Seifader - Fade your screen in and out with any color!

Započeo admin, Maj 20, 2009, 15:09:26 POSLE PODNE

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NAPOMENA: Ako ne razumijete neki dio teksta, recite pa cemo vam prevesti!

Fade it with any color!

â–ºScript Type

  • Include

â–ºScript Features

  • 2 functions allowing you to fade in or out with ANY color
  • 2 callbacks that are called when the screen is faded(one for in, other for out. Caution: make sure to read Others)

â–ºScript Functions/Callbacks

  • Seifader_OnInit() // Must be called in OnGameModeInit or OnFilterScriptInit (whichever using this include)
  • Seifader_OnExit() // Must be called in OnGameModeExit or OnFilterScriptExit (whichever using this include)
  • Seifader_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) // Must be called in OnPlayerDisconnect
  • FadePlayerScreen(playerid, color, speed) // Fades the screen from the color to your normal screen. (V.1.0 ONLY: speed = SLOW_FADE or NORMAL_FADE or FAST_FADE)
  • FadePlayerScreenToColor(playerid, color, speed) // Fades the screen from your screen to the color. (V.1.0 ONLY: speed = SLOW_FADE or NORMAL_FADE or FAST_FADE)
  • (callback) OnPlayerScreenFade(playerid, color, speed) // Called when FadePlayerScreen function is done fading. (Read Others)
  • (callback) OnPlayerScreenColorFade(playerid, color, speed) // Called when FadePlayerScreenToColor function is done fading. (Read Others)

â–ºScript Download

â–ºScript Installation
    »Open the link and paste the script in a .inc file
    »Save As it in 'pawno/includes' as
    »Go to the gamemode or filterscript you want to add this in and add this under "#include <a_samp>": #include <Seifader>
    »Add this in the bottom of your script(gamemode/filterscript):
public OnPlayerScreenFade(playerid, color, speed)
    return 1;

public OnPlayerScreenColorFade(playerid, color, speed)
    return 1;
    »Use the functions and have fun!


  • You MUST add these in the bottom of the script using the include. If you don't, you'll have errors. You can use these callbacks to re-fade or whatever your use of these could be:
    public OnPlayerScreenFade(playerid, color, speed)
        return 1;

    public OnPlayerScreenColorFade(playerid, color, speed)
        return 1;

  • Screenshots:
    (When it's fading from red(slow fade))

    (again... half way(slow fade))

  • Video:
Poslednja Izmena: Jul 01, 2019, 23:06:47 POSLE PODNE od Mister Naithan