[GM]Ultimate stunting [0.3e]

Započeo mihajlo, Oktobar 04, 2012, 17:56:00 POSLE PODNE

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 Ultimate Stunting 0.3e - Stunt/Race/Drift/DM/Freeroam
Ultimate Stunting - Stunt/Race/Drift/DM/Freeroam

* Released because I'm leaving SA-MP. I do not know if I'm returning.
* I would like to thank Nero_3D for being my Role Model and as for RydeR.


* This is a gamemode that is all about stunting, racing, drifting, and deathmatch. Or of course, a freeroam gamemode. This gamemode has not been edited by anyone or created by anyone but me. This gamemode started off my awesome stunt server "DrPepper World". I lost interest and decided to stop hosting it. I then came back to interest in this stunting scripting, and so it became "Stunique" by the help of a friend named Helipwns/wHoOpEr. Same thing happened, I stopped hosting the server and now it is named Ultimate Stunting. The server has lost it's core scripter "DrPepper". I had a server online but I realized no one could adapt to the code well enough to add any features. I'm leaving SA-MP for 1 year and decided to release this gamemode.

I was going to upload a video, but it was goingn to take 78 minutes and I was impatient.

Date Start: 9/30/2011

Lines: 11626


* Register/Login System (By: DrPepper)
* Auto-IP Login System (By: DrPepper)
* VIP System (By: DrPepper)
* Admin System (By: DrPepper)
* Anticheat System (By: DrPepper)
* IRC System (By: DrPepper)
* Race System (By: RydeR redone by DrPepper)
* Property System (By: Sandra redone by DrPepper)
* KillSpree/KillStreak System (By: DrPepper)
* Reaction Test System (By: DrPepper)
* GPS System (By: Kylesmith redone by DrPepper)
* DM System (By: DrPepper)
* /clone System (By: Tenshi)
* Auto Race is already enabled when the server starts!
* If a player logs in with the wrong password more than 3 times, the player is changed to the nickname %s_temp (only if you understand scripting)
* Many more Sytesms (By: DrPepper) - I was too lazy to list all the nice features ^.^


* DrPepper (Whole gamemode)
* wHoOpEr (taught me sscanf in 0.3c or 0.3d)
* Zeex (ZCMD)
* YLess (sscanf)
* Incognito (IRC Plugin, Streamer Plugin, and DNS Plugin)
* Ryder (Race System) - heavily modified
* - Most of Ryder's system is changed a whole lot to run with the gamemode and settings
* Sandra (Property System) - modified, but not too much had to get modified to run with server
* Tenshi (Clone Command) - Yeah this guy..
* kylesmith - Posting the locations of almost every city
* Desert_Eagle - Gave me a red color
* Ananya. Captain_Mani - helping me find some bugs

Object Credits:

* SA-MP Forums, DrPepper, and wHoOpEr

Admin System:

- Admin commands are located at /acmds
- Use /setadmin to set a player admin
- /admins to see list of admins

* Level 1: Trial Moderator
* Level 2: Moderator
* Level 3: Administrator
* Level 4: Upper Administrator/Head Administrator
* Level 5: Management
* Level 6: Co-Owner
* Level 7: Owner

VIP System

- Use /setvip to set a player VIP
- /vips to see a list of VIPs

* Level 1: VIP Player

Race System

* If you want to build a race, you must do it when no players are ingame. Lock the server. Once no players are ingame you must use the command /buildrace. After you use that command, a wizard/setup will appear and give you instructions on how to build the race.

Originally Posted by djshaneere 
hey guys i try to host this GM and it says this

[BAN] | IRC Admin: Ananya | Name: Cesar | Reason: Yes LOL! | Date: 25/08/2012 | IP:

[BAN] | IRC Admin: Ananya | Name: Cookie | Reason: LOLOLOL! | Date: 25/08/2012 | IP:

[BAN] | IRC Admin: Ananya | Name: Cooki | Reason: LOL! | Date: 25/08/2012 | IP:

why does it say this and how can i fix please
Go to pawno and find the replace all button.
* Replace #ustunting-chat to #channelnamehere
* Replace #ustunting-echo to #echochannelnamehere
* Replace #ustunting-admin to #adminchannelnamehere


Originally Posted by talkro 
Nice work! But which admin system Zadmin or LuxAdmin?? Ty for telling
It's my own admin system.


Changelog ( Build 5 - Build 8 )

* I do not have any of the backups of any of the changelogs before Build 5 and so I will provide you with Changelog's 5-8.

