[D] Pikaboot Music Bot

Započeo M Ө M Σ N Z I, Maj 28, 2022, 22:08:39 POSLE PODNE

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0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Pikaboot makes it possible to listen your favorite music with all your friends.
Invite NowVote Now
Add it to Discord today and start listening!

Pikaboot Team

Momenzi#7817 (Founder & Developer)
zurteh#8153 (Project Tester & Translator)
Magdi#1576 (PR Manager & Translator)
!lumii#9847 (Discord Owner)
.kristijan#2812 (Project Designer)
.muma#5850 (Project Tester)

Supported Platforms

Privacy Policy
  • This Privacy Policy contains the data Pikaboot collects and what its used for.

    - What We Collect
    User IDs: Used to store profiles, voting rewards and premium/pro features.
    Server IDs: Used to store server options such as custom prefixes, and ignored channels.
    Submitted data. This includes user and server options, and stored playlists.

    - How We Use The Data
    • The data is used to make the bot functional and customizable. Without this data custom prefixes, profiles, playlists and more would not be supported. We will not share or sell user's data to any 3rd party companies or individuals.

  • Additional Content
    If you have concerns regarding the data we collect or you would like to delete your data please join the support server or contact Momenzi#7817 on Discord.

    Support server: https://discord.gg/ZjEuHgdn8k

Github: Momenzi
Pikaboot: Website

Najs man, pratim duze vremena tvoj projekat i mogu reci da mi se svidja  :)
HTML / CSS / Javascript / Inspect : Entry Masterclass.
ReactJS / Tailwind CSS / PWA / Axios / SCSS / Redux, ViteJS : Entry Masterclass.
C / C++ / C# / C-objective - kroz Pawn Lang : Entry Masterclass
Grupisano Pravljenje Objekata : Filterscript.

Sta je to web development?
To je nesto ono kao, kako bih to rekao, izgubis volju za zivotom i zelis da se ubijes, ali to je okej.
Onda jednostavno shvatis da si bio glup i resis problem, das sam sebi lajk,
skuvas NES 3u1 i pripremis se za sledeci projekat.

Citat: neshallon poslato Maj 28, 2022, 22:11:31 POSLE PODNE
Najs man, pratim duze vremena tvoj projekat i mogu reci da mi se svidja  :)

Github: Momenzi
Pikaboot: Website