debugging activated (03/17/13)
[20:59:43] ---------------------------
[20:59:43] >> mysql_connect( )
[20:59:43] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - constructor called.
[20:59:43] CMySQLHandler::CMySQLHandler() - Connecting to "mojkgb.com" | DB: "ussgamin_test" | Username: "ussgamin_sunny" ...
[20:59:43] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
[20:59:43] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
[20:59:43] ---------------------------
[20:59:43] MySQL Debugging activated (03/17/13)
[20:59:43] ---------------------------
[20:59:43] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[20:59:43] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[20:59:47] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 32 started. (Extra ID: -1)
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 50 started. (Extra ID: 19)
[20:59:47] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 50 started. (Extra ID: 20)
[20:59:47] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 63 started. (Extra ID: -1)
[20:59:47] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 83 started. (Extra ID: -1)
[20:59:47] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 82 started. (Extra ID: 1)
[20:59:47] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 82 started. (Extra ID: 2)
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:47] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:47] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:48] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:48] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:49] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:49] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:50] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:50] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:51] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:51] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[20:59:52] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[20:59:52] OnQueryError() - Called.
[21:00:08] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[21:00:08] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 1 started. (Extra ID: 0)
[21:00:08] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[21:00:08] OnQueryError() - Called.
[21:00:11] >> mysql_reconnect( Connection handle: 1 )
[21:00:11] CMySQLHandler::Disconnect() - Connection was closed.
[21:00:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
[21:00:11] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
[21:00:11] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[21:00:11] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[21:00:22] >> mysql_reconnect( Connection handle: 1 )
[21:00:22] CMySQLHandler::Disconnect() - Connection was closed.
[21:00:22] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Connection was successful.
[21:00:22] CMySQLHandler::Connect() - Auto-Reconnect has been enabled.
[21:00:22] >> mysql_ping( Connection handle: 1 )
[21:00:22] CMySQLHandler::Ping() - Connection is still alive.
[21:01:13] >> mysql_query( Connection handle: 1 )
[21:01:13] CMySQLHandler::Query(resultID) - Threaded query with id 1 started. (Extra ID: 1)
[21:01:13] CMySQLHandler::ProcessQueryThread() - Error will be triggered to OnQueryError()
[21:01:13] OnQueryError() - Called.