Build 5:
* Changed server name to: Ultimate Stunting
* Changed IRC Bot names
* Added commands /admins and /vips
* Added /hh back
* new messages are reported in IRC and ingame
* Ped Anims are enabled
* VIP Chat added
* Lag of spawned cars are automatically deleted
* Added command /leaverace
* Messages fixed like the /setadmin and /setvip messages
* New dialogs added and old dialogs fixed
* Fixed /mute and /jail
* /flip and (h) horn key have a new flip setting
* speedboost was decreased
* Command /cmds2 added
* /getip messages are messaged to +ao users in IRC now
* /pm is fixed
* /cmds and /cmds2 updated
* notify messages now working for admins
* San Fierro Bridge Drag race added!
* Area 69 Race added!
* Fixed race system (On death, players are removed from race, on exiting vehicles too)
* Fixed /vips and /admins command
* Deletes created cars on disconnect, death, and exiting vehicle
* /tgoto and /goto functioning much better
* Admin Chat can be sent from IRC to ingame now
* VIP Chat can be sent from IRC to ingame now
* /v and /car will no longer allow to spawn hydra's, hunter's, or rhino's
* Reaction Wins statistics are now saved, everytime you win a reaction test it shows how many times you won and in /stats
* Added admin command: /announce
* Re*fixed /mute and /jail
* When players are in jail, players cannot /goto or other players cannot /goto to them
* Some commands disabled when players are in jail
* Only admins are allowed to spawn hydras, hunters, or rhinos
* If a player types too many invalid passwords, their name is changed to example: playernamehere_temp
* Private Message messages are now allowed to be longer
* Admin level and VIP level now shows in /stats
* IRC Commands list updated
* IRC Commands added: !kick !ban !unban
* Jail and Mute reinforced again, players that are already muted/jailed cannot be remuted/jailed in the same session
* IRC Commands added: !mute !unmute !jail !unjail
* Bank System v1 deleted (New one in progress)
* New Bank System v2 created
* New Bank System v3, whole bank system was rewritten to a much better one
* Race System: New race time winners are now sent when they beat a record
* Race System: Race Records are now shown on the start of a race
* Skin Saving System: to save a skin type /saveskin <id>. Whenever you log back onto the server and spawn as the first skin on class selection, you are spawned to your saved skin.
* Score System: Score shows at the top right of gta screen now
* Spawn ammo reduced from 10000 to 1000 to decrease the spawnkilling
* Flip Setting changed, your 'z' angle is set +5 then your actualy 'z' angle and your velocity is set to 0
* Staff ranks are now shown in /admins: (Trial Moderator, Moderator, Administrator, Head Administrator, Management)
* Races added: LV Airport Drag Race, Verona Drag Race, Quad Race, San Fierro NRG Race
* Admin commands added: /banip /unbanip
* Score Text Draw fixed
* Admin command added: /deletecar
* IRC Admin commands added: !banip !unbanip
* All used admin commands by admins are sent to all admins. If /kick was used, admins would receive a message about who kicked who.
* New map of /lsa /mirror /poa
* Admin command added: /wepcheck /get
* Player command added: /getid
* IRC commands added: !wepcheck !getid
Build 6:
* /getip bug fixed
* Added 6 more IRC Bots.
* Around Las Venturas race added!
* Over 20+ animations added! Check out the animations at: /animlist
* On IRC, when admins or vip players chat, their name appears red in IRC Chat. Regular players are orange colored.
* Ping Kicker removed
* IRC Admin Command added: !getip
* Admin Command added: /clone
* IRC Admin Command added: !clone
* Property System added
* Over 100 Properties added to the server
* Player commands: /buyprop /sellprop /myprops
* Admin commands: /sellallprops * Command resets all properties to no owners
* Duel System written!
* Duel commands added: /duel /duelaccept /cduel
* Commands List #3 added: /cmds3 /commands3
* /me added to server commands (function is self explanatory)
* Duel and Property messages sent to IRC
* New dialog settings
* The button on /cmds /cmds2 and /cmds3 "next" is now working
* Score TextDraw disabled
* Command Dialogs fixed (there was spamming of the dialog caused by false placement)
* Auto-IP Login bug found. Now your stats are saving again. Fixed. Score's should have no problems anymore.
* When no players are ingame, Spam in IRC and Ingame are reduced and disabled (All commercial messages, auto save messages, etc.. are disabled when no players are ingame.)
* Vehicle Dialog bug fixed (found by FreinAzure)
* Hunter, Hydra, and Rhino removed from Vehicle Dialogs.
* Score Saving fixed once again..
* Race System fixed again (new bug found)
* All properties are reset to no owners everytime the server is restarted. When you have a property, you keep it for 24 hours until it automatically goes away.
