SA-MP 0.3c R3 client update

Započeo Rotcod, April 26, 2011, 15:25:06 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Citat: Kalcor;1178548We're making an optional update available for the SA-MP 0.3c client (R3) since it addresses some issues which seem to be effecting a lot of players.

For now, this update is available from the SA-MP file archive. You can update by downloading and running the installer.

It will be moved over to the mirrors on the download page shortly.


- The loading screen changes that were added to the original 0.3c client can cause lockups on some systems, requiring you to press the Esc key to load the game. These loading screen changes have been removed from the 0.3c R3 client.
- The performance of the chat text drawing has been improved and now has no noticable effect on game's frame rate.

Poslednja Izmena: April 26, 2011, 15:29:08 POSLE PODNE od eXtreme

LoL, nije RC3 vec R3 -.-'

ont: Nije previse ali svidja mi se

Radim milion stvari u isto vreme tako da sorry sad cu fix...  :-\
Poslednja Izmena: April 26, 2011, 15:29:18 POSLE PODNE od eXtreme

Omg zatopo mi samp od ovoga sranja 0.3c obicni je zakon -.-"
Poslednja Izmena: Maj 29, 2011, 11:21:13 PRE PODNE od MEXO

Mah nije nest :D
Since 19.6.2011 - P!xel

- Skripter
- Maper
- Web Developer

0.3c ??

zar nerade na 0.3d?
Respect: $--L84S--$, ναηιâ,,"â,,"α , BloodMaster , LuxZillo, Don_Sergio, ExtremePower, Gotti747, Gagi_

hm, pa kako je onda bilo iznad

SA-MP 0.3d RC2 test version o.O :S

Respect: $--L84S--$, ναηιâ,,"â,,"α , BloodMaster , LuxZillo, Don_Sergio, ExtremePower, Gotti747, Gagi_