* Maximum properties owned decreased from 10 to 5 (decrease the possibility of conflicting with anticheat)
Build 7:
* Code optimized (should cause less lag, but not all the lag will be gone, still working on it.)
* Money Hacks are sent to IRC and ingame with warnings and on the 3rd warning, the player is kicked.
* /warn should be officially working again for admins
* New teleport messages
* /rules working
* Admin commands: /hug and /slap should be working now
* On commercial messages, total online players are sent
* Random colors for commercials now
* play.ultimate-stunting.com:7778 IP now working
* New spawn: Eiffel Tower (Credits: OutlawAK from SA-MP Forums)
* Score Saving fixed
* Race System fixed. Messages should be showing when there is more than 0 players online.
* Slap and Hug sounds added.
* GameText for hug and slap added.
* (/et) teleport (Teleport to the Eiffel Tower)
* Max Cash a player can hold is now set to: 1,000,000,000 to avoid money hacks
* Spam was fixed once again.
* GPS Changed, now it doesn't cover up the whole screen
* Teleport colors changed to make server feel cooler special colors for DM Teleports, Airport Teleports, Car Mod Teleports, and Random Stunts
* 3DTextLables on every teleport, colors are a bit light and high. (Working on darker colors)
* Score Text Draw's now showing
* 3DTextLables are now viewable and can be seen from 1000 meters/feet ok
* /goto and /get now shows to players who teleported to them or who got them
* fixed /join bug (You cannot /join after you have /join 'ed a race)
* /clearchat and !clearchat command added for moderators and above!
* Admin command /richlist and !richlist added
* /giveplayercash command added
* Property Payout is now decreased (I don't want any conflicts with AntiCheat)
* Max Cash for AntiCheat = 9,999,999,999
* /richlist fixed
* /pm fixed
* Reaction Test fixed
* Reaction Test now shows how many seconds it took you to answer the reaction
* Fixed the ban error
* /god is now called on OnPlayerUpdate..
* /cc is now set to a new timer..
* Score has been moved to the OnPlayerUpdate Callback
* You get +10 score now from reaction tests
* LV Garage Drift Race added!
* IRC Bots are now connected and send messages to the Admin IRC Channel
* IRC Command !allraw now works on all bots
* Updated VIP stuff
* Admin and VIP Chat now echo's into the Admin channel
* Updated /cc to a better timer
* Reaction Test.. The results of how many seconds it took you has been changed to milliseconds
* New colors! :D
* Added the San Fierro Jump (/sfjump)
* Added new Commercials
* Reaction Test converted back to seconds
Build 8:
* Added the Pay 'N Spray teleport (/spray)
* Added the Easter Eggs teleport (/ee)
* Every minute if a spawned car is detected to not have a driver, it will be automatically deleted to reduce the spam of cars spawned
* Ping Kicker readded
* Ping Kicker removed
* Added the Bridge Jump teleport (/brjump)
* Reaction Time removed from Reaction Test
* Colors added into commands 1-3 and teleports dialogs! :D
* I just scripted a whole new Kill Streak System that shows textdraws at the bottom left hand corner when a player reaches more than 5 kills.
* Colors for commercials and online players changed to something cool! :D
* IRC Command !admins now shows a list of admins and not just the total of admins online.
* IRC Command !vips now shows a list of vips and not just the total of vips online.
* 100% /respawnallcars is working now.
* Updated Admin Chat color (reduces the confusion of reports of players and other configurations)
* Updated Kill Streak System (When player with the streak dies, the textdraw changes to no one has a streak.)
* New colors for kill streak system
* Reaction Test bug fixed
* Updated IRC Bot Configurations/Settings
* IRC Bot secret/owner commands sometimes react to the user's hostname or halfop+ above status
* Fixed Dueling Bug. Killer now respawns with full health (before the killer never respawned with his health back)
* Admins in the admin channel/echo channel can now see players connecting with the IP and Hostname
* Added a new IRC Bot that handles all the IRC Commands to Ingame
* Huge Halfpipe temporarily removed until we find another halfpipe
* New halfpipe (/hh)
http://www.mediafire.com/?laymrmmmpos3hra - Do not remove me from credits. I know some of you will, it's okay because this is a free gamemode that I don't care about anymore. But still, don't remove me from credits.
* Ultimate Stunting 0.3e - Stunt/Race/Drift/DM/Freeroam - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=371998

* Minigun DM FilterScript [SIMPLE] - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=362040

Jel imaš 7 il 8 godina ? Kopiraš tekst sa nekog foruma i staviš to ovdje u temu ?
Nije nama mozak od prašine dijete